Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2945: What about the descendants of the Demon Emperor! Same fight!

As soon as Fengming appeared, almost the entire Pill Fire Hall was alarmed, and countless figures appeared.

"That is!"

"Undead Phoenix?"

When everyone saw it, their faces were full of shock.

However, someone soon saw the clue, "No! It is not a phoenix, but a magical object with the power of the phoenix!"

After all, the Pill Fire Hall is a group of top alchemists in southern Xinjiang, and naturally someone recognized this thing.

"The soul-returning wood! That should be the rumored soul-returning wood! Only the soul-returning wood dropped from the legendary undead phoenix tree can carry such a pure phoenix fire!"

You know, for the alchemist, the soul-returning wood is a top alchemy drug that can be encountered but not sought! It's a pity that through the ages, almost no one can get it. After all, the immortal phoenix only exists in the legend, let alone find the sacred phoenix tree that inhabited the phoenix before its rebirth.

"It's the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace! It has long been rumored that the Flower Burial Palace had received a section of the sacred sycamore tree countless years ago. This soul-returning tree should have fallen from it."

A figure appeared instantly from the Pill Fire Hall. In the flames burning, a piece of dead wood seemed to carry the purest wood spirit and life breath.

"Returning Soul Wood!"

Li Ye's eyes flickered. Although Jade Treasure Demon Venerable found out that the Returning Soul Wood was in the hands of the Flower Burial Palace, he did not expect that he hadn't spoken yet. The Flower Burial Palace had already taken the Soul Returning Wood he wanted. come out.

"Li Ye! Originally, if you retreat from difficulties and voluntarily give up, this son can use this soul-returning wood as compensation. However, if you speak wildly, today this son should take a good look. You have the ability to be honoured. The first genius in southern Xinjiang."

Most geniuses are rebellious and conceited.

In particular, the burial and flower burial palace has been retired for 100,000 years, but it does not mean that the disciples and some geniuses in the school have no ambition.

This time when he was born, Fu Zizhi wanted to meet the evildoers and Tianjiao of the world. Now meeting Li Ye is naturally the best chance for him to become famous.


Almost in an instant, the entire Pill Fire Hall was burned. As the oldest divine beast in the ancient times, even the remaining divine power on a piece of dead wood was enough to make anyone under the emperor hear it.

"No! Go away!"

Some alchemists and a few pill kings in the Pill Fire Hall acted decisively, joking, these scenes were beyond their ability to deal with.

They are indeed at a pinnacle in the field of alchemy, and several alchemy kings are even more holy emperors. However, most of their realm is forced to improve by relying on pill medicine. They really need to do it, but few have actual combat ability.

The surrounding void was completely burned, but a figure appeared almost instantly.

Even the phoenix flames that the Holy Emperor could not resist were just a kind of alien fire to him. Around him, a layer of black and red thunder fire directly turned into a flame armor, blocking the approach of those phoenix flames.

"Boy, the soul-returning tree is here, but your best chance!"

The Heavenly Sword Emperor was extremely excited. Originally, both he and Li Ye had been hesitating about how to obtain the Returning Soul Wood from the Flower Burial Palace. But I didn't expect to bury myself and bring things.

The key is to use it directly as a magic weapon, wanting to suppress Li Ye.

"Old ghost, you don't need to remind you, since he took it out, he must be in my pocket today!"

The void was directly cut open by a sword, and under the collapse of layers, Li Ye had the opportunity to appear in front of Zang Zizhi effortlessly.


Fu Zizhi's pupils contracted slightly, and the sword light almost cut off his breastplate.

However, the heirs of the Dimen Taoism are after all, even at this time, the burial Zizhi still has a terrible cold glow in his eyes!


A scream burst out of his mouth, as if it turned into an incomparably splendid funeral flower that exudes the breath of death!

The reincarnation of death!

Li Ye's eyes flashed. Although the Flower Burial Palace had lost the most powerful Flower Burial Finger since the Flower Burial Demon Emperor disappeared, the Flower Burial Demon Emperor created countless emperor classics in his lifetime!

The sword light was swallowed, even though it could cut the sun and the moon, it seemed to have swallowed all the essence under the huge burial flower, and finally disappeared.

"You do have the strength to be proud, and indeed you can be called a genius! Yet you have made the biggest mistake!"


Buried Zizhi exudes a gust of weather!

He is the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace! Even if he did not inherit the Eye of Destiny as one of the Eight Great Secret Eyes of the Taigu as his sister did, he would definitely embark on the road to becoming a **** in the future, but look to the world!

In the entire southern Xinjiang, who can compete with him?

Accompanied by the cold voice of buried Zizhi, he directly pressed a palm lightly!

As if the heavens were turned into ruins under his palm, the terrible burial flowers could turn everything into withered fly ash, including everything in the world!

Only the fire of the phoenix was burning more violently at this time.

The world changed color, and countless people in the Saint Demon Gate smiled bitterly.

Once upon a time, who dared to be so indulgent in the Saint Demon Gate?

It was only a few days, and many Saint Demon Sect powerhouses did not want to bother. Unless someone dug the entire Saint Demon Gate three feet away, perhaps some ancient existence would break out and stop it.

"The Palace of Flower Burial is unique, and it really deserves its reputation. Even if the power of the food is encountered by the Holy Emperor, I dare not touch it easily."

"Look over there, it should be the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace who went to Pill Fire Hall to find trouble with that one."

Many experts in the Saint Demon Sect looked strange when they saw this.

The ancient covenant between the Flower Burial Palace and the Saint Demon Gate is no secret at the Saint Demon Gate.

Now because of the appearance of Li Ye, this ancient covenant that has lasted for millions of years has the possibility of rupture, and even the flower burial palace that has escaped the world for 100,000 years has chosen to be born.

There is no doubt that it was caused by someone.

"Hey, the princess's freedom is now restricted. It seems that the attitude of the ancestors is somewhat intriguing."

The expressions of the elders flickered, and their opinions were divided into two factions. Some people supported Li Ye, and others felt that it was more important than a Li Ye to maintain a million-year covenant with the Flower Burial Palace.

"The Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace, I heard that this time when the Flower Burial Palace was born, he challenged several descendants of the Emperor's Taoism, without any failure!"

"Yes, right now, only Young Master Wuya of Jiuyao Temple, and Qingcangmen's Infinite Mastery have not yet played against them. Even Gu Ze of Lushuiyuan has not heard of 30 moves, so he is defeated here. In the hands of the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace."

No one dared to approach the two enchanting evildoers at all, and no one dared to be harmed by the fish.

"This battle should be regarded as the beginning of a frontal game between that person and the Flower Burial Palace. If he loses, even if the Bingyi Great Emperor still speaks out, several holy ancestors should make a decision."

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