Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2940: Amazing discovery

Wuquan went very simply, because he knew very well that he had no possibility.

If he had a chance to get the heart of the funeral bell, he would have already got it.

It is not that there has been no development in the past 100 years.

"Well, that's all, this is the time when I wander around the world. Maybe I should go out of this southern Xinjiang and look elsewhere."

A wry smile crossed the corner of his mouth. He was a free and easy person, but he was troubled by love.

It's just that he frowned suddenly.

Li Ye did not know when he appeared in front of him.

This is the first time the two have met since the last time they met.

"You can't be her opponent."

Wuwei shook his head, not because he deliberately said this because of the emotion in his heart.

Li Ye didn't say a word. In fact, he was also the one who came to the Flower Burial Palace, but he saw someone rush to the palace first.

However, he was more interested in the Flower Burial Palace and the original peerless genius of the Saint Demon Gate before him.

"You could have stepped into the realm of heaven and attacked that realm."

The two of them fought, let alone how they won or lose, there are also some heroes who feel sympathy for each other.

It can be said that in Li Ye's view, there are many geniuses in Southern Xinjiang, but if you count it, this talent is truly a peerless genius!

In comparison, the so-called descendants of the emperor's Taoism he had encountered before were at least one step behind!

For example, Gu Ze can't compare with the person in front of him.

Even if it is indestructible after the demon, it is at least half weak!

With such a talent, but choosing to practice reincarnation into the Tao, this in itself is amazing.

"Even if the Reincarnation Dao is at its peak, it is only the realm of the supreme holy emperor, after all, it cannot be compared with the emperor realm."

The imperial realm is not the apex of martial arts, but the supreme saint emperor has no possibility of improvement anymore.

This is the biggest difference between the two!

"Cang Tian Dao?"

Wuqian smiled wryly, Li Ye was not the first person to be puzzled by his decision, and even he himself couldn't understand why he chose such a choice. But he did not regret it, but shook his head, "Everyone's pursuit is different."

"Indeed, everyone's pursuit is different."

At this point, Li Ye understood a little bit.

"You are the most incomprehensible person I have ever seen except her. But even so, if you play against her, your chances of winning will not exceed 30%."

For a moment, it seemed that I remembered myself back then. The same unworthy world was even hailed as a promising successor to Wuxin Great Emperor. Was it also defeated?

she was?

A trace of curiosity flashed in Li Ye's mind.

The ambiguous attitude on the Saint Demon Gate, Xuzu's instructions, and the concealment of Emperor Bingyi, seemed to tell him that the Flower Burial Palace was not as simple as the world imagined.

Appearing in front of the black chariot, a terrible breath locked him.

"You are the rumor, that kid?"

The young master of the Funeral Flower Palace naturally has his eyes above the top.

For a nameless **** with no background, if it weren't for the ancient covenant and ancient precepts that now involve the two great emperors, he would not even look at it once.

Li Ye said nothing, the aggressiveness of the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace seemed to him as a spoiled child who had not grown up.

His gaze fell more on the other person.

A woman who can make a peerless Tianjiao decadent and even give up on the mystery of the godless realm.

Just as his eyes met, Li Ye felt a boom!

As if there was a sea of ​​stars rising and falling in front of him, everything in the world seemed to have stopped from that moment.

It's like being at the origin of the world.

But the next moment, another most primitive but more domineering force suddenly appeared!

He directly tore through the end of the endless world, and only saw a sea of ​​blood roaring out, as if to swallow everything away, drown everything, and let everything sink into the endless blood red.

At that moment, the world was forcibly divided, just like two wild forces colliding together.


Li Ye trembled fiercely, and couldn't help but step back a few steps, at the same time a ray of bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Raising his head in amazement, this was the first time that he felt the fear and crisis from the soul!

At that moment, he felt as if he had been stripped of everything, including all his secrets and origins, all presented to the world.

"Sister! What's wrong with you?!"

At this time, on the other side, buried Zizhi was shocked!

Because at the moment Li Ye retreated, the flower funeral bell beside him was also shocked, his pretty face was slightly pale, and his eyes had never had any emotional fluctuations. For the first time, it was the first time in the world. ripple!

Li Ye was shocked in his heart, but didn't know that the funeral bell was also not peaceful at this time!

The two of them burst into terrible light almost at the same time, and everything around them disappeared in the next moment!

In the void, two invincible and terrifying God Eyes appeared respectively!

It seems like the cold eyes of the gods! Watching all things in common people.


Everything disappeared and returned to nature again.

Zang Zizhi was still surprised, but Li Ye frowned slightly.

"That's the case, no wonder that even Wuxia's genius is defeated, and has since lost the idea of ​​attacking the Emperor Realm."

Li Ye had disappeared in a flash.

Although the original purpose was not achieved, he discovered a more interesting secret.

And after he left, Funeral Flower Bell also seemed to be lost in thought. The next moment, regardless of Funeral's shocked eyes, the same figure flashed and then disappeared.

"what the hell?"

The burial who stayed in the same place was full of confusion. He had never seen his sister react like this.

At the same time, two figures also appeared.


It is Princess Buried Flower and Holy Emperor Green Bamboo.

It's just that both of them also had a hint of surprise on their faces. Obviously, they knew a little about what happened just now.

"Princess, this is not easy!"

Holy Emperor Green Bamboo said in a deep voice, "Do you want the old slave to go?"

However, Princess Flower Funeral shook her head, and said for a long time, "Since this matter is involved, let the girl Ling'er handle it by herself. Let's not interfere."

"But princess, that kid!"

"Leave aside this matter for the time being, since the Saint Demon Gate found this one, it naturally has a certain purpose. And what about the ancient precepts, after all, is just the ancient precepts. Now in our two cases, do you think the ancient precepts are meaningful?"

As soon as this statement came out, Holy Emperor Qingzhu also fell silent.

Yes, because a little problem has occurred, the two ancient teachings from millions of years ago seem to be a bit troublesome.

On the other side, Li Ye appeared in a deserted place.

Here, thousands of miles away from the Saint Demon Gate.

In the next moment, another figure appeared immediately afterwards.

It is the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace, the Flower Burial Bell!

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