Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2939: Funeral flower

"What are you doing!"

Seeing the person coming, a low voice almost snarled.

It is the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace, who is buried!

And there was a terrible cold light on his face at the moment, if it weren't for being in the Sacred Demon Gate here, he might not be able to help it.

No shortage, the genius that the Saint Demon Gate was once the most proud of, is even more hailed as the evildoer who might become the successor of Wuxin Great Emperor.

More importantly, he is not yet a monster!

It's a human race!

It's just this secret, few people know.

Unfortunately, Bu Zizhi knew Wuwei's identity, and because of his identity, he held a kind of hostility and contempt for the peerless genius of the Saint Demon Gate from the beginning.

It is an indisputable fact that Yaozu is naturally proud.

"I want to see her."

With a light sigh, no one knew how the scenery was infinite, and it could even be said that the invincible genius of the Saint Demon Gate generation, who was expected to return, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Although they all claim to go out to experience, but only a few people know that the inside story is not that simple when leaving the Saint Demon Gate without any shortage.

At this moment, there was excitement on his face, but he quickly calmed down.

After so many years, even if he still couldn't let go, the moment he returned to the Saint Demon Gate had actually explained his decision.

But now, he still wants to take one last look.

Even a glance!

"No shortage! I warned you! Stay away from my sister! Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

Funeral snorted angrily, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.

The elder sister in his mouth is naturally the girl who followed the Princess Burial Flower before, and is now the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace!

"Buying Zizhi, the person I want to meet is her."

After all, it was a generation of invincible geniuses who smiled proudly in Southern Xinjiang, Wuqian frowned slightly.

"Joke, my sister is not what you want to see! Don't say now that you have gone through the road, and have never been with the road. Even in the past, have you not suffered?"

Obviously, the years Wuwei left the Saint Demon Gate had something to do with the Flower Burial Palace.

Even judging from his reaction, the relationship between him and the descendants of the Burial Flower Palace is still unusual.

This sound made Wuwei silent for a long time after hearing the words.

Finally turned into a long sigh.

A bitter smile appeared on his face, "Yes, I was defeated in front of her back then, and now I don't have any chance. I was abrupt."


Just as Wuwei was about to leave, a soft but frosty voice came out.

"Do you come back this time for that ancient covenant?"

With this voice, Wuwei suddenly turned around, and a ray of excitement appeared on his face.

Sure enough, the person who appeared was the elder sister buried Zizhi, and the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace.


Burial flower bell, dusty temperament, peerless appearance. It's a pity, it looks extremely cold, it's not a pretended indifference, but more like a kind of indifference that is born from the bones.

Seeing the face of the beautiful woman who is thinking about the beauty of the day and night, so that such a peerless genius can't help but feel unstable, or that he has fallen from the moment he first saw it that made him dream.

Even if he gave up the pursuit of supremacy, he never regretted it.


With a snorted anger, Fu Zizhi's face was full of anger, "My sister's name is taboo and you can speak directly!"

Wuqian also reacted, with a light sigh, and his expression slightly converged, but the bitterness that could not be erased was deep in his eyes enough to melt the heart of any girl.

It's a pity that the woman he dreamed of was absolutely impossible to soften her heart.

"You returned to the Saint Demon Gate for that ancient motto?"

The funeral bell's voice is ethereal, but it has lost the emotion that it should have, and is more like an empty doll.

But whether it is buried or not, it is very clear what the girl in front of Nanjiang means and what it represents.

"It's true for the old saying, but..."

"But what?"

"I played against him."

Talking about the matter, Wuchao flashed an edge in his eyes!

Even Zong Zizhi felt a hint of coldness. Although he had been showing that he looked down on Innocent at all, he was very clear in his heart that the invincible evildoer of the Saint Demon Gate in front of him, if he hadn't given up by himself, would have him in the entire southern Xinjiang. A place! There will be no such thing as the day when Gu Ze will never die!

"You lost."

Fang Hualing's expression did not change, but Wuque and Fang Zizhi both showed expressions of astonishment.

"Sister, how do you know?"

Although Bury Zizhi looks down on everything, it is more because of the hostility of the monster race towards the human race.

"In that battle, although I didn't see it personally, you were wounded and very heavy."

As soon as the words came out, Zang Zizhi looked suspiciously at Wuxia, but saw nothing. Only innocent himself, smiled bitterly, "You still haven't changed. Everything in this world has no secrets in your eyes."

Back then, he was full of spirits, even if Nanjiang was respected by the monster clan!

What if he was born in a human race! The Great Emperor Wuxin can be awed by countless monsters in southern Xinjiang, and he can naturally too! What's more, with his talent, there is at least 70% to 80% hope of entering the Emperor Realm!

Then, he met a woman who had the greatest influence on him in his life.

And because of that encounter, the arrogant and arrogant genius who was once so energetic and didn't put the world in his eyes, turned into this sentimental decadent prodigal son.

"He is not an ordinary person."

Needless to say a lot of things, even if he gave up his plan to step into the Heavenly Dao and attack the Godless Realm, he instead practiced the Reincarnation Dao to become the most invincible and noble holy emperor in the world.

But he is still the genius who used to be proud of Southern Xinjiang!

He even has confidence, even if it is the supreme holy emperor in the rumors, he has the ability to fight! Even if the Demon Emperor came in person, he was confident to escape!

It can be said that all he lacks is the world and precipitation! Give him another hundred years, he will be the supreme holy emperor in the eyes of the world!

"Huh, what is not an ordinary person, in front of my sister, there is only surrender! Even if it is the princess of some descendants!"

Before he finished speaking, Zang Zizhi stopped because he felt the look in the eyes of Zang Hualing.

He is not afraid of heaven and earth, even Princess Flower Burial is quite doting on him, but he has been very afraid of his sister since he was a child.

Especially the gaze of Funeral Flower Bell seemed to be frightening, as if all the secrets were seen through.

"I've said everything that should be said."

Wuwei sighed, and took a deep look at this woman who changed his life. Perhaps this life was really missed.

A generation of holy emperor, invincible genius, the future supreme holy emperor, after all, can't escape the word'love'.

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