Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2941: Another **** eye descendant!

As if he had known the other party would follow, Li Ye was not surprised when he saw it.

But at the same time, a terrible breath emerged from him!

In the void, the blood-colored eyes of the gods looked like gods and demons, looking at the sky and the earth!

Funeral Flower Bell's phoenix eyes flashed, and almost a mysterious power appeared from her eyes, and a hazy divine pupil turned into the sky.

It's God Eye again!

"Prime Secret Eye! Eye of God's Eye!"

The corner of Li Ye's mouth drew a curve. From the moment he saw the funeral bell, he knew what kind of opponent he had encountered.

God's Eyes!

The heir of the ancient mystery pupil!

Both of them are descendants of the God Eye, but Li Ye's Blood Eye God Eye is obviously different from the Secret Eye of the Eight Great God Eyes, but they are not in the slightest.

Without any warning, Li Ye's complexion suddenly changed, and a terrible edge burst out all over his body, but within a short time, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person retreated violently.

"The Eye of Destiny! It really is extraordinary!"

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, he just took it intentionally! It is also a kind of proof!

Now he can be 90% sure of what kind of divine eye is on this descendant of the Flower Burial Palace!

The Eye of Destiny, as if not as scary as the other Secret Eyes of the Primordial Eyes. But only Li Ye knew that compared to the part of the Eye of Annihilation that Ling Tian inherited before, the beautiful girl in front of her was even more dangerous!

In the blink of an eye, Li Ye changed countless times, but every time, he was almost walking a tightrope.

A series of terrible dangers were reluctantly avoided by him, as if all his actions were imprinted long ago in the eyes of the opponent, without any change.

"Eye of Destiny! It seems that any of my actions are within the opponent's expectations. It is indeed the gaze of the true **** who claims to be able to see through everything in the world, but can you really see through everything?"

Suddenly, Li Ye disappeared.

This time, Funeral Flower Bell's pretty face was slightly surprised.

Behind her, a blurred figure appeared.

But in an instant, it seemed to be touched directly by some kind of force.

Yes, really touch it! As if it did not exist from the beginning, it was directly erased from the source.

But in front of Funeral Hualing, a person appeared.

"The eye of destiny can indeed see through everything in the world, and even the same as the descendants of other gods, but there is only one point, it is impossible."

There was a sly smile on Li Ye's face, his hand raised the chin of Funeral Flower Bell frivolously, with a trace of evil in his eyes.

But what he saw was his own reflection, covered in blood, falling on a dark ground, like a dead world that was blackened by countless blood and countless years.

His whole person, the breath of life is quickly disappearing, replaced by a strong death.

Funeral Flower Bell's expression was very plain, but his eyes burst with terrible light.

"Do you think I will die?"

Suddenly, Li Ye smiled, and his whole body was full of death, as if he had walked into the land of his final destiny to welcome his death.

But I don't know why, at that moment, Funeral Hualing's face changed for the first time.

However, she wanted to withdraw, but found that she could not move, unknowingly, the world was replaced by blood.

"The descendants of the Eye of Destiny, it is a pity that even the Eye of Destiny cannot really dominate life and death. After all, destiny is destiny rather than the true ending. You can see my destiny, but you cannot control my destiny."

Li Ye smiled very evilly. After he knew what the funeral flower bell was on, he knew how to face it.

The Eye of Destiny, even if the Demon Emperor came, he would flee in the face of the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace!

That is not the suppression of the realm and cultivation base, but a kind of fear derived from the most original power!

"No one can escape his destiny."

Funeral Flower Bell didn't show any fear, and her voice was ethereal and cold.

"Oh? Really? So in your eyes, what is my ultimate destiny?"

These words made Funeral Flower Bell a little lost.

Because she found that the fate of the man in front of her was hazy and impossible to see through.

This was something she had never encountered after awakening the Eye of Destiny.

Even the supreme holy emperor, or even the demon emperor, could not escape her eyes.

Because of this, she has seen everything in the world since she was a child, and over time, most of her emotions have long since disappeared.

"Destiny is not in the hands of God, and my destiny can only be controlled by myself!"


Everything, all broken!

Whether it's the black earth or the sea of ​​blood, it is overwhelming.

From beginning to end, neither of them made any movements, but stared from a distance.

Everything is just a game of will and strength between the two.

It belongs to the special battle between the heirs of God Eye.

have equal shares?

Obviously, Li Ye has the upper hand!

But only that!

"I can't see through your destiny."

Funeral Flower Bell spoke slightly, but her cold and indifferent tone was somewhat questionable. It can be said that few people in the world can make her do this.

Only the man in front of her gave her an interest for the first time.

Yes, interest, a person whose destiny is fierce and unable to control, made her lose the color of everything in the world, and for the first time she had an emotional impulse called interest.

"Interesting and interesting. I always thought that the ancient teachings of the Flower Burial Palace and the Holy Demon Gate are what I imagined, but now it seems that the generation of the Flower Burial Palace has problems! Now this ancient teaching, you think it is necessary to continue ?"

The so-called ancient precepts, it is the ancestors of the Flower Burial Palace and the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate to form a double cultivation of Taoists!

But now, the heirs of the two ancient imperial door traditions are actually women.

Although this world doesn't care about the moral vision of a certain line of the secular world, for the two great emperor sects, if this is spread out, it will definitely be laughable and generous.

Funeral Flower Bell did not refute, or that she was not even interested in the ancient teachings of the two emperors that lasted millions of years.

The two looked at each other, even after the fight just now, everyone knew that it was almost impossible to suppress each other. But it's like an instinctive desire, even if it is the seemingly plain conversation now, the invisible collision continues.

Only in the end, Funeral Flower Bell closed his eyes.

"You are a very special person."

"The Flower Burial Palace, what conditions do you need to give up the ancient precepts?"

Li Ye has only one purpose. As long as the Flower Burial Palace voluntarily gives up, then the Saint Demon Gate will definitely not continue to struggle with this ancient motto!

After a long silence, even Li Ye felt that perhaps he had to choose the final step, even if he resorted to force.

Suddenly, Fang Hualing opened his eyes, not as ethereal and profound as before, but with a touch of strangeness.

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