Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2938: Embodiment of value

"What price do I need to pay?"

Since everything can't escape benefits, Li Ye's mind flashed, and he immediately understood.

Between the Flower Burial Palace and him, the Saint Demon Gate is still hesitating.

In his mind, there is already a general guess.

What is needed is just a word from the old man in front of him.

"Little friend is a smart person, and Demon Heaven is very important to Saint Demon Gate."

"Senior, why don't you make mistakes, just say it."

"It's very simple. If the little friend can prove that your value is greater than the entire burial palace combined, maybe the old man can be the master for you."

This is not an exaggeration. With Xuzu's position in the Saint Demon Gate, his words and deeds can indeed change many problems.

Not to mention, it can be seen from the attitude of the Great Emperor Bing Yi that she is more inclined to Li Ye instead of the Flower Burial Palace.

Li Ye's heart is like a mirror, "If you can get the support of one of the three ancient ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate, plus Emperor Bingyi, you have a chance to resolve this matter."

Let him face an ancient imperial Taoism with two emperors alone, that is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor persuaded, "Boy, if that girl is really the reincarnation and reconstruction of the Demon Heaven Great Emperor, you must take it down! At that time, the entire Saint Demon Gate is almost standing on your chariot, even if you don’t speak, Is it because of your relationship with that girl, after you go to Dongzhou, the Saint Demon Gate will be silent?"

After pondering for a long time, he knew what Xuzu meant.

Regardless of whether he is the Great Bing Yi, he doesn't really value the old covenant so much.

What they value more is the future of the Saint Demon Gate!

At least right now, completing the ancient covenant with the Flower Burial Palace is the best choice for the Saint Demon Gate.

But there is one more him! Cheng Yaojin came out halfway through.

"What do you think of the little friend?"

Xuzu was not in a hurry, because he knew this request, and the young man in front of him would not refuse.

As he expected, Li Ye nodded after pondering for a long time, "Okay! I will prove that my value alone is more than the entire burial palace!"

Is the value of a person more than the ancient Taoism of the two emperors?

If this is spread out, I don’t know how many people will want to laugh!

"Little friend, can you be sure?" Xu Zu was also half-believing, and couldn't help but remind, "Although the Flower Burial Palace has never given birth to a demon emperor for hundreds of thousands of years, there are still many supreme holy emperors alive. The contemporary flower-burial princess can't even understand the cultivation status of the old man."

It is enough to make the world shocked to let Xuzu say this evaluation!

This is the supreme sacred emperor who has ever been the pinnacle, and he can't see through a person's cultivation level.

"Princess Burial Flower? Even if she is the Supreme Demon Emperor, she can't stop my footsteps."

The corner of Li Ye's mouth raised, but his voice revealed a hint of domineering, "What's more, she is not!"

Xuzu nodded slightly in approval, "Young people do need a rush, and the old man will wait and see. But my friend, there is one sentence, the old man still has to point it out in advance."

"Senior, please say."

"In this matter, the Saint Demon Gate will not give any help to the little friend! I hope the little friend can forgive me."

Yes, the Saint Demon Gate will not interfere!

Don't interfere!

Even Xuzu himself admired the young man Li Ye quite a bit, but the ancient precepts are ancient precepts, and human affection is human affection.

"Senior mean, Saint Demon Gate, do you not help each other?"

"Little friends can think so."

Xuzu smiled bitterly, "This is the only thing the old man can fight for for his little friends, Saint Demon Gate, there will be no favoritism in this matter."

Xuzu's will did not last long. After all, he was an old monster that had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. The blood qi in his body was not much, and even a ray of will was a huge consumption for the body.

"Boy, what do you decide to do?"

Emperor Tianjian emerged.

"What the Saint Demon Gate wants is my alchemy, or longevity pill!"

Longevity Pill, even if it exists like Xuzu, can produce effects. Although the effect is not so obvious, it is a huge temptation for an inheritance sect.

It's a pity that the Longevity Pill appeared from the hands of Emperor Danwu, but it was lost when Emperor Danwu disappeared.

Now, only Li Ye can refine it!

"Emperor Danwu's high-grade pill, it's no wonder that the Saint Demon Gate's heart is moving."

There are some things that ordinary people can't recognize, and it doesn't mean that no one can recognize the Saint Demon Gate, which has a history of more than a million years.

It was Xuzu who recognized the origin of the Longevity Pill, which would give many hints.

"Are you going to hand it over?"

There is no doubt that the longevity pill is so precious.

Emperor Tianjian frowned slightly, but did not speak to dissuade him. Because Danfang is a dead thing after all, compared to a living person, which is lighter and heavier, even the Heavenly Sword Emperor, who was once ruthless and ruthless, couldn't help but make cold-blooded decisions.

"Just a longevity pill is not enough for the Saint Demon Gate to tilt its attitude to my side. I need to make other preparations."

Although the longevity pill was amazing, but Li Ye still made two preparations.

Deep in the void, black chariot.

The world only knows that traveling to the Flower Burial Palace is an ancient black invincible chariot.

But no one knew that this black chariot itself was an extremely ancient magic weapon!

It's even a palace!


The invincible and arrogant young man before, at this time in front of Princess Flower Burial, he looked very behaving.

However, Princess Funeral Flower was obviously worried and told her to retreat.

Only Qingzhu Shenghuang was left.


Princess Funeral Flower shook her head, "The extent to which the Saint Demon Gate cares about that young man is beyond your expectations."

"Hmph, the ancient precept of the Million Years Covenant, the Saint Demon Gate dare not violate! As for the rumored kid, the princess can rest assured that the old slave will take a trip in person, and the matter will definitely be resolved."

Green bamboo holy emperor, a generation of supreme holy emperor.

Of course, his supreme holy emperor was conferred by the world, but he once claimed to tremble all day and night in front of Emperor Wuxin.

Naturally, when he came forward, even any emperor's Taoism would give a bit of face.

"Also, since this son can set foot on the holy realm, there must be something extraordinary. If he is interested, there is no need to hurt his life."

After all, he is the leader of the emperor's Taoism, but the plain tone of Princess Burial Flower revealed a sense of sorrow.

No matter it is anyone, as long as they obstruct the ancient teachings and covenants, they are the enemies of the Flower Burial Palace!

What only made Princess Funeral Flower and Holy Emperor Qingzhu very surprised was that they hadn't found Li Ye yet, but they were waiting for an unexpected visitor.

In front of the black chariot, a person stood gently in the void.

No one knows how he appeared, but when he appeared in front of the black chariot, the surrounding void seemed to have turned into patches of stars.

This person was the disciple of the Saint Demon Sect who had appeared before Li Ye before and had a fight with Li Ye.

No shortage of!

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