Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2937: The stunning identity of Princess Saint Demon Gate!



Li Ye got up suddenly, almost without any control, a gust of weather erupted from his body!

Even unconsciously, a pair of eyes turned into a sea of ​​blood, and at the same time a five-color light appeared behind him! It's just that one of the divine lights looked dim and couldn't respond by taking pictures.

But even so, it is enough to make Xuzu and other characters surprised slightly!

Especially, that large sea of ​​blood, even his existence, feels a trace of sadness and despair, as if to fall asleep and never wake up!

As for the five-color light, he thought of a legend! A terrible legend that is so ancient that no one even believes it!

"This son, it seems not easy!"

After taking a deep breath, Li Ye reduced the power of running away.

He was shocked just now, only to lose control.

"You don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just this. Is this incredible?"

Yes, it's incredible.

Nothing else, just because of the identity of Princess Saint Demon Gate!

The true identity of Princess Saint Demon Gate is no one else!

It is the Great Emperor Yaotian!

The Demon Heaven Emperor who created the Saint Demon Gate million-year foundation!

"The old man knew this at first, and didn't believe it." Xuzu shook his head and smiled bitterly. After all, he is the oldest ancient ancestor in the Saint Demon Gate today, and many secrets are in his mind.

"The Great Emperor Demon Heaven has fallen for more than a million years, how can he live to the present?"

Just after speaking, Li Ye was stunned.

Because he thought of other aspects.

As for Xuzu, he shook his head slightly, "Little friend, this matter is indeed unthinkable, but with the invincible honor of Emperor Demon Heaven, maybe there is a way to continue to this day."

There are some things that even the existence of Xuzu cannot be guessed.

In this world, no one can live forever unless it is a true god.

Even the Demon Emperor will not work.

But there are exceptions!

Xuzu himself lived for hundreds of thousands of years, although most of the time he slept to delay death. But some great emperor demon emperors can't?

But Li Ye thought of more!

Heavenly Sage!

Since the Heavenly Dream Sage can live from the more ancient prehistoric times to the present, why can't others?

Even Yulianxiang is a clone of the Heavenly Meng Sage. Even if the Heavenly Sage Sage really falls, isn't Yulianxiang her another life?

"When Wuxin the Great found the old man and entrusted the matter to him, the old man couldn't believe that there could be such an act against the sky. But the old man had to believe it!"

The Great Emperor Wuxin was among the three great emperors of the Saint Demon Gate, and the only one was not a great emperor from a demon race, but a human race.

But Nanjiang has very few records of this Wuxin Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor himself is also very low-key.

Entrusted by Emperor Wuxin, even Nanjiang has very few records of this Emperor, let alone other people.

"Will Emperor Wuxin still be there?"

Xuzu shook his head, "After that time, Emperor Wuxin never appeared again. Perhaps, he also went to that place."

that place!

That place again!

Since I came to the Upper Three Realms, I have heard rumors about that place more than once.

Outside the Three Realms, not among the Five Elements!

The sky is above the sky!

Even Tiangong!


It seems that there are countless legends related to that place, but no one knows where that place is.

Only on that occasion did Li Ye first get a glimpse of the original appearance when he stepped into the peak of the pilgrimage ladder and strayed into it.

It's a pity that he returned to this world in just an instant.

"that place?"

"Yes, in that place, Emperor Wuxin once said that it's time for him to go."

Where did the Great Emperor Wuxin go, and whether the pinnacles of the ages have all gone to that place for the time being.

Now, now that he learned that Princess Saint Demon Gate was actually the reincarnation of Emperor Yaotian, Li Yeke felt as if he had stepped into a huge conspiracy.

"Is the person behind the scenes deliberately doing this?"

Capture the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, or the reincarnation of the Great Demon Heaven, in order to bring them together?

What is the purpose?

Li Ye didn't believe that the person behind the scenes just wanted to be a matchmaker. He obviously had no purpose, but he couldn't guess.

"My little friend should understand at this moment, why the Saint Demon Gate can't easily make a decision about the two of you?"

"A descendant of this generation of Flower Burial Palace?"

"It's the ******** of Emperor Funeral Flower."

Everything became clear.

The princess of the Saint Demon Gate is the reincarnation of the Great Demon Heaven, and it is very important to the Saint Demon Gate! Not only a descendant, but also their ancestor!

As for the Flower Burial Palace, the descendant of this generation will actually be the Flower Burial Demon Emperor himself, which is even more significant.

The combination of the two undoubtedly allowed the two powerful and ancient emperors to completely blend together, while preparing to truly become the supreme sacred place leading the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang.

It is conceivable that the Flower Burial Demon Emperor's good intentions back then.

It's just that no one would have thought that a Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway!

The appearance of Li Ye undoubtedly broke this million-year plan.

This is also where Xuzu's helplessness is, "My little friend, as far as the old man is concerned, if it weren't for this reason, the old man would really agree with the two of you."

An invincible evildoer, a monster genius who can climb that place and become the only monster genius to go up in millions of years! Moreover, he is not only a genius of the monster race, but also has the identity of a human race, and is an extremely powerful alchemist! !

This kind of evildoer can't be found with a lantern, no sect will be turned away, and even become an enemy from a stranger.

Whether it is him or the other ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate, they are actually in a dilemma.

"If I take the initiative to terminate this covenant at the Flower Burial Palace?"

Li Ye frowned and asked.

It’s a pity that things can’t be so simple. “Little friends are indeed among the dragons and phoenixes among people, but the Flower Burial Palace is not just for this reason. People can change."

These words undoubtedly warned Li Ye not to be delusional.

In the final analysis, even if Xuzu and other ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate admire Li Ye again, it seems insignificant compared to the restoration of the former invincible honor and the unification of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang by the Demon Sky Great Emperor.

On one side are the rules laid down by the ancestor of the school, and on the other side is the Flower Burial Palace, which has a close relationship with the Saint Demon Gate.

The key is also related to the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, the most powerful demon emperor of the Southern Xinjiang Demon Race in countless years.

However, Li Yexin is like a mirror, if the Saint Demon Gate really does not give him a chance, it is impossible to keep him in the Saint Demon Gate for so many days!

Therefore, nothing can escape the word profit! !

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