Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2936: Ancient secrets

The voice fell, and there was no echo for a long time.

But Li Ye's mouth made a curve, "If you don't tell me, I actually know it."

Finally, this time, a figure emerged.

If someone from the Saint Demon Gate saw it at this moment, they would definitely cry out in horror!

Because the one person that emerged was not someone else, it was one of the three most innocent beings in the Saint Demon Gate today!


An invincible strong man who didn't know how many years he had lived, a supreme who once dominated for nine days.

"Your old man will crawl out from below. It seems that some juniors are too disappointed?"

Seeing Xuzu, Li Ye was neither humble nor overbearing, even with a hint of ridicule.

This kind of reaction is enough to exceed the expectations of everyone in the Saint Demon Gate, because it can clearly be seen that this is not the meeting between Li Ye and Xuzu.

It's just that when the two met, no one knew.

"The little friend is really smart."

Xu Zu did not come here in his true form. In his current state, it is impossible for the deity to emerge from the sarcophagus. Whether it is meeting with Princess Burial Flower or at this moment, it is all condensed with one thought.

"Okay, you don't have to waste time with courtesy and flattery. Come on, what do you want me to do?"

"Little friend seems to have misunderstood this sect."


Li Ye suddenly laughed loudly, but not much.

"Senior joked, the kid didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction with the Saint Demon Gate. But since something happened, it naturally needs to be resolved. Although I am not a good person, at least I dare to do something."

These words made the expression on Xuzu's face slightly changed, but there was a hint of approval.

"According to the old admonition, the person who defiles the saint of this sect, no matter who it is, can only pay for his sin with death."

Saint Demon Gate Saint! It is also the future emperor of the Saint Demon Gate!

Li Ye heard this, his expression unchanged, with a trace of indifference.

If he really wanted to kill him, the Saint Demon Gate would have done it long ago.

Without mentioning others, the old man in front of him is definitely not an opponent!

This is a supreme holy emperor, even among the top of the supreme holy emperor!

The so-called supreme holy emperor is the world's name for some invincible powerhouses who can compete with the Demon Emperor, not a general term for the realm of cultivation.

But there is a difference between being able to compete with the Demon Emperor.

Is it fleeing in embarrassment with resisting a few tricks in front of the Demon Emperor, but relying on some ancient artifacts to survive, or is it strong enough to fight against the ordinary Demon Emperor for three days and three nights?

Those, in the eyes of the world, are the supreme holy emperor!

As for the old man in front of him, Li Ye knew his identity from the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor!

The Supreme Holy Emperor! Invincible existence! It is the pinnacle that can truly fight the Demon Emperor for three days and three nights before barely defeating the battle.

The true supreme holy emperor!

Rather than the false supreme holy emperor held out by the so-called world.

The supreme holy emperor does not need anyone to recommend him, because at that point, no one is needed, he is the supreme holy emperor! The Demon Emperor must be respected!

"Senior, I said that if you go in circles, you don't have to say it."

"You don’t have to be impatient, this school is not malicious towards you. Moreover, the holy demon will not forget the kindness of the children to this school. But this time, it’s about the million-year alliance with the Flower Burial Palace. Friends can be considerate."

The so-called not to hit the smiling face, Li Ye can't use the topic for the once supreme holy emperor and the three oldest ancient ancestors of the holy demon gate.

"Well, at the Flower Burial Palace, as long as they ask, I can try my best!"

Li Ye guessed a little bit about the ancient covenant between the Saint Demon Gate and the Flower Burial Palace, but he needs to confirm, "But the premise is that the ancient covenant between the two of you, I need to know!"

He is not a fool, let alone a fool who was used as a gun.

From the very beginning, the Saint Demon Clan's intention to solicit him in the Thousand Emperors Realm always made him feel a little doubtful.

Perhaps, this time he can solve this question.

"Ancient Covenant."

Xuzu sighed slightly. Although he was old, he couldn't really experience scenes from millions of years ago.

But many secrets, even though Jade Demon Venerable and others don't know now, but he is one of the only people who knows the secrets.

After a long while, Li Ye's expression was slightly pensive.

The ancient covenant was more complicated than he thought.

It was not what he had imagined at the beginning. It was just that the two emperors and Dao Tong used the road of marriage to consolidate the relationship in order to conclude an alliance.

Princess Saint Demon Gate, the descendant of the Flower Burial Palace, can indeed form a Taoist couple in the ancient covenant!

But in fact, it's far more complicated than it seems!

Even, there is a shocking secret hidden!

"Emperor Demon Heaven is actually the daughter of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor!"

Li Ye did not expect this relationship to be so complicated!

Demon Emperor! The supreme powerhouse who created the foundation of Saint Demon Gate for millions of years! As for Emperor Flower Burial, he even claims to be the only person in the history of the Yao race, who surpassed the ancient stone, the Yaotian and the Nine Demons, and really almost became the king of the Yao race.

And these two people are actually father and daughter!

"Little friend, this secret, there are no more than three people who know this secret now and are still alive, apart from the old man and you!"

Indeed, this secret is too shocking! In other words, once revealed, it will completely change the pattern of the entire southern Xinjiang!

Think about it, Saint Demon Gate, one Sect and Three Emperors! Supreme overlord!

Flower Burial Palace, the oldest emperor gate of the monster clan in southern Xinjiang, a double emperor!

The founders of these two schools are actually father and daughter?

Even if the two great emperors have been allies for millions of years, how much disturbance will it cause once this secret is revealed?

It is even enough to make Jiuyao Temple and other emperor Taoism feel threatened one by one!

"Senior don't worry, I won't tell anyone this secret. But in that case, what does Senior want the junior to do?"

The intricate relationship between the two factions really makes people unable to recover in a short time.

But Li Ye knew that the most important thing was that his intervention had created a gap between the two factions.

"Little friends may not know the true identity of the disciple of Emperor Bing Yi."

The true identity of Princess Saint Demon Gate?

Li Ye raised his brows when he heard this. He always felt that the origin of Princess Saint Demon Gate was not as simple as it was on the surface. It was an intuition, and it was the only intuition he had after seeing her.

"Feudal genius."

Li Ye blurted out, but to his surprise, Xuzu nodded and shook his head again.

"This girl has indeed avoided the feudal dynasty for a period of time, but her origin, the entire Saint Demon Gate, even Emperor Bingyi is not clear, only the old lady knows."

Doesn't even Bing Yi the Great Know?

This made Li Ye curious!

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