Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2935: The invincible evildoer of the Saint Demon Gate?

The void was instantly pierced, and the broken void was even enough to cause a demon emperor to be involved in an instant, breaking his body to pieces!

This is not the void gap of the Lower Nine Realms. In the Upper Three Realms, even the Demon Emperor Wuhuang would not dare to enter it easily. It was simply an act of seeking death.

Only the holy emperor has some self-protection capabilities.

"It's a terrible fluctuation, this person who does it is at least a Saint Emperor-level expert, I don't know who it will be."

"The ancestors don't seem to want to intervene. Could it be that the two of them have special identities?"

Many disciples talked a lot, and even after a short while, Yubao Yaozun and others also came.

"He is back?"

As soon as Yubao Yaozun came, he asked.

An elder hurriedly stepped forward and said, "He's back."

Many disciples are full of doubts, who has returned?

However, some disciples who had been in the field for a long time flashed in their minds, as if thinking of someone.

"Could it be that that person is back?"

A disciple of the Saint Demon Sect with the realm of the upper Demon Emperor, his eyes lit up!

The few disciples who had been getting started almost the same time as him all thought of one person.

Their expressions changed slightly, and one of them even said, "If it were him, it would be reasonable!"

"Indeed, if he really comes back, it seems that the other side of the battle is not difficult to guess who it is."

They talked in the mist, but confused the other disciples.

"Senior brothers, who are you talking about?"

"Yeah, who the **** is, such a cultivation base, even the elders, can't match it!"

"Did an old ancestor who had been in hiding for a long time come back suddenly?"

Some imperial sects, some strong men will not stay in the sect for life. For various reasons left, or retired.

At this time, some people think of this aspect.

For millions of years at the Saint Demon Gate, naturally many strong people have chosen to leave or retreat, and now it is not too strange that someone comes back suddenly.

The reclusive ancestor?

The expressions of the previous people were quite weird after hearing them, but they didn't say much.

"Wait, if it's that person, he really is back, then things will be a little more complicated."

With a long sigh, as for Yubao Yaozun and others, they were naturally more convinced than the disciples below.

"It's him."

"I didn't expect him to come back at this time, but this way, it makes the problem more complicated."

The demon-sovereign holy emperors all smiled bitterly.

Now that the matter of the Flower Burial Palace has not been resolved, another troublesome figure has appeared, and it is still a troublesome figure that is difficult to solve.

Even the ancient existences of the Saint Demon Gate chose to be indifferent to this matter, just to see how special the person in the crowd was in the Saint Demon Gate.

Finally, the sealed void calmed down.

No one knows how it will turn out, because from the beginning, unless a Saint-Emperor-level powerhouse personally went in to check it out, outsiders wouldn't even say to go in and find out, even if they were close.

The broken void, even if the Jade Demon Venerable enters, you must be careful, otherwise one might get injured.

"How is the result?"

"The victory is divided?"

Now that the battle was over, several divine lights swept across the Saint Demon Gate.

Just waiting for them to arrive, but only saw a mess.

"What about people?"

"Does it hurt both sides?"

A group of people were suspicious, but they didn't know who discovered that the strong like Jade Demon Venerable did not come, as if they had known this result a long time ago.

And on the black chariot in the void, the gaze of the Young Master of the Flower Burying Palace flashed slightly.


With a cold snort, the black chariot disappeared.

Soon after, a message came out of the Saint Demon Gate.

"Master Wuwei is back!"

I don't know who was so excited, once it spread, many people in the Saint Demon Gate were surprised and happy. Although some people changed their faces slightly, more people showed a kind of joy.

No shortage of!

Once this name was a kind of supreme glory in the Saint Demon Gate! It is the pinnacle that countless geniuses and evildoers can only look up to!

That was the benchmark of the Saint Demon Gate, and it spread throughout southern Xinjiang, and was known as the most invincible name.

It's just that he disappeared for a long time.

No one knows if he is still alive, but now he is back?

"No shortage of?"

As one of the two parties involved in this storm, Li Ye was in a palace at this time.

After all, his other courtyard was destroyed, and Jade Demon Venerable directly vacated an entire palace.

"Yes, no shortage! In terms of seniority, he is a generation higher than me, and he is the strongest genius of the Saint Demon Clan back then, and he has never failed in his life."

There was a trace of reminiscence on the face of the Demon King in the warehouse. He was just a young man who had just started, and he could only look up to the supreme peak.

Even though he was already the upper demon emperor now, he was still terrified when he heard that man came back.

"Interestingly, the strongest genius of the Saint Demon Gate ever."

The person who fought with him is actually from this origin.

Li Ye smiled, but what made him feel more surprised was another thing, "Since he is the strongest genius of the Saint Demon Clan, why didn't he cultivate the Cangtian Dao, but instead practiced the wheel? Enter the way?"

He couldn't understand this question.

Regardless of the outcome of the two fights, but the terrible person who fought with him is that since he entered the Three Realms, at least among the strong outside the older generation, second only to Helan Tianlang!

You know, Helan Tianlang is almost standing on the pinnacle of this world, a feudal genius, and a feudal genius of the same age as the Great Emperor Hengtian, invincible throughout his life, and only defeated by the Great Emperor Hengtian!

That kind of person, let alone challenged by ordinary geniuses, even the supreme saint emperor of the older generation dare not say that he can be taken!

Only the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor!

Nowadays, such a terrifying figure suddenly appeared, but it is the reincarnation way of cultivation?

"This, I don't know."

The Demon Emperor Qingcang smiled bitterly, "I was just an ordinary disciple at the beginning, but Brother Wuwei was the heir of the entire sect with high hopes, and it was heard that before the disappearance of the Great Emperor Wuxin, he still left a message to designate him as the successor of the Saint Demon Sect. People. Even many ancestors were against it at one time, after all, there has never been a man in charge of the Saint Demon Gate!"

The history of the Saint Demon Gate is very special. Since the first generation of the Great Demon Heaven, a woman has always been in power.

Whether it is the Great Emperor Yaotian or the Great Wuxin, the current Emperor Bingyi is a woman!

Three emperors in one family are all female emperors!

After the Demon King of Qingcang left, Li Ye was silent for a while before speaking suddenly.

"He will come back. It shouldn't be an accident."

This sound seemed inexplicable, as if talking to himself.

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