Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2934: Challenger?

The ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate also looked different.

Can you not tear your face with the Flower Palace, naturally it is better not to tear your face.

"Will the Saint Demon Gate interfere with this matter?"

The voice of Princess Burial Flower could not tell her joy, anger, sorrow and joy at the moment. This point made the ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate somewhat unable to understand her.

"The princess can rest assured that although the old man has stepped into the coffin board with one foot, he can still control the matter."

Xu Zu nodded.

In the Saint Demon Gate, there were actually differences on Li Ye's issue, or, it was divided into two factions.

One faction is to support the young man Li Ye being with Princess Saint Demon Gate, which is considered a strong alliance.

But the other faction strongly opposed it!

Obviously Xuzu's such ancient existence will be awakened because of this incident.

As for Xuzu's thoughts, let alone the elders below who couldn't guess it, even the few ancestors second only to Xuzu didn't know what Xuzu really thought.

At the time when the Flower Burial Palace descended to the Saint Demon Gate, a person appeared in front of Li Ye.

"People from the Flower Burial Palace?"

Li Ye was not surprised to see the other person appearing, but just raised his head slightly.

From then on, the person appeared in front of him without any concealment at all, the monstrous fighting spirit could almost be said, it was all directed at him.

But then shook his head, "No, if you are from the Flower Burial Palace, you should have a feminine aura. Although your body is cold, you are not feminine."

The opponent's fighting spirit was overwhelming. Hearing Li Ye's self-talk, he didn't refute it.

"Fight me, or leave Southern Xinjiang."

The short words clearly showed that the person who appeared in front of Li Ye was not merely admiring. At least, Li Ye doesn't think he has reached a household name in Southern Xinjiang.

Even if he fought in the Demon City, it caused a sensation in the entire Southern Border Demon Race.

"Give me a reason."

Although the other party hasn't done anything yet, being able to approach so quietly, and it can even be said that he hasn't been noticed before revealing his figure, which is enough to explain the other party's cultivation.

Moreover, still in the Saint Demon Gate.

This had to make Li Ye guess.

Unfortunately, the other party is not willing to answer this question.

"If you want an answer, fight with me! If you beat me, you will get the answer."

"What if I lose?"

Li Ye smiled. Although the other party was aggressive, there was not much hostility.

More, it seems to be a warning, or it is a persuasion.

"If you lose, leave Southern Xinjiang and don't have any ties to the Saint Demon Gate from now on."

Hearing that, Li Ye smiled, "It's interesting, although I am very interested in your origins, in the Saint Demon Gate, although I have not stayed for a long time, I have never heard of such a disciple. ."

It is not surprising that there are a few evildoers of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the imperial sect of Saint Demon Gate.

But just like the moment, a holy emperor's cultivation base, and also a demon of the peak holy emperor's cultivation base, it is a little special.

"If you can't even beat me, facing the person in the Flower Burial Palace, there is no chance of winning."


There was no room for Li Ye to refuse, and the surrounding void was completely broken.

Peak Holy Emperor!

As soon as the opponent shot, Li Ye flashed a ray of doubt.

At such a young age, he has cultivated to such a level, but the one who has gone wrong is the Tao of Reincarnation rather than the Tao of Heaven!

Don't let him think about it, even a great emperor would not dare to look down upon a pinnacle holy emperor.

In the entire Saint Demon Gate, many powerhouses were alarmed.

"Holy Emperor's breath!"

"Could it be that a certain ancestor left the customs?"

You know, at the height of the holy emperor, he has already stood at the pinnacle of the world, generally speaking, it will not appear, either after closing the deadlock or falling into a deep sleep.

Not to mention, such spectacular strong fluctuations.

"Someone is fighting with the holy emperor!"

"Holy emperor battle! Where is it sacred?"

Inside the Saint Demon Gate, there are actually Saint-Emperor-level powerhouses fighting, not to mention the disciples below, even some of the elders are shocked! You know, this is inside the Saint Demon Gate. Who has the courage to shoot and hurt people in such a place?

Without waiting for a group of people to react, at the same time, four pillars of light appeared from the four directions of the Saint Demon Gate.

The four beams of light directly enveloped a piece of void completely, and many disciples even saw that piece of void almost in the blink of an eye, and it turned into nothingness, but the next moment it returned to its original state.

Obviously, the four beams of light isolated the void, forming an independent world.

Countless mountains and rivers collapsed and the sun, moon and stars fell.

"God, who is it?"

"It's such a terrible fluctuation, could it be that a certain ancestor of this school got into trouble?"

Inside the Saint Demon Gate, the terrifying auras awakened one by one, after all, such a level of battle would naturally not leave them indifferent.

But what surprised the elders and disciples below was that the ancient existence of the Saint Demon Gate did not intervene after waking up.

Instead, one by one fell asleep again and again.

Unless it was the Holy Demon Gate who suffered from the destruction of the gate, nothing could make them crawl out of the sarcophagus.

As for the elders, disciples and others below, they are all in the mist.

"It's not that the people at the Flower Burial Palace will fight hard if they disagree?"

A disciple couldn't help but ask.

"Probably not? The Flower Burial Palace and our Saint Demon Gate still have a million-year covenant."

"This is not necessarily true, don't forget, because that person, now the Flower Burial Palace has a reason to break the covenant with our Saint Demon Gate."

The disciples had different opinions, but the people in the Flower Burial Palace they had guessed also appeared on the void at this moment.

The black chariot is extremely overbearing. This is the most iconic ancient chariot in the Flower Burial Palace. Whenever you see this chariot appear, it was once a spectacular scene of ten thousand monsters worshipping in southern Xinjiang.

Even though millions of years have passed, the Flower Burial Palace is not as glorious as it once was, but the black chariots are also rampant in southern Xinjiang.

Especially, the two figures on the black tank.

"Isn't that the one who injured Brother Huangxu?"

When a disciple saw it, he suddenly showed an angry face.

But some elders frowned slightly, because they knew very well the origin of the young man on the black chariot.

The Young Master of Funeral Palace, that is not comparable to ordinary people.

Although in southern Xinjiang, because the Flower Burial Palace has not been known for 100,000 years, no one dares to look down upon it.

"The young master of the Flower Burial Palace has stepped into Cang Tian Dao at such a young age to become the imperial prince. It seems that this generation of Flower Burial Palace chose to be born, for some reasons.

The emperor does not necessarily become the emperor, but there is absolutely no possibility of not becoming the emperor!

Now that the Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace was right in front of him, the demon-lord and holy emperors of the Saint Demon Gate looked a little weird.

Who is doing it?

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