Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2868: Sage heritage

Li Ye was also looking at the hazy body of the three stalwarts.

The three sages will not appear at the same time.

The will of the sages that appeared at the beginning turned into a huge amount of more than 60 feet, while the will of the next two sages is more than 80 feet high, and the other is about 70 feet tall.

Without guessing, you can see that these three sages, although they are all ancient and invincible figures in the history of the Yaozu, are obviously the second most powerful.

It can be distinguished from the size of the body that is transformed.

Others can't understand the embarrassment, but for Young Master Wuya, he is naturally a smart person!

"Sure enough, Young Master Wuya chose the strongest will of a sage."

I only saw that in the end, Young Master Wuya accepted the baptism of the great sage who was more than eighty feet tall. At the same time, a light of law appeared on him, which was different from ordinary laws. There is a demon world law that the demon clan can control.

The other two sage wills also disappeared at this time, leaving only the highest sage will and Prince Wuya, as if carrying on some kind of ancient inheritance.

However, at this moment, the void that had just calmed down, once again appeared invincible and terrifying.

"It's the sage's will again!"

I only saw that in the void, a huge invincible will of about sixty feet turned into a giant.

The golden light fell from the sky, but this time it was not Prince Wuya.

"Indestructible! He actually attracted the inheritance power of an ancient sage!"

In southern Xinjiang, such scenes have not occurred for tens of thousands of years.

Today, it appeared twice directly in succession.

The golden light passed down one by one, directly into the body of Indestructible. Although it was a bit weaker than the inheritance received by Prince Wuya, in the eyes of the world, the two of them were like real monster sages. You can even see old pictures on his body!

That is the inheritance of southern Xinjiang for countless years, and it is the glory of the Yaozu.

"Two geniuses who have gained the power of inheritance!"

"Southern Xinjiang, we are finally about to be born in southern Xinjiang!"

Countless strong monsters are excited and happy. Regardless of whether it is the older generation or the younger demons, the southern Xinjiang has not waited for a sage for tens of thousands or even 100,000 years, but now two people have appeared.

Although only the inheritance of the sages, but hundreds of years, thousands of years later, two sages and strong will surely appear in southern Xinjiang! And he is also a sage and strong man in the realm of the Great Emperor.

One after the other, Master Wuya and Jue Wuxi are now immersed in the ocean of inheritance.

"What about Princess Saint Demon Gate? If she can't set foot on the 50,000th floor and defeat the incarnation of the sage, in the future, the Southern Frontier, Saint Demon Gate might really want to surrender the name of the Holy Land."

Many strong monsters are worried, especially the Saint Demon Gate.

At the moment, Jade Demon Sovereign had a kind of anxiety in his eyes.

But obviously his worries are unnecessary.

A beautiful shadow appeared at the height of the 50,000th floor of the ladder, and as soon as it appeared, even the incarnation of the saints did not have time to descend, and stepped straight across the air!


The world is shaking! Bahuang whistling!

In the void, there was once again a world vision like the previous two times!

The will of the saints!

Appear again!

This time, even more spectacular than the previous two!

Five stalwart giant bodies appeared!

"This girl."

Jade Demon Sovereign finally let go of his heart, and it was Princess Saint Demon Gate who stepped on it.

And when it came, five ancient sage giants descended.

The many demon clan powerhouses who were still discussing just now, the demon emperor and even the half demon emperor, all grew their mouths.

"Five saints!"

"This Princess Saint Demon Gate is going against the sky!"

Indeed, Young Master Wu Ya already made people think that he was a peerless evildoer who hadn't necessarily been born in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of thousands of years, and he immediately attracted the attention of three ancient sages.

But I didn't expect that it hadn't been long before, and the princess of the Saint Demon Gate directly let the five ancient sages descend with a more powerful posture!

what does this mean?

"Young Master Wuya is the bloodline of a sacred beast, and it only caused three ancient sages to come. Does this princess of the Saint Demon Gate still have a more noble bloodline than Young Master Wuya?"

The strength of the Yaozu's talent is directly related to its own blood.

Many monsters are speculating.

It's just that compared to the Jiuyao Temple, the Saint Demon Gate was originally very low-key for tens of thousands of years, and seldom interfered with external affairs. Not to mention the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, she is the lowest-profile one among the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate.

In the void, the body of the five giants, the tallest one is a hundred feet tall! The smallest is close to seventy feet!

Regardless of the number of sages descending, or the aura of the giant that the sages have transformed, it can be seen that in terms of talent, the Saint Demon Gate Princess is undoubtedly still above the Wuya Prince.

The name of the number one genius in southern Xinjiang, even the number of powerful people in the Jiu Yao Temple at this moment, has to admit.

As far as talent is concerned, no one in the entire southern Xinjiang can compare with the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate generation.

There is no doubt that the princess of the Saint Demon Gate naturally chose the tallest giant incarnation of the will of a sage, and at the same time the golden inheritance power is shrouded in her body.

The emperor's closed disciple has now been passed down by the sages.

Even a three-year-old child knows that in the future, unless someone can intercept and kill Princess Saint Demon Gate before she enters the Emperor Realm, once she enters the Emperor Realm, even the ordinary emperor will have to take a three-point detour.

"Three saints! This is the blessing of southern Xinjiang!"

"Yes, there hasn't been such a grand event in southern Xinjiang for tens of thousands of years. Perhaps this is also an opportunity for the rise of our demon clan in southern Xinjiang!"

"Yes! Southern Xinjiang has been called a barren land by the human race on the side of Dongzhou and Xizhou Zhongshengzhou since ancient times, but in terms of genius, their human race is far inferior to our monster race!"

Many monsters said in excitement, but some older generation of strong men did not respond.

It's natural for some juniors to be so naive, but some of the older generations of monsters who have lived for more than 10,000 years are not so optimistic.

Although there are few sages in southern Xinjiang, there are nearly a hundred!

But for millions of years, Shenshengzhou, one of the three realms, was still the world of human race after all.

There are sages in southern Xinjiang, don’t the human race?

Not to mention, the two mountains of Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace lie in front of them.

Many monster races were attracted by the giants transformed by the will of sages, but they did not notice that in this short moment, there was a figure that had already ascended to the height of 10,000 stories.

If it had been before, it had already been targeted by the major southern emperors and powerful inheritors.

After all, among the many geniuses in Southern Xinjiang who can reach this height, dozens or even fewer can be found.

But now compared to the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, the three peerless evildoers who made the incarnation of the will of the saints and sages descend, Lord Wuya and Zhe Wuwei, naturally appeared less conspicuous.

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