Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2867: Sage

The eyes of the strong burst out of astonishment.

"No! That is the talent of the barefoot golden beast, refining! He actually wants to refining the sage incarnation directly into his own soul!"

The eyes of the Heavenly Demon Lord burst into surprise! After all, Jue Wuliu is his disciple, and if the incarnation of the sage's will can be directly refined, it will be a huge nourishment for Jue Wuliu. Even surpassing Young Master Wuya in his cultivation in one fell swoop is nothing to say.

At this moment, it was also the first time that Young Master Wu Ya was not so calm, his eyes flashed, but he didn't make a move.

In this pilgrimage ladder, no one can secretly attack other pilgrims. Once they make a move, they will face the suppression of countless ancient sages. Even he is not confident that he can kill indefinitely in this short period of time. , To escape the suppression of those sages.

"Indestructible, it seems I can't keep you."

Originally, he had a hint of soliciting for the indestructible, after all, even if he could dominate the southern world, he needed a group of powerful people to help him take care of it.

Although Zhe Wuquan is his opponent, this genius will at least be an invincible holy emperor demon in the future, and it will have an absolutely irreplaceable role for him to dominate the entire southern border in the future.

But now, he felt threatened!

A deep threat.

A demonic monster race is an obstacle to him! Because in the ancient legends of southern Xinjiang, any monster demon change will be respected by all monsters as royal! The king among monsters!

There is no room for two tigers in a mountain, and there is absolutely no possibility of two masters in southern Xinjiang!


The huge body of the barefoot golden beast crashed to the ground, but what followed was the complete disappearance of the incarnation of the sage.

Everyone felt a surge of blood!

"Indestructible did it!"

"Demon change! He will be the only king in southern Xinjiang!"

Some monsters said loudly, but some monsters did not agree.

"He is the king, who is the Young Master Wuya?"

"Yes, there is only one king in Nanjiang! Naturally, Young Master Wuya! He is indestructible, and after all, he has to surrender to Young Master Wuya!"

In an instant, countless demons divided into two factions.

One group supports Young Master Wuya, and the other group naturally agrees with the ancient legends of the demon race. For the demon race that can be transformed into a demon race, it is naturally considered the king of the demon race.

This is a game between the two great emperors, and it is also a battle between two peerless geniuses who have been rare in southern Xinjiang for tens of thousands of years.

"Wuya, I said, I won't lose to you!"

The body of the barefoot golden beast gradually disappeared, and a weak figure appeared at the same time, it was indestructible.

At this moment, his face was pale and bloodless, and he couldn't stand still.

But no one would laugh at him!

When he truly stepped onto the fifty thousand level of the ladder and defeated the sage incarnation, he had already become the hero in the hearts of countless young demons.

Even now, he stood at the same height as Young Master Wu Ya.

"Indestructible, you really are my biggest opponent in this life. But now, can you continue to challenge?"

Young Master Wuya smiled slightly, and under everyone's horrified eyes, he actually stepped up to the first floor again!

Fifty thousand layers can prove the emperor's way!

For countless years, history has proved this!

But higher?

Many Yaozu dare not imagine.

Ten thousand layers are Tianjiao, the future Saint Emperor Demon Venerable is at your fingertips! Thirty thousand layers can prove the way of heaven and attack the emperor realm! Only fifty thousand layers can prove the emperor's way!

But no one knows what the scenery is above the fifty thousand floors.

It can even be said that in the history of southern Xinjiang, it seems that no one has ever been there.

"Damn, this Young Master Wuya doesn't want to challenge the limit that no one has ever achieved?"

If it is said that Young Master Wuya stepped on the fifty thousand level before, which has given him the potential to become the future lord of southern Xinjiang, then when he once again challenges the higher ladder, even the several demon-exalted holy emperors have an unbelievable illusion .


Dragons roared and tigers roared, and all sorts of phenomena appeared in the world!

"Look! The sage has appeared!"

I don't know who suddenly exclaimed. Everyone took a breath when they saw it!

I only saw three stalwart bodies appearing in the void.

No one can see exactly what these three great bodies look like, but just being there is enough to make people have an urge to bow down!

Not only the ordinary monsters, but also the Jade Demon Venerable and Lingxi Demon Venerable, have been affected, and they have a desire to worship as if facing the emperor.


Jade Demon Sovereign took a breath. Although he is a Saint Emperor-level powerhouse, he still felt suffocated when he saw the three figures!

Saints! What is a sage?

For countless years in southern Xinjiang, the emperor has appeared many times, not to mention the holy emperor.

But there will never be more than a hundred who are qualified to be called saints!

Young Master Wuya's eyes bloomed sharply!

"Three sages! Actually caused the will of three sages to appear directly!"

Some ancient beings naturally understand what this means!

Only the kind of truly peerlessly talented person can arouse the will of the sages on the Holy Land!

Moreover, three people appeared at once!

What is that concept?

The will of the three sages turned into a golden light at the same time, shrouded in the direction of Lord Wuya.

"The gift of the sage! It is the gift of the sage!"

An old ancestor exclaimed in silence.

Suddenly there was a look of ignorance of the Yaozu junior, "Master, what is the gift of a sage?"

Not to mention the juniors of the demon clan, even some strong demon emperors are not quite clear. The ancestor took a deep breath and said, "The gift of a sage! It is rumored that only a peerless genius who truly has the incarnation of a sage, and even qualified to become a sage in the future, can cause the will of the sage to appear! The Young Master Wuya of the Nine Lights Palace, it seems that he is the darling of the heavens, the master of the revival of the monster race!"

Many people made exaggerated breathing sounds when they heard the words.

Fifty thousand layers can prove the emperor's way, which is scary enough!

Now, there is still the qualification to become a future monster sage?

"It is rumored that even if there is a peerless evildoer to achieve that step, it will only attract the arrival of a certain ancient sage, and this Wuya Young Master actually attracted three! It is truly unparalleled, and it is rare to see it for hundreds of thousands of years. ."

At this moment, even Young Master Wu Ya himself was somewhat surprised.

Although he was arrogant, he didn't expect that he could actually cause the three ancient monster sages to come.

"It seems that the three ancient sages all want to pass on their own inheritance mantle to this Wuya Young Master. I don't know who he will choose."

Although three ancient sages were attracted to come, but in the end, only one person was chosen.

Young Master Wuya was also hesitant at this time, and everyone was eagerly waiting.

Three ancient sages, any one is enough to make the world crazy. Now there are three people at once, but it is indeed difficult to choose.

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