Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2869: The wooing of Nanjiang Emperor Gate

Ten thousand layers, this is a dividing line for the demon genius in Southern Xinjiang.

Those who can reach this height are almost all the geniuses and descendants of the great emperors, and even the descendants of some ancient existences that are hidden from the world.

The entire southern Xinjiang can reach this height, no more than thirty!

Now, an unfamiliar face suddenly appeared, causing some people's attention.

"Who is that kid?"

Before Li Ye stepped on the pilgrimage ladder, although it also attracted the attention of some monsters, most of the strong did not care.

There is a small number of monsters who are in casual cultivation in southern Xinjiang.

Naturally, it is impossible to pay too much attention to the origin.

But now it is different. Even though the three Saint Demon Gate Princesses have now obtained the inheritance of the sages, a rare wonder that has been rare for tens of thousands of years, there are still strong eyes on Li Ye.

"Hey, this demon clan junior is very face-to-face."

An ancestor of the demon race condensed his eyes, but did not doubt Li Ye's identity.

Even more would not have imagined that this junior in front of them would actually be the culprit in their targeting of the Saint Demon Gate this time, the human kid who killed many demon monks in southern Xinjiang.

"It's very face-to-face, and I don't know which school or school it is. However, being able to step onto the ladder of 10,000, this kind of talent can't be compared with the peerless arrogance of Young Master Wuya, but it is enough to be in the southern border. Occupy a place! In the future, this son is likely to become a demon-sovereign holy emperor and be worshipped by all demons."

Some powerful people nodded one after another. If the three of the Sage Demon Sect Masters had not yet set foot on the fifty thousand floor, defeated the incarnation of the Sages, and obtained the inheritance of the Sages, they would definitely let out an exclamation.

But now, with those three perverts in front, no one would find it too strange.

"This kid can be considered an untimely birth. It seems that he is not a disciple of the Emperor Sect, nor is he like a person from the land of several ancient monster races. It is commendable to be able to come this far."

"Yeah, if this kind of talent is only a casual cultivator, it would be enough for the emperor's inheritance to solicit income from the sect, and may even be established as a successor. It's a pity that the birth is not in time."

Most of these powerhouses are some famous ancestors in southern Xinjiang, although they are not born in the emperor, but in southern Xinjiang they are a bit reliant on the old and sell the old, with a vicious look.

The powerhouses of several great emperors naturally paid attention to Li Ye.

But in their eyes, it is just that they are qualified to enter the emperor gate.

"Find someone to check the history of that kid."

An elder of Qing Cangmen instructed the disciple below, and the disciple heard a hint of surprise in his eyes. He knew exactly what this meant, and asked, "Is the elder wanting to call this person down?"

The old man nodded, "The young master now has the inheritance of the sages, and will surely become a generation of great sages in the future. He naturally needs someone to serve him. He has a good talent and is qualified to work under the seat of the young master."

After hearing this, the disciple went immediately.

Although he was a little jealous in his heart, he had also stepped into the pilgrimage ladder, but was bombarded just after passing the thousand-story ladder.

"That kid doesn't know any wild ways, but luck."

This kind of dialogue is not only on the side of Qing Cangmen, but also in several great emperor gates.

A genius who has the hope of becoming the Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor in the future is indeed worthy of them.

Saint Demon Gate is no exception.


Before the seat of Jade Demon Venerable, an old man walked forward to salute. He was a disciple of Jade Demon Venerable. Although he was also an elder at the Saint Demon Gate, he was like a disciple at this moment.

"That young man, go see where it came from."

The Saint Demon Gate has been able to dominate in southern Xinjiang for millions of years, firmly occupying the position of the first emperor gate in southern Xinjiang, and naturally it will not just cultivate its own disciples. As long as there are some geniuses with excellent talents in the outside world, the Saint Demon Gate will also be included in the school.

The actions of several great emperor sects showed a slight envy in the eyes of other sects.

"Hey, when the emperor goes out, that unknown kid is probably going to make a difference."

"No, not everyone is qualified to worship the emperor's gate, but that kid is also amazing. He was able to step up to ten thousand levels of the ladder. He was just an unknown casual cultivator. I really don't know which mountain col came out of him. I never heard of it."

Many strong monsters admire envy, but they also know that envy is useless.

As for the young geniuses of some Yaozu, that was envy, jealousy, and hatred, especially some geniuses in the casual cultivation world, they were not qualified to let the Emperor Sect extend an olive branch.

That is, some second-rate sects will favor them.

However, some people, when they saw Li Ye, their eyes became a little deeper.

"grown ups!"

These people were exactly the Demon Emperor and several other powerful monsters that Li Ye had encountered before mixing into the many casual cultivators.

Among them, the demon emperor's eyes were terrifying, and there seemed to be a faint worry.

"My lord, isn't that kid?"

This person is a deacon protector of the Jiuyaodian, who is specifically responsible for fanning the flames of the outside world. He naturally remembered who Li Ye was, and because of his remembering, he vaguely felt something wrong in his heart.

"This kid is so real without showing his face?"

When he discovered Li Ye at that time, he also tried, but there was no result.

But he didn't expect that Li Ye would be a blockbuster now, and no one would have thought that he would break into the eyes of the powerful emperors.

"My lord, this kid has a problem!"

"Yes, he deliberately hide his strength before, and he has concealed it from all of us. It is definitely from a source! Is there any conspiracy?"

This time, Jiuyao Palace took a lot of thought, just to fight for the title of the first emperor in southern Xinjiang.

"Don't make rash judgments on this matter, first find someone to investigate his origins clearly."

As soon as I finished talking here, one person approached.

It turned out that it was the Silver Snake Demon Venerable of the Jiuyao Hall who spoke in person, looking for an opportunity to summon Li Ye into the Jiuyao Hall.

"What? Lord Yaozun really said that?"

"Naturally, it is true, Master Yao Zun said, this child is very talented and must not be obtained by other emperors. You guys find the opportunity to contact this person and try to win you!"

After speaking, he frowned, as if he knew what the style of work of the people in the Jiuyao Temple arranged in the casual cultivator before him, he couldn't help but mention, "Remember! Master Yaozun takes this very seriously. Don’t mess with this, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

Several strong monsters were shocked when they heard the words, even the Demon King nodded quickly, dispelled his suspicion, and laughed, "Naturally, naturally, since Master Yaozun ordered it personally, we will naturally get things done. !"

"This is the best way. Remember, don't offend this person. If you push him to other emperors, you can't afford this sin."

After speaking, the messenger left, leaving a few people with embarrassed faces.

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