Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2861: Budding

Not to mention the disciples of the big sects, even some casual cultivators almost fell over.

"This little guy is really resilient."

A senior in the casual practice world laughed bitterly, and he didn't know how to describe it.

However, this time, Li Ye did not stay for long and took the second step.

It's just that many people who had paid attention to him before, lost interest at this time.

Compared with Li Ye, the little demon clan, whose appearance is not astonishing, and has no background, it is naturally the competition of the two most dazzling talents of the younger generation in southern Xinjiang, which is more attractive.


I don't know who exclaimed!

When everyone saw it, they all took a breath.

Li Ye also looked up at the sky while squinting his eyes.

A figure was already close to the height of fifty thousand floors! It is the descendant of that Qing Cangmen, indestructible!

But his appearance at the moment is not easy.

Shaking all over, wisps of blood flowed out of his seven orifices, showing how oppressed he was at this moment. However, he still didn't stop. His goal was exactly the 50,000-story height that few people could reach for millions of years.

"Qing Cangmen seems to be not too ambitious this time!"

"Indefinitely, if you want to set foot on the fifty thousand floor, his goal is obviously not that an emperor can be satisfied! He wants to prove to the world that he will become the next invincible emperor in southern Xinjiang!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The 10,000-story pilgrimage ladder is a hurdle. Only when you step on it can you be called an evildoer! In the future, whether it is to become the Holy Emperor Demon Venerable or to hit a higher realm, throughout the ages, this has been confirmed.

And the 30,000 floor is another hurdle! Only to set foot on this height, it means that you are the arrogant of the world!

Even the inheritance of the emperor door throws an olive branch on this genius.

Fifty thousand floors!

"If this indestructible can set foot on, in the future, he has at least 70% to 80% hope that he can prove the emperor's way!"

"Yes, since ancient times, anyone who can reach that height will become a generation of great emperors unless they die halfway through and are killed by others. This is indestructible, with great ambition and high talent. Perhaps it is really possible."

Compared with Young Master Wuya, Absolutely Wuya was always crushed.

However, as the world's arrogant, he also has his own ambitions!

Even if he was overwhelmed by Young Master Wuya, as long as he could reach that height, it was still hard to say who would be the one who would be the king of Nanjiang in the future.

At this time, even the smile on Prince Wuya's face gradually faded.

"There is no extinction, no extinction, it seems that you have always been cherished by the defeat that year."

Apart from the mysterious and unpredictable princess of the younger generation of southern Xinjiang, the others have played each other privately. Among them, there is no extinction, and naturally there was a competition with Wuya Gongzi.

But that time, Indestructible was defeated.

And it was a complete defeat!

"Twenty years ago, Jue Wu Mian once publicly challenged Young Master Wu Ya, but that time, even though the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and even as the descendant of Qing Cangmen, he did not expect to be able to recruit 30. Lost in the hands of Prince Wuya."

"Yeah, the battle 20 years ago was extremely sensational in Southern Xinjiang. This indestructible is indeed a monster at the time, with outstanding talents, and even the support of such a behemoth as Qing Cangmen, but it was a pity that it fell short."

"In that battle, after hearing that he was defeated, he entered the retreat after returning to Qing Cangmen. Obviously he was unwilling to want to make a comeback. Today he naturally wants to be on the pilgrimage ladder to crush Young Master Wuya!"

Regardless of the fights of several geniuses and evildoers in southern Xinjiang, Li Ye was silent at this time, and he had reached the height of the ladder.

This height is even more conspicuous than many of the demons in southern Xinjiang.

It's just that everyone's attention is on those great arrogances at this time, so naturally they won't pay attention to such a silent person like him.

Only a few caring people paid attention.

"That kid, I didn't expect to accumulate a lot of talents. This kind of talent can be regarded as rare in casual cultivation."

Yubao Yaozun didn't know why, he always felt that Li Ye was familiar, but he couldn't remember when he saw him. Because of this, he paid more attention.

It's just that, just stepping on the 100th level of the ladder, that is, the ordinary talent in his eyes, and a named disciple from the Saint Demon Gate can achieve this level.

However, some strong people in the small school were a little surprised when they saw this.

"Go and find out the origin of this kid, if you have no school, you can recruit in."

The elders of several small sects all ordered to go down.

Naturally, they couldn't compete with the martial arts or even the emperor for genius, and they didn't have that confidence. But the people who are usually talented but not valued by the martial arts are exactly what they need.

One hundred floors.

Two hundred floors.

Li Ye's footsteps are not fast, but gradually, he has reached the height of 500 stories.

At this time, it finally attracted the attention of many people.

"Huh? When is this kid!"

Some experts in the casual world were surprised!

After all, casual cultivation, in the eyes of the martial arts, is that the talent is too bad, and it will not be able to worship some powerful inheritance cultivation. Therefore, it was natural to be a little surprised to see a casual cultivator actually ascend to the height of 500 stories of the pilgrimage ladder.

Especially for some second- and third-rate sects in southern Xinjiang, some people frowned slightly at this time.

"This son has some cultivation value, and it depends on whether he can reach the thousand layers."

Melaleuca, this is the key to distinguish whether a person is a genius!

For millions of years in southern Xinjiang, why did countless younger demons want to climb this pilgrimage ladder? Most of them did not do it for the will of the sage, but more to prove their value!

Only by climbing to the thousand layers can you be qualified as a genius!

"This kid, if he doesn't scream, he has already made a blockbuster. If he can climb the thousand floors, he might attract the attention of some martial artists."

A lot of casual repairs gathered in the Demon City.

But there are not many that can be a blockbuster.

Even a handful of talents with good talents are all famous students in the casual cultivator world, so they are naturally different from ordinary casual cultivators.

Those people, although in the name of casual cultivator, actually even some ordinary sects were kind to them.

However, Li Ye just attracted a lot of people's attention, and was soon covered by a cry of exclamation.


A deafening roar, only to see a terrifying figure, I don't know when it will appear, but it was immediately blown out by countless golden lights on the pilgrimage ladder!

When everyone saw it, they were shocked!

Because the one who was blown into the air was actually a terrifying demon-sovereign holy emperor!

After he was blown into the air, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his figure was also revealed.

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