Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2860: take the first step

The key is that the pilgrimage ladder is the place where the Yaozu pilgrimage is, how could it be possible for a human junior to enter?

No one would have imagined that the Human Race kid who killed many demon races in Southern Xinjiang and entered the Saint Demon Gate grandiosely was standing on the pilgrimage ladder of their Southern Demon Race!

This place of pilgrimage that only Yaozu can set foot on for millions of years!

There will be a human race!

Non-my family, its heart must be different! Nanjiang Yaozu has always believed in this sentence.

Jiuyao Palace and other emperor gates, it is precisely this that can be secretly combined to instigate the demons to come to the demon city.

"What kind of disciple is that?"

Some strong monsters have noticed Li Ye, after all, no matter how low-key, they can't step up one level on the pilgrimage ladder. This is the first time in history.

Naturally, someone will care.

But many people shook their heads, obviously they didn't know who Li Ye was.

"This kid looks at Miansheng and doesn't look like a disciple of some martial sect. Maybe it's just an unfamiliar casual cultivator. From the looks of him, he may be frightened by the will left by the sages of the past, hahaha! "

I don't know who laughed, and the rest of them all smiled.

Although the monsters in southern Xinjiang are hostile to the human race, there are also internal disputes. But that was the result of the power struggle at the upper level, and among some ordinary monster races, they were relatively united.

A demon cultivator couldn't help but said, "Little guy, are you scared? If it doesn't work, just come down, no one will feel ashamed of you."

"Yes, after all, this is the place blessed by sages in the past, and ordinary geniuses can't bear it. You are a small casual cultivator and have the courage to stand up. It is already very valuable."

Most of these monster races were born in casual cultivation.

Although not as good as those powerful emperors and martial sects, but there are also some demon clan who cultivated the demon emperor.

Li Ye could naturally hear their voices, but only slightly raised the corners of his mouth.


"On this pilgrimage ladder, there is indeed a wisp of will left by the sages of the demon race in the past. It is not only a test of the younger generation, but also a warning to anyone without blood of the demon race."

When he stepped on, he could obviously perceive a wisp of will appearing, but it was only a flash.

If there is no blood of the dragon in his body, it may not be the result of a flash in front of him. It is more likely that a terrible incarnation of will will be directly condensed, which will directly cause him to fly into ashes and annihilate.

It is not that he is humbled, but that on this pilgrimage ladder, no one knows how many demon sages have blessed, and unless the incarnation of the will is the emperor, no one can carry it down.

"That kid seems to be unwilling to give up."

Seeing that Li Ye hadn't come down, some strong casual cultivators shook their heads.

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but it's okay to go up and feel them. Maybe there is a chance to understand a ray of sage's will, which is also good for his future path of cultivation."

Some seniors in the casual practice world did not laugh. When they had such a young impulse, they could naturally understand the thoughts in the hearts of some of the younger demons.

On the contrary, some disciples of the martial arts and even the emperor were sneered at this moment.

"I can't help myself!"

A disciple of the martial arts sneered, beside him, the others laughed and said, "Brother Chu, look at the boy's unwillingness to give up, does he still want to prove his talent on the Pilgrimage Ladder?"

"Wishful thinking, don't take a **** and take a look at it by yourself. Even with ordinary root talent, you want to prove that you are a genius?"

"Yeah, if you are a genius, you would be like Brother Chu, worshipping a powerful sect like Wuwang Pavilion, how could it be a casual cultivator."

These people are all disciples of various sects. Although not everyone is a genius, they feel that they are superior.

Especially the look in their eyes, it can be seen from their eyes that for casual cultivators, even if everyone is a monster clan, they are still not accepted by them.

The view of the portal, whether it is a human race or a monster race, always exists.

The person who was flattered by several people was exactly a disciple of Wuwangge. Although he is not very famous in Wuwang Pavilion, compared to some other schools, Wuwang Pavilion's background naturally makes him very proud.

After hearing about some casual practitioners around, they all frowned slightly.

Someone was angry, after all, this group of juniors even scolded all the casual cultivators in, but they were caught by someone beside them.

"Don't be impulsive, these guys are all under the big demon clan sects, especially the headed person, who came from Wuwang Pavilion."

Wuwangge is indeed a powerful sect in Southern Xinjiang!

Although not as powerful as the Emperor Sect, it has a place under the Emperor Sect!

"Wuwangge, huh, it's just after surrendering to the Jiuyao Hall that the fox gets up and down, so I really take myself seriously!"

"Oh, no matter whether it is a fox or not, no one dares to provoke Wuwang Pavilion today. Moreover, if you don't talk about the Jiuyao Temple, it is said that Wuwang Pavilion's crow ancestor is a real powerhouse of the Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor. "

The crow ancestor, everyone heard that they were all cold.

His real name is not the crow ancestor, but the Wuya ancestor, but because it is after the ancient sky crow, so many people in southern Xinjiang call him the crow ancestor.

Those strong casual cultivators around, even the existence of the Demon Emperor, dare not easily provoke them.

After all, getting into such a sect is not good for him at all.

This further contributed to the arrogance of those martial arts disciples.

One of them even laughed loudly, "Boy, you can't get up, if you are not brave, you can get down. Although it's a bit embarrassing, you can save your face than you are now!"

"Hahaha! The point is, since you don't have the ability to go up, don't stay on it!"

The ridicule of some martial arts disciples did not affect Li Ye.

But it is true that he has stayed on the first floor of this pilgrimage ladder for a long time, and what should be understood has also been fully understood.

While those people were mocking, he took the first step.


A will rushing toward the face, the so-called pilgrimage road, every layer will have a will to test the pilgrims. If you can't bear it, you will be shaken out.

But once you can bear it, it benefits a lot.

Of course, this is just the beginning. Those insights are not eye-catching to many geniuses, so many geniuses are directly climbing higher places at the fastest speed!

Because only there is the opportunity to realize the profound will left by the sages.

At this step, Li Ye stopped again.

All of a sudden, those who were expecting to see him finally start to take action lost interest.

"Damn, this kid is here to be funny."

When Li Ye stopped again, many people blurted out.

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