Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2862: Sage

A Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor, what a existence is that!

But even the pilgrimage ladder cannot be approached!

Especially the golden light of ten thousand feet, instantly shattered the body guard of a demon-sovereign holy emperor, and even if it were not retreated in time, it is very likely that even a demon-sovereign holy emperor would fall into it at that instant.

Everyone took a breath!

"It is said that this pilgrimage ladder has the guardianship of the sages of the past! No one can offend! I originally thought it was an error, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"That's natural! If it's fake, after so many years, someone has been ascended to the highest point and found the relics left by those sages, how could it still exist for so long."

Everyone looked towards the demon sovereign, but found that it was not the Lingxi Demon Venerable.

"It turns out to be fellow daoist Heavenly Demon Lord."

Yubao Yaozun laughed loudly, but his eyes were a little cold.

After all, the relationship between Qing Cangmen and the Saint Demon Sect in recent years has not been good, especially now that it has joined forces with the Jiuyao Temple to put pressure on the Saint Demon Sect, and naturally will not give a good face.

Heavenly Demon Lord!

Everyone was shaking three times when they heard this!

Nothing else, just because the Demon Extinguisher in this day is a generation of murderers in Southern Xinjiang!

"Oh, it's the Demon Sovereign Sky Destroyer! It is rumored that under Emperor Cangmen of Zhongqing, this person is enough to rank in the top three!"

"No more! It is rumored that Demon Slayer is jealous and decisive on this day! Especially for the human race. The human race powerhouse who died in his hands over the years has at least three digits, and there are many of them. The Martial Emperor of the Human Race and even the Half Emperor are folded in his hands. On the side of the strong Human Race, he is known as the great demon of our Monster Race."

Some Yaozu whispered.

The sudden appearance of the Heavenly Demon Lord, it is naturally impossible for no reason.

It turned out that just now, on the Pilgrimage Ladder, Jue Wuxi suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, trying to forcibly climb the fifty thousand floor, but ended in failure.

Forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Just the last step!

Everyone raised it with one heart.

The ancestors of Qing Cangmen are even more heart-shaped!

Taking that step means that their Qing Cangmen will welcome the second emperor in the future!

No longer need to look at the face of the Jiuyao Temple, you can even sit on the same level!

The Heavenly Devil Demon Venerable didn't care about the Jade Demon Venerable at all. At this time, his eyes were always paying attention to it.

"It is rumored that this indestructible is a disciple of Heavenly Demon Venerable."

"That's not right, I remember the rumor that Zhe Wuming is the illegitimate son of the Heavenly Demon Venerable."

Everyone talked a lot, but there was no doubt that the Heavenly Demon Venerable cared more than anyone for Indestructible!

The last step, the final step!

Jue Wuquan's face was pale at this time, and being able to step onto this height actually made him burn out.

But he was unwilling!

He is not willing to be stepped on his head by Prince Wuya and others in the future!

"I am indestructible, absolutely no worse than anyone!"


He took that step the second time! He only saw blood flying all over his body, and the bones all over his body made a harsh, creaking sound, as if there was a terrible weight to press him down.

"My fate is my fate! What about the sages of the past! I am indestructible, I will never bow my head!"

The invincible roar turned into a terrifying beast behind him! That is just a kind of awakening of the blood of the monster race in his body!

"Barefoot Golden Beast! This is the original indestructible bloodline!"

When everyone saw the shape of the fierce beast that emerged, they all breathed in!

"Barefoot golden beast! This is an ancient fierce beast that is almost the same as the holy beast! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this indestructible bloodline talent is not weaker than that of Wuya!"

As soon as the terrifying beast appeared, it opened its teeth and danced its claws, as if it was about to provoke the sky and roar up to the sky!

Accompanied by that invincible and terrifying aura, Jue Wuxi has already reached fifty thousand floors with one foot, but at this moment!

Golden light directly converged into a body.

It was a body that no one could see clearly, and it appeared in front of Infinite.

With a light palm, it directly annihilated the fierce beast behind Infinity, and at the same time, it stopped the excitement that appeared on the original face of Infinity.

"Do not!"

The unwilling roar is followed by a terrible shock.

In the end, he never boarded, and this time he suffered more injuries! Almost fell directly from the pilgrimage ladder.


Many people shook their heads and sighed, and the strong men of Qing Cangmen were even more disappointed.

Failed, indestructible, and other evildoers, in the end they didn't reach the height of fifty thousand layers.

Many demon races in southern Xinjiang have a kind of helplessness.

"Even the enchanting evildoer of Extinction is impossible to board, who can do it?"

Someone issued a question.

Yeah, such a genius like Indestructible, it would be difficult to have one in ten thousand years. If it weren't for the two arrogances of the Saint Demon Gate Princess and Lord Wu Ya in Southern Xinjiang, he would definitely be the number one in the world!

Naturally, some older generations of powerhouses sighed, "Fifty thousand layers, only those who prove the emperor are qualified to go up. If it goes up so well, the demon emperor powerhouse born in southern Xinjiang will not So little."

Not only in southern Xinjiang, the entire Shensheng Prefecture, the strong in the realm of the great emperor, are very few.

"Is that golden body just now the incarnation of the saint in the rumor?"

Countless people have seen the scene just now.

He was even more shocked by the terrible momentum that shattered everything between raising his hands.

"It is indeed the incarnation of a sage. It is rumored that only by defeating the incarnation of the sage can you be qualified to reach that height."

"Emperor Dao! Throughout the ages, how many talented evildoers have been blocked, no matter what their origins, they are treated equally in front of the emperor Dao. I don't know if anyone can board in this southern Xinjiang."

A group of people looked at the two most promising people in Nanjiang today.

Princess Saint Demon Gate and Prince Wuya.

These two people are peerless geniuses among the younger generation in southern Xinjiang who are said to be rare for hundreds of thousands of years.

Anyone appearing in today's southern Xinjiang is enough to make all the demons in southern Xinjiang happy.

But now, two people suddenly appeared.

"If it is said that someone can do it, today's Nanjiang may have a chance for these two people."

A sect elder sighed.

Jue Wuliu failed, and everyone naturally placed their hope on Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wuya.

In southern Xinjiang, it has been a long time since there was no enemy-free object that turned out to be enough to make the Three Realms move.

At this time, the two of them had already broken through 40,000 floors of the ladder!

"Sages incarnate?"

Li Ye raised his head slightly, and he saw the same moment when Indestructible was bombarded under the fifty thousand floor. But his eyes were always on that golden body.

It was a fusion of the invincible wills left behind by the sages of the past, even if it was so far apart, he could clearly feel the huge pressure that was enough to make the whole body tremble!

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