Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2807: Dig out the tree of life

"Old ghost, are you playing with me? The branches of the World Tree?"

All the way up from below, this world tree is like supporting www."

To put it bluntly, even though Heavenly Sword Great Emperor knew the method, he himself had never been here before.

Savvy? In other words, the Heavenly Sword Emperor actually couldn't do anything about it himself.

"Branches of the World Tree..."

Although this method sounds extremely cheating, in order to take away the tree of life, Li Ye had to calm down.

After sitting like this, countless days and months passed.

In this world, there is no concept of time, let alone the present.

Gradually, Li Ye's body was covered by thick fallen leaves, and even later, he was completely buried in it.

I don't know when, a vague afterimage floated out, it was Heavenly Sword Great Emperor.

"I don't know if this little guy can do it."

He looked at Li Ye, who hadn't known how long he had been in this state, and couldn't help but sigh, looking towards the tree of life that seemed to not grow for thousands of years.

"The tree of life, I didn't expect it to really exist. Is it destined to be touched by this kid? I just don't know if he can take it away. If he can, the emperor will restore his body and soul, and maybe he will have a fortune."

As a generation of emperor, he naturally did not want to exist as an emperor weapon spirit forever, that was the biggest insult to him!

The Great Emperor Tianjian looked at the tree of life, with a terrifying edge flashing in his eyes.

After a long time, he sighed, "Fine, nothing, it's impossible for this emperor to be in his current state. I hope this kid can compete. Since he has come here, he has encountered an adventure that no one has been interested in for millions of years. With the character of this guy who has plucked his hair, it seems that he won't stop until he achieves his goal."

He hesitated, "Well, let this emperor help you."

Suddenly, the remnant soul of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor suddenly brightened, as if a source of power dissipated from it!

And this source of power is exactly a certain terrible power that resonates with the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon.

I saw the countless laws around me turning into a mark, forming a piece of the world.

These four square worlds seem to be just a rudimentary form, but they faintly carry a certain mysterious atmosphere.

If there is a holy emperor here at this time, he will definitely exclaim!

These four square worlds are the highest realm that countless holy emperors have pursued but cannot reach!

That is only the emperor can do it, dominate the world!

Not the kingdom of Emperor Wu! That is the real world! There, the emperor is the master of all living things!

At the same time, the World Tree has slightly changed.

At this moment, Li Ye, who was buried by countless fallen leaves, suddenly shocked!

That square world suddenly fell into his forehead!

Some kind of enlightenment made the endless chaos around him suddenly become clear!

"Fortunately, this kid has a good understanding, and it doesn't cost the emperor to sacrifice so much."

The remnant soul of Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was pale, and even more transparent than before.


Li Ye jumped up, and directly shouted! It hasn't stopped for a long time!

"I understand! I finally understand!"

After he recovered, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had entered the Seven-Star Sword to recuperate. This time, he had almost exhausted the last few sources of his own, and his bet was that Li Ye successfully took away the tree of life.

"Old ghost."

Li Ye was naturally not stupid. Although he had fallen into a state of chaos before, at the last moment, he did know that Emperor Heavenly Sword helped him.

Condensing his mind, Li Ye's gaze didn't have too much piercing sharpness, but he had an extra deep one.

As long as he grabbed it casually, countless fallen leaves seemed to be drawn and turned into whirlwinds.

In the end, a leaf appeared in his hand.

However, this is not an ordinary leaf, it is a leaf of the World Tree!

But the leaves of the World Tree are a little different, because in Li Ye's hands, a faint change occurred!

From a leaf, a bud gradually gave birth to a root!

In the end, it turned into a branch.

"Thank you."

Li Ye bowed towards the void, he knew very well that the World Tree recognized him, otherwise it would be impossible for him to succeed.

But what he was going to do next was absolutely bold enough to the extent that the gods were angry.

He wants to take away the tree of life!

It is a pity that the world tree is not a creature, and it will not stop all of this. As far as the World Tree is concerned, as long as someone can comprehend its true meaning and can take away the tree of life, nothing will change.

When he walked to the tree of life, a branch in Li Ye's hand gently turned into a world, and instantly included the tree of life, along with the small pool of the fountain of life.

The next moment, Li Ye appeared in the inheritance space.

"This breath!"

A shadow flashed across the castle, it was the Heavenly Dream Saint.

Seeing Li Ye's return, her beautiful eyes suddenly turned into wisps of light, "Such a strong life force, you?"

When she saw what Li Ye took out, it turned into a big tree in the sky and instantly planted it in the old castle.

"The tree of life! How is it possible?"

Shui Linglong and Li Shishi were also shocked. When they saw the Tree of Life, they were not as excited as the Heavenly Dream Saint. Fortunately, Master Li, the ancient inheritance memory, the dragon and lion clan, as the bloodline closest to the true dragon clan, also has some memories about the tree of life.

But Shui Linglong didn't know what it was.

In the dragon blood pool in the ancient castle, a black shadow like a loach suddenly rushed out, but Li Ye's eyes were quick to grab his tail.

"You little thing, that's not something you can eat, be good."

Take a closer look, although this little loach is dark and not slippery, it is faintly domineering. At the same time, it has double horns. Seeing Li Yewan and seeing the closest relatives, he made a babble sound, and became coquettish.

This is the little Devil Dragon that was hatched! I don't know if it was the essence of the old magic dragon in Li Ye or was conceived by Li Ye all the time. After the little magic dragon was born, he regarded Li Ye as his mother.

"You took away the entire tree of life?"

The Saint of Heaven is worthy of being a Saint of Heaven. She guessed the calendar when she looked at the towering tree. She was so surprised because of guessing the calendar!

Even in her era, the tree of life only exists in legends, no one has seen it!

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