Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2808: Life and death

Soothing the greedy little magic dragon, Li Ye spent a small bottle of the fountain of life!

A small bottle!

Li Ye's heart is bleeding!

If he hadn't dug up the entire tree of life, he would even have the urge to hit his head. www.

A small bottle of the Fountain of Life has at least a capacity of dozens or hundreds of drops! If this is seen by the holy emperors who are about to die from the outside world, I really don't know if they will personally choke Li Ye and Little Devil Dragon, the two prodigal sons to death!

But although luxury is a bit more luxurious, the effect is not without it.

The little devil dragon that swallowed a whole small bottle of the fountain of life has expanded several times from the original size of a small loach.

Huh! After a full hiccup, the little magic dragon sneaked back into the dragon blood pool again contentedly and began to fall asleep.

"The growth cycle of the true dragon family is too long, but this pool of dragon blood can accelerate its growth, but it will not be too fast. Now with this tree of life, this cycle can be greatly shortened."

Looking at the Dragon Blood Pond, the Heavenly Dream Saints looked at the young man who was entangled with her somewhat with monster eyes.

Dragon blood! Within these three realms, it can be regarded as a first-class treasure of the holy product and immortal medicine!

Most people get one drop or two, both of them are treasures. But Li Ye owns a pool! Enough for any emperor-level sect to see, jealous to crazy!

Forget it, now even the legendary tree of life has been dug up!

The sages of Heavenly Dream are a little doubtful whether Li Ye is the illegitimate child of God! This adventure and luck, for millions of years, there is no second one!

"So what are you looking at me?"

After being stared at by the Heavenly Sage for a long time, Li Ye felt all over his body.

Recently, he always felt that the eyes of the Heavenly Dream Sage looked at him a little subtle, as if some kind of change had occurred.

But he just told himself that he was thinking too much, not thinking too much.

"By the way, this tree of life is the heaven and earth sacred tree. There are unexpected benefits for you to cultivate under it!"

Before leaving, Li Ye gave a command.

The tree of life is more than just the birth of the fountain of life! Ordinary people around it, long life is easy! It can even be disease-free for hundreds of years!

Not to mention the cultivator. Although cultivating under the tree of life cannot speed up the progress of the cultivation, it is impossible to achieve breakthroughs and epiphany. But under the nourishment of that powerful life force, it is enough to prolong life! Youth stays forever and even lives for tens of thousands of years!

Especially for a few women in the inheritance space, no one can resist this.

Even the Heavenly Dream Saints' eyes lit up when they heard this!

Coming out of the inheritance space, Li Ye smiled.

This trip to Styx, although adventurous, was rewarding!

Not to mention, the tree of life is enough to be worthy of everything in the world!

As for the other adventures on the World Tree, it is much less attractive to him.

Whether it's a magical medicine or a peerless technique, this kind of adventure that can only be obtained by a predestined person cannot be forced.

"Unfortunately, Xiao Lintian and the others are not here, otherwise they can go down and try."

On the World Tree, there are adventures everywhere, depending on whether there is that great opportunity to encounter.

Before leaving, Li Ye seemed to have a kind of understanding in his heart.

At the end of the Styx is the World Tree. The boundary between life and death is extremely blurred here.

"Life and death do not end in reincarnation, that's how it is."

The end of death is life. Perhaps for heaven and earth, life and death are themselves a kind of reincarnation, and there is no absolute theory of life and death!

For an instant, Li Ye seemed to ignite a rich light of life! But the next moment, a strong death breath was replaced instantly, and it began to diffuse toward the surroundings!

I don't know how long it took, suddenly Li Ye was shocked! The whole body turned into flying ash, but the next moment, it appeared again, as if experiencing a transition between life and death.

Opening his eyes, a terrible death shot from his eyes! Like death's concentration!

But the next moment, the rich life turned into a spring breeze, sweeping away the cold and icy cold before, and even reviving the dry earth.

At that moment, Li Ye's sigh made him directly enter a state of epiphany.

Life and death! Two diametrically opposite extreme Dao Fa wills suddenly became clear! Let him enter a whole new realm!

And these two extreme powers can coexist in him! Even into a brand new will!

Li Ye's eyes, one is like the sun, full of light and vitality! The other eye pupil was occupied by thick death air and endless darkness!

In front of him, the earth withered in an instant, but the next spring breeze rose again and began to recover!

After a long time, peace was finally restored.

"The way of life and death!"

The corner of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly. This trip to the Styx was indeed a great opportunity for him!

Not to mention the tree of life, now he understands the way of life and death!

Especially the latter, this kind of power, he believed that even if the Holy Emperor met, he would not dare to touch it easily! No one can resist the erosion of death!

Similarly, the end of life is death!

"It's time to leave."

Finally, he glanced at the World Tree. This piece of heaven and earth was not among the Three Realms and Nine Realms, and Li Ye could clearly feel that kind of perception. But where exactly is this place, he believes that one day, when he sets foot on the nine days, he will naturally know.

Now, it is not the time for him to touch that height.

Just like the old cemetery that was reached under the dry well in the backyard of the Li family mansion in Wuzhou city.

After a thousand years of dreams, when he stepped out of the world tree and returned to this world, Li Ye himself was a little bit confused about how long it had passed.

After all, in that time and space, time does not exist, and even he himself can't remember how long he stayed.

"here is?"

Originally he thought he would appear in Death Valley, but apparently he had miscalculated the magic of the World Tree.

He appeared in a valley, but the valley looked a little cold, as if it had been frozen for countless years, and when he came out in one breath, he could actually condense into ice crystals in an instant.

Even if a cultivator stepped into this place, he might not be able to withstand the cold.

"Interesting, this place."

In the valley, there seemed to be no people.

But there is a cold pond, and you can even see some fish and shrimp living in it leisurely.

"How can it freeze in such a cold temperature?"

Soon, he found out why this cold pool would not freeze! Because the pool water in the cold lake is not ordinary pool water, but a kind of spiritual spring with aura!

As an alchemist, he is naturally no stranger to this kind of spiritual spring! You should know that many elixir prescriptions require some spiritual springs as medicine for alchemy, but most of the spiritual springs in the world are created artificially. They are truly blessed, and the spiritual springs where heaven and earth are self-born may have existed in ancient times, but they were early Has been occupied by the ancient forces.

The pool of spirit spring in front of him is not big, but it is enough to make people jealous.

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