Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2806: The way to take away the tree of life

I have pressed plucked hair, but that's all!

If someone saw Li Ye's crazy behavior at this time, they would definitely be stunned!

The fountain of life, any drop is definitely the best life-saving medicine in the world! It is also a great medicine for refining Shou Dan!

Even the great emperor had his life exhausted and his soul returned to www.

Seeing Li Ye's crazy behavior, he almost lost his soul!

"Old ghost, the tree of life, good stuff! With things, the fountain of life has a constant source of energy, and there are no rumors. As long as the tree of life is planted, it is equivalent to nurturing life in the world!"

There are many legends about the tree of life, no matter what kind of legend, at least one thing, the tree of life, let alone the emperor, even those terrifying figures above the emperor will be horrified when they see it!

Such sacred trees, at least in the world, have never appeared before!

"Since the record, there is only the tree of life, but no one has seen it. I didn't expect it to be here! With this, I can directly refine the pill from the side of Emperor Danwu!"

As a legend in the alchemy world, Emperor Danwu was not born in the Palace of Medicine Kings.

But his position in the alchemy realm is not even worse than the few ancient alchemy saints in the Medicine King Palace! Even more famous!

Among them, the longevity pill came from him! And there is a kind of pill, which is more against the sky than the longevity pill!


It means the world lives together!

From the name of the pill, you can see the domineering implied in the pill recipe of Danwu Great!

Live with the world! What is that concept?

Everything in this world, whether it is a human race or a monster race, even some ancient races. No matter how it was born or how talented it is, there will be a day of death!

The true dragons are known as the most famous beasts in the world, but they are not immortal!

"Smelly boy, the Tongshou Pill created by Emperor Danwu, do you really want to try it?"

"Why not?"

Emperor Tianjian was silent. Not many people knew about Emperor Danwu's Tongshou Pill. It was a coincidence that Emperor Tianjian learned that. However, in these hundreds of thousands of years, no one has seen Tongshoudan!

Even the characters such as Heaven Sword Great Emperor laughed at it after hearing it back then, it was just a crazy fantasy of Emperor Dan Wu.

To live with the world, that is the realm of the gods!

How could it be reachable by mortals?

"Even if it is stated on the prescription that the spring of life and the tender leaves of the tree of life are needed, no one has ever seen the same life pill. Even if the emperor Danwu succeeded in refining it, no one can confirm."

"Because no one has seen it before, I have to refine it!"

Tongshoudan! Naturally it is impossible to live the same life with heaven and earth if you really eat it!

That is the realm of the gods, beyond the reach of mortals!

But according to the Nadan prescription, Tongshou Pill, even if taken by the emperor, can prolong life! And it is not an ordinary longevity, at least tens of thousands of years of life!

More importantly, Li Ye's eyes burst out with a terrifying edge!

Tongshoudan, there is no argument for drug resistance!

No matter it is any longevity pill or elixir in this world, if you take too much, the effect will get worse and worse, and it will eventually have no effect!

"Old ghosts, those ancient holy emperors, and even the hidden emperors, if I can give them a pill for the same life, what would you say to them?"

Emperor Tianjian fell silent for a while.

This still needs to be answered?

Those supreme-level existences have already eaten up this world spirit medicine, immortal grass and longevity pills, and have long been unable to continue to increase their lifespan.

The ghost master of Death Valley, the dust-covered ancient sage emperor of the emperor-level sects! Which one is not for survival, even at all costs?


Once this thing is born, it is enough to make the entire Shenshengzhou and even the Three Realms and Nine Regions thunderous!

"Boy, the premise is that you can refine it successfully."

Yes, the idea is very good, but Emperor Danwu didn't leave any complete Tongshou Pill, how can future generations do it?

"How can I know if I don't try?"

"But this is not the reason why you directly dig out the fountain of life and even the tree of life."

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor is considered a bold person, but he did not expect that the junior Li Ye would be even more bold than him!

"So what? It's no one cares and waste to put it here. It's better to make it cheaper for me, maybe it can benefit the people."

Wrong reasoning!

Emperor Tianjian smiled bitterly, but he just asked casually. Naturally, seeing such gods as the fountain of life and the tree of life, they did not want to stay.

However, it was not easy for Li Ye to dig away the entire tree of life.

"Get up!"


The power in Li Ye's hands is more than ten thousand Jun?

With his current cultivation base, even if he is unlucky, the pure power of his physical body is enough to move a great height! Not to mention that his cultivation is enough to overwhelm the mountain!

But that's it, he found that he had nothing to do with the tree of life.

"Damn it, I don't believe it."

It's definitely a pity for a lifetime if you can't take the tree of life away.

More importantly, there is no tree of life, no matter how many fountains of life he takes away, it will be used up for a day. Only when the tree of life is there, the fountain of life will flow continuously.

"Boy, you can't take the tree of life like this."

Seeing that Li Ye tried for several days without any progress, the Heavenly Sword Emperor finally said with a smile.

"Old ghost, do you know the way?"

"I do know a little, but this emperor is not sure about it either."

After all, it was the emperor who stood at the pinnacle back then. "The tree of life breeds all things, and it is rumored to be related to the world tree. If you take it away directly, it is naturally impossible to do it."

"What do you do then?"

"Simple! You need the approval of the World Tree!"

The identity of the World Tree? Li Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes, "I said old ghost, you are still joking at this time."

"When did this emperor make a joke with you!" The Emperor Tianjian rolled his eyes angrily, "The tree of life is born from the essence of the tree of the world, and it may not be possible for such a plant to be born in millions of years! If so! It's easy to take away, and it won't be called the tree of all things."

"How about then?"

"Simple, not simple, with a branch of the world, you can take away this column of seedlings."

The branches of the world tree? Li Ye heard it for a long time and never recovered.

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