Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2772: The legendary Styx

Regarding the Palace of Eternal Life, Li Ye and Emperor Tianjian once discussed.

There are many legends of the Palace of Eternal Life, but many clues are related to Death Valley.

Although it sounds crazy, in places like Death Valley, there is a temple like the Palace of Eternal Life that hides the secrets of immortality.

But after learning about the treasures of Fengshui in Death Valley, Li Ye knew why Heavenly Sword Great would judge that way back then.

In other words, why have generations of strong men so concerned about Death Valley for millions of years.

"I did search for the Hall of Eternal Life back then, and found some clues. However, the true location of the Hall of Eternal Life was not revealed."

Bai Liningtian readily admitted.

"I don't know if seniors can tell those clues to juniors?"

"It's okay to tell you that there are countless powerful men buried in this Death Valley, but at the end of this Death Valley, it is rumored that Styx once appeared."


Nether Realm!

There are many sayings about **** in the world, but no one knows whether **** exists or not.

Even the most mysterious underworld among the three realms, no one can prove whether it is a real hell.

But in Li Ye's mind, the scenes that he had seen before appeared!

That was when this world just appeared, a battle between the gods and the creatures on the earth!

It is the real culprit that broke this piece of the world, torn apart!

Among them, there was a fragment that fell into endless darkness.

"Is that the realm of Netherworld?"

Hell, the underworld, the realm of the netherworld, that are the different names the world has for that place.

But without exception, the dead people or monsters will go to that world to rest.

Li Ye didn't know if it was a resting place, but he knew that in that world, it was not that simple!

The powerful creatures that died and even the gods were all there!

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, the appearance of Styx is indeed true."

"When did it appear?"

Although Styx is not the Eternal Life Hall, it does have a certain connection with the Eternal Life Hall!

"Every ten thousand years, Styx will appear once."

Ten thousand years!

For many people, this is almost a few lifetimes.

Even if it is the strong, ten thousand years is not short.

"You're lucky, counting the time, it's almost the day when Styx will appear again."

Originally, Li Ye was still thinking about whether to spend that price to find Styx. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence. Bai Liningtian's words gave him hope again.

"When is it?"

"It won't be a year."

But one year!

It's really close!

What is there at the end of the Styx?

Is it the legendary Nether Realm, or the Palace of Eternal Life he guessed.

Suddenly, Li Ye became very interested!

"Boy, you don't want to set foot on the Styx and head to the end of that piece?"

An old monster like Bai Liningtian is naturally not stupid. Seeing the change in Li Ye's expression, he knew what he wanted to do. He couldn't help but shook his head, "It's not this seat that scared you, even this seat didn't dare to enter the Styx easily. If you enter, you will definitely die! The bones are gone, and the souls are gone!"

The reason why Styx is called Styx is because anyone who enters has a dead end!

Without exception!

As powerful as Bailiningtian, there was almost the same as the Great Emperor, and he didn't dare to continue.

"Smelly boy, if it is really Styx, it is indeed dangerous."

Emperor Tianjian also sighed slightly.

"Old ghost, even if there is a Styx with death and no life, there must be a reason for it. I don't believe it, there is no way, and my physique may be able to bear the power of death in Styx."

His physique?

Yes, Li Yenai is a person who has experienced the baptism of water in the past. Although it is only a little bit, it is different from ordinary people.

"Boy, you have to think carefully. Although it is rumored that Styx’s is rebirth water, no one can be sure! And this is different from the previous sea of ​​death. Styx can only enter by the real dead. Rumors divide people. If you enter the boundary between the world and the world of the dead, you will probably not come back."

Give up, or take a risk?

"Don't forget, the purpose of your coming here is not for the Palace of Eternal Life. If you find it well, if you don't find your talent, you will definitely be able to stand above the nine heavens in the future. When the time comes, you will naturally be able to come here again! Don't forget Your mission!"

Emperor Tianjian once again persuaded.

Li Ye also fell silent.

He came to Death Valley, not all for the Palace of Eternal Life, but for the Ice Crystal Soul King!

It's just that no one can remain indifferent after getting clues from the Palace of Eternal Life.

"One year, less than a year! Not to mention, if the Styx appears then, I will check it out, enter if I have a chance, and give up if I don't have a chance."

This can be considered a compromise.

But before that, he needs to do one thing.

From under Bai Liningtian's eyelids, slipped away.

stay? joke! Naturally, he cannot really want to stay.

But it was just because Baili Yunyan could take away the book of life and death, that's why it came to a slowdown.

"It's not easy to escape from this old guy."

When Li Ye's eyes turned, Bai Liningtian had now returned to the sarcophagus. But he is not naive to think that this is his chance!

At that point, even if Bai Lining Tian does not appear, he can be forced to stay.

How to leave?

For ten days, Li Ye did not move.

I've been cultivating with peace of mind all the time, and it looks as if I have accepted my fate.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

A touch of edge cut through the sky in an instant!

Bai Lining Tian was shocked all at once!

But his attention was not Li Ye, but something else attracted him!

A terrifying eye appeared on the sky, like the will of the gods, looking down on the people!

Even Bai Lining Tian felt a trembling from the soul.

After living for so long, he is no ordinary person. When he saw those eyes, his whole body was shocked!

"God Eye! Impossible!"

God eye! The Eight Secret Eyes of Swire! There are countless legends. But every legend is related to the **** wind! Even in the era of Bailiningtian, he once met the descendants of God Eye!

That was the only time in his life he was almost on the verge of death!

Even facing the emperor, he has never been so frightened! That time, he almost died. If it hadn't been forcibly dragged him by the book of life and death, it would have been impossible for him to have a generation of warriors who would later dominate.

A sly smile appeared on Li Ye's face. Regarding Bai Liningtian's life, he naturally inquired clearly from Emperor Tianjian. It was precisely because of this that he instantly released the blood pupil divine eyes!

Sure enough, Bai Liningtian's attention was completely attracted by that **** eye.

"It's now!"

Without any hesitation, Li Ye instantly turned into a escape light!

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