Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2773: Make Death Valley a little messier

A terrifying roar directly caused a huge earthquake in the entire Death Valley.

For countless years, everyone who has been able to come to Death Valley is a tyrant or the most enchanting evil in the world.

However, no matter who it is, even those strong men standing on the pinnacle of the world, dare not easily offend the terrifying ghost masters buried in geomantic treasures!

With this roar, countless ghosts and ghosts almost screamed in pain almost instantly within a radius of thousands of miles!

Even though they have been dead for countless years, but because of some magical power they retain part of their habits before death.

Even the ghost masters of several other feng shui treasures nearby were alarmed!

In a valley, the ground cracked directly, and a bronze coffin emerged.

"This breath seems to be an old friend."

The old voice revealed from it, faintly letting wind, thunder and tigers roar from around.

There was another lake, and the surface of the lake separated strangely, and then a huge water bubble slowly rose.

Looking closely, in the blisters was a woman who was almost half a hundred years old. Although she is not young, it can be seen that she must have been a magnificent woman when she was young.

He didn't open his eyes, but there seemed to be a terrifying divine mind directly above the sky.

"In that direction, who on earth was that alarmed him?"

That roar can almost be said to have alarmed many ghost masters.

Here, any feng shui treasure place is a land with a master. No one knows who is buried inside?

Perhaps it was an invincible powerhouse tens of thousands of years ago, or even a generation of God of War for hundreds of thousands of years!

Even they themselves don't remember how long they have been here.

For countless years, I have been sleeping, slowly accumulating blood qi in the body and not much lifespan.

It is not a last resort, no one will take the risk to show up.

But now, they are alarmed.

It is enough to see that even if Bailiningtian is in this Death Valley, it is also a famous and terrifying existence.

Even those ghost masters have some kind of jealousy about them.

A flash of escape flashed past!

Countless lonely spirits and ghosts around madly stepped forward, but without exception, they were all torn apart in golden light!

No matter how powerful the lonely ghost, even if it is equivalent to the peak martial emperor, there is no resistance in the golden light, and it will be divided in an instant!

"Damn, that old ghost is so persistent!"

Naturally, this escape was not someone else, it was Li Ye who escaped from Bailiningtian.

He originally wanted to distract Bailintian's attention, and then fled frantically. As long as you escape the valley, you can be safe.

Unexpectedly, after he escaped from the valley, Bai Liningtian would still be chasing him all the way! Even as time goes by, it is about to be caught up.

No matter how fast Li Yedu is, what he is facing is a pinnacle powerhouse who was able to sit on an equal footing with the emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago! It is even a terrifying demon who has practiced the Book of Life and Death!

Once such a person is angry, it is indeed not easy to give up.

"Boy, it seems you really angered him."

"Old ghost, don't talk coldly, if I die, you will lose the only one you can count on."

Li Ye is very anxious now. It is not that he is afraid of death, but that the old monster behind him is indeed not something he can handle now. Even if you have to resist, you will pay a heavy price.

And in this Death Valley, if he is seriously injured, it will become very unfavorable!

It was even enough to bring him death.

"Hehe, this emperor has warned you long ago, don't put yourself into danger for the little nizi of the Baili Mo family, now it's not good, this emperor can't help you."

"Old ghost, with my current strength, if I fight him with all my strength, what is the chance of winning?"

Li Ye asked suddenly.

"What's the odds of winning? Boy, you can really think about it! Although Baili Ningtian is a false name in many places, it is indeed invincible if the emperor did not show up. If he was back then, maybe you still have a 20-30% chance of winning. What..."

In fact, Li Ye knew the result without further explanation.

Bai Lining Tian itself is equivalent to the Great Emperor with just one step away. This kind of person has been asleep in Death Valley for so long, not to mention other things, it is said that countless years of accumulation are enough for him to drink a pot!

"No! He is about to chase after him!"

Li Ye gritted his teeth and a teleportation rune appeared in his hand.

This is exactly what Wang Jinqi refined back then, and it can be thousands of miles instantly!

It's just not a last resort, he won't use it.

Especially in a dangerous place like Death Valley, God knows where he would appear if he crushed the teleportation runestone in his hand.

Don't just leave the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den.

At this moment, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor obviously knew it was not a joke.

"Boy, if you want to find a chance to live, go directly to the depths of Death Valley!"

"Deep in Death Valley?"

"Nonsense! Unless you want to die here!"

Without saying anything, Li Ye speeds up!

Behind him, I only saw a large horrible cloud in the sky, and the sound of thunder and lightning faintly came!

That is exactly what Bailining Tian chased and killed!

You know, the ghost master's blood and life are not much, even if Bailiningtian has accumulated hundreds of thousands of years, not much! Now that it comes out, the consumption is huge! However, he was still persistently chasing and killing him, and he could see how strong his intention to kill Li Ye was.

After all, Li Ye took the book of life and death from him, but then slipped away from him with tricks.

Even ordinary people will be furious! Not to mention the existence that was once near the peak!

The two chased and fled!

Thousands of miles away!

Li Ye is not stupid, he doesn't care about three or seven twenty-one at this moment, and whenever he encounters many lonely souls and ghosts along the way, he just plunges into it!

Then those lonely wild ghosts suffered!

Although everyone who can die here is not a powerful person in the world, there are some peak martial emperors and even half emperors.

But at this moment, he was frantically strangled by Bai Liningtian who came to the sky afterwards!

But Li Ye kept running around, using those lonely ghosts to stop Bai Lining Tian from chasing and killing him.

Not to mention, it did play some role.

"It's no way to go on like this!"

After chasing and fleeing, Li Ye already felt the terrifying aura behind him getting closer.

Finally, he made one of the craziest moves!

"Still chasing? Then let the fun be a little bit bigger!"


Li Ye directly chose a geomantic gem!


His plan is simple!

There must be a powerful ghost master sleeping in the treasure land of Feng Shui!

No matter who it is, if someone breaks into his territory, he will naturally be furious! Even fight!

But Li Ye's method is very simple, just break in!

In an instant, when Li Ye entered, there were horrible fluctuations! Then the breath of invincibility rose slowly!


That is the monstrous anger of a ghost master!

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