Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2771: Never! Health! temple!

With the book of life and death and the death-free card, Baili Yunyan quickly changed and left. ????

At this time, Li Ye was left alone.

"It seems you are a smart person."

"Senior asked me to stay because I was afraid that the method the younger generation told you to know was false."

Bai Lining Tian did not make a sound, which was considered a tacit understanding.

"In fact, seniors don’t have to be like this. The Book of Life and Death itself is the supreme metaphysics, but one of the few unsolved mysteries in the Three Realms. Not to mention the juniors, even those who really stand on the altar are not You can definitely know the secret."

The Book of Life and Death is part of the Wordless Book of Heaven.

This legend has been around for a long time, and it can't even be considered.

But at least one thing, the book of life and death has appeared so few times in millions of years.

Each appearance will either cause a **** storm, or a horrible person will be born.

To be honest, the book of life and death fell into Bai Liningtian's hands. He was the last person to take over, and the most unknown person.

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Bailiningtian's eyes flashed with a terrifying edge.

"If the predecessors wanted to kill me, they did it just now. Since they didn't do it, it's just that I'm still useful. I don't know if the juniors guessed right?"

Changed to another person, facing the horrible existence of Bai Liningtian, let alone such a rivalry, even if he could take a breath, he would be brave.

But Li Ye is different!

No matter how invincible Baili Ningtian was, he could only be on par with the Great Emperor at his peak.

And in his opinion, it is equal to the ordinary emperor. It can't be compared with those peak emperors, such as the heaven-defying monsters such as Xingtian emperor.

Not to mention the emperor Jinghong, Emperor Danwu, and Emperor Hengtian.

"You have a lot of courage, but unfortunately, you are not from the Baili Mo family."

This sentence is very meaningful, but Li Ye just smiled.

"If the senior is willing, the junior would want to ask one thing."

"What's the matter?"

In Bai Liningtian's opinion, Li Ye had become a prisoner of his imprisonment, and he couldn't escape from his Wuzhishan at all, but he had a leisurely answer.

"The junior wants to know the location of the Palace of Eternal Life!"


In an instant, there was a strong wind around! The world changes color!

Even the countless lonely souls and ghosts around this treasure land of Feng Shui fled in a hurry!

That is the endless might of a ghost master!

The ghost master is the most terrifying existence in Death Valley!

Just as there are invincible sects and aristocratic families in the outside world, in Death Valley, any geomantic treasure is actually equivalent to a terrifying force in Death Valley!

It's just that there is only one ghost master in the treasure land of Fengshui, but it is enough to control the fate of countless lonely ghosts around.

"Eternal! Life! Temple!"

Even if it is Bailiningtian, it is word by word at this moment, which shows how powerful these three words are.

"It is the Palace of Eternal Life. The predecessors have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. At that time, it was the pinnacle of the world. I should have heard the legend about the Palace of Eternal Life."

Li Ye smiled.

Sure enough, Bai Lining said, "Are you here for the Palace of Eternal Life?"

"Senior joked, is there anyone in this world who is not moved by learning about the Palace of Eternal Life? Isn't Senior, not moving?"

This sentence made Bailiningtian fall into silence.

Palace of Eternal Life!

This name is definitely not accessible to ordinary people.

Even in some ancient heritage, only a few people have heard of it.

But anyone who knows the Palace of Eternal Life, as long as they have the opportunity, they will never miss it!

"The Hall of Eternal Life, an ancient legend, contains secrets that make people truly immortal."

Li Ye said again!

Correct! This is the real reason why the Palace of Eternal Life can make everyone in the world crazy!

Immortal! Immortal!

This is the pursuit of countless people for millions of years!

Down to the ordinary emperor and general, up to the invincible peak of the monastic world.

No one can resist the temptation of eternal life!

Just like Baili Ningtian, he almost truly stood at the pinnacle of the world back then, and he was on par with the Great Emperor. How majestic and prestigious?

However, in the end, he could only seal himself in this Death Valley for hundreds of thousands of years, like a living dead.

"The seniors don't tell me, in fact, the juniors also know some."

Many things can only be understood when they are really exposed.

Just like this Death Valley!

"This Death Valley has many treasures of geomantic omen. The people buried here can slowly accumulate a little blood and lifespan over the endless years. For millions of years, countless peak powers have studied this secret. Why are there so many feng shui treasures in Death Valley?"

Halfway through, Li Ye stopped, because he just wanted to understand many things.

"Actually, this secret is very simple, because Death Valley is not only death! Here, there is this other amazing secret! That is the Palace of Eternal Life!"

Palace of Eternal Life!

It is precisely because of the Hall of Eternal Life that so many feng shui treasures have been born, otherwise no matter how many years have passed in this world, it would be impossible to give birth to such a magical place.

Bai Liningtian didn't deny it, because what Li Ye said was not known to ordinary people, but the people standing at his height were open secrets.

"Eternal Life Palace, no one has found it for millions of years."

Finally, Bai Liningtian shook his head.

If they find the Palace of Eternal Life, no one will choose to bury themselves in Death Valley without human beings or ghosts, expecting that there may be hope of rebirth after countless thousands of years.

He also looked for it back then, but unfortunately he returned in disappointment in the end. In the end, he buried himself in this feng shui treasure land in front of him. Even before that, he personally killed another ancient strong man who was buried here!

No matter how many fengshui treasures there are in Death Valley, it can't stand the encroachment of countless tens of thousands of years one by one! The only way for latecomers to be buried is to behead the predecessors! Dove occupy the magpie's nest!

That big battle was earth-shattering!

Any ghost master in Death Valley is invincible in the world, even he relied on the book of life and death to reluctantly kill his predecessors and be buried successfully.

"It's true that no one has found it, but it doesn't mean that there is no clue."

Back then, the Heavenly Sword Emperor had also entered Death Valley. It wasn't that he was looking for a place for Feng Shui to leave a trail, but that he also had great ambitions for the Palace of Eternal Life.

However, no one can give a clear answer to whether the Palace of Eternal Life exists or not, one era after era.

Even if it is Bailiningtian, it can't.

Even the first beauty in Xizhou 7000 years ago, Evian Lan, why did he step into Death Valley? There are different opinions from outsiders.

But Li Ye guessed that the purpose of Evian Lan's coming here might also be rushing to the Palace of Eternal Life.

"With your strength, even if you find the Palace of Eternal Life, it is impossible to enter."

"The juniors naturally have the methods of the juniors."

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