Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2745: beat

"No! Absolutely not!"

An ancestor of the Nanyu family was furious on the spot!

The other ancestors were also dumbfounded.

Nan Yulong trembled all over. These ancestors in Nan Yu's family were all ancestor-level figures. The youngest of them were more than 10,000 years old, and the one who was furious just now was even more incredible!

"The original ancestor calmed down his anger."

Yuan Zu, the oldest ancestor of the Nan Yu family, it can be said that the other ancestors are at least grand-nephews before him.

He was almost at Nan Yu's house, and no one could refute or change his decision! Even a word of him can change the head of Nan Yu's family!

When he was angry, the entire upper level of Nan Yu's family dared not take a breath.

"The death-free card is the most important thing in my Nanyu family, and it must not be handed over!"

"Yuanzu, that kid didn't want to occupy our Nan Yu family's death-free card, just want to borrow it, you see?"

"No way!"

Nan Yulong closed his mouth, in this family, the original ancestor is supreme!

However, he is not from the Nan Yu family, and he is not even related by blood! But the position of Yuanzu in Nanyu's family is higher than anyone else!

The reason is very simple, the identity of the original ancestor was the only disciple of the ancestor of the Nan Yu family back then! Even back then, even the other sons of the ancestor of the Nan Yu family did not have the right to speak for the old man in front of him.

"Needless to say about this matter! Don't throw the dead card! Otherwise, the Nan Yu family will not be able to explain to the deceased!"

Yuan Zu waved his hand, he was the only person who lived from that era to the present.

He naturally knew that the death-free card was not only a treasure for the Nan Yu family to deliberately and safely entered the outer area of ​​Death Valley, but more importantly, the meaning of the death-free card to Nan Yu family.

"But, where is Baili Mo's family?"

"What about the Baili Mo Family! When the first ancestors were still alive, how did their Baili Mo Family dare to ask their sins like this?"

Yuanzu snorted coldly, but Nan Yulong and others muttered in their hearts.

Do you always know that the ancestor is still alive? When the first ancestor was alive, let alone the Baili Mo family, even those terrifying powers of a few emperors would give them a bit of face to the Nan Yu family.

For nothing else, the Empress Jinghong was in their Nan Yu home back then! This incident was also known to a few people in the Nan Yu family, but because of this incident, the ancestor of the Nan Yu family started from Yijie to establish a huge family that has been passed down for 100,000 years outside this Death Valley.


For the entire Nanyu family, the original ancestor's decision is the imperial edict and cannot be changed.

Even the head of Nan Yu's family has no right to interrogate.

"Brother, this matter is not easy to handle."

Nan Yulong was worried.

"I know, let's not talk about the Baili Mo family, the young junior you mentioned, if it is the person I guess, this matter is no better than the Baili Mo family."

"Oh? Brother knows this?"

"A little guess, according to your description, this person may be somewhat similar to a peerless genius who suddenly emerged in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou some time ago."

Nan Yu Takashi is not an idiot, his face changed a lot when he heard it, "Big brother, you mean... the person in the news?"

"Yes, if it's that person, he wants our Nan Yu family's exemption card. If we don't give it, there may be more troubles."

"Big Brother, our Nan Yu family is also an ancient family of 100,000 years, how can we leave him as a junior..."

"What do you know! If you really are that peerless genius, not to mention the sacred demon princess with whom he is rumored to have an ambiguous relationship, just say that he can be in a place like the Thousand Emperors realm, so that the descendants of all the great emperor sects What do you think of him, my third brother?"

Nan Yu Long was speechless and hesitated for a long time.

Although he is the third person in the Nanyu family, the cultivation base of the middle emperor pinnacle makes him stand tall enough in this world.

But after thinking about it carefully, sweat beads the size of soybeans came out on his forehead.

A peerless genius who can play with all the descendants of the emperor-level sects between applause, but escaped safely and has lived well so far. As long as you are not a fool, you should never be evil if you know that this kind of person can be good!

"I hope it's not that person, otherwise, this matter is really difficult."

"The Yuanzu's attitude is so firm..."

"You can't blame Yuanzu, the meaning of avoiding death cards is too great."

"Jinghong Empress?"

Nanyu Takashi naturally knew some secrets, and fell silent after hearing this.

There was no consensus on the Nanyu family's internal opinions, but on the other side, things came to the door.

Sanying Building, Xingshi came to ask the crime!

Of course, it is not Sanying Building that really worries Nan Yu's family, but the people behind Sanying Building.

"Nan Yu's Nanyu Valley, I have seen Young Master Yunyan."

Baili Yunyan, dressed in men's clothing at this time, was followed by a person, this time an elder from the Baili Mo family who followed her. Other than that, no one was brought.

However, these two people made Nan Yu's family feel like sitting on a needle blanket.

"Nan Yugu Patriarch, you don't have to be polite. The purpose of my coming today must be clear to you."


How could it be unclear, just because of being clear, at this time Nan Yu's family felt as disgusting as if they swallowed a ****!

They didn't get any piece of sacred crystal, but they had to bear this kind of crime, and they felt wronged after thinking about it.

Baili Yunyan was not in a hurry to put pressure on it. Some of the secrets of Nan Yu's family were unknown to others, and Baili Mo's family naturally heard about it. So she can't do too much in this matter.

In case the Empress Jinghong is still there, many things are not easy to stop.

"Young Master Yunyan, there is indeed some rumors about this matter, but the Nan Yu family can guarantee that they will definitely not get involved with any Baili Mo family."

Baili Yunyan knew about Nan Yu's cowhide candy before she came.

Even she understood that it was the people from Sanying Building who wanted to reject the dissident.

Understand the ghost understand, but Baili Yunyan came here today, not for anything else, just to beat Nan Yu's house!

After all, these sixteen countries in Xizhou! It's the world of his Baili Mo family!

She didn't speak, but made Nan Yugu and the others uneasy, sweat bursting out of her forehead, and she couldn't understand the thoughts of the descendant of the Baili Mo family.

However, Baili Yunyan's failure to speak does not mean that others will not.

"Young Master, since Nan Yu's family doesn't know how to promote, then why should the Young Master worry?"

The old man standing behind Baili Yunyan snorted, and the next moment a terrifying aura instantly pressed towards the Nan Yu family!

"Half Emperor!"

Nan Yugu was shocked on the spot, exclaiming!

Half Emperor!

No one thought that although Baili Yunyan brought only one person, she was actually a strong man in the realm of a half-emperor! The point is that such a strong person is actually respectful, standing behind Baili Yunyan, like an old servant.

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