Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2744: Dilemma

A great emperor, even if he does not show up, is a deterrent. ?

Although Nan Yu's family is weak, no one has dared to move for tens of thousands of years.


"Boy, if Jinghong is really alive, it won't be that easy for you to take the exemption card from Nan Yu's house."

There are certain things that only those who have reached that height are qualified to know.

Emperor Tianjian is someone who knows certain things.

That's why he answered like this.

"Old ghost, it seems that you really are the worst emperor, if you didn't meet me, you still don't know how many years you will sleep in that seven-star sword."

"Smelly boy! Are you looking for something? How mighty this emperor was back then, how could he have missed if he hadn't been caught in the tricks of Old Man Big Dipper!"

"Okay, okay, the hero doesn't mention the courage of the past. You still help me think about it, if the Empress Jinghong is still alive, will we cause fire if we do this?"

"Smelly boy, if the Empress Jinghong is really alive. Don't say that the emperor can't help you now, even if the emperor is restored to his peak state, he can't protect you!"

This is not the time when the Heavenly Sword Great emperor possessed the aspirations of others to destroy his own power and prestige, and shocked the female emperor.

In any era, there will be one or two terrifying characters who are peerless.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Emperor Hengtian was born.

And fifty thousand years ago, it was the Empress Jinghong!

"I hope she is no longer anymore."

For fifty thousand years, it was difficult for Emperor Wu to live that long.

Unless it is the dust covering yourself, buried deep in the ground.

But for the emperor, fifty thousand years is actually not too long.

At this time, Nan Yulong had already decided in his heart.

"Young man, I can't do this! The avoidance card is the biggest secret of the Nanyu family. No matter how Young Xia learns it, but if you want to take away the avoidance card, let alone me, even me. Big brother, he can't make this decision easily."

Yes, the death-free card is more than just a pass for Nan Yu's family to enter Death Valley.

More importantly, it was the person who left the dead-free card at Nan Yu's house back then!

Even if Li Ye rescued him, Nan Yulong would not hand over the exemption card in order to repay him.

Moreover, he has no such ability.

"I know you are not qualified, but you can convey my request back."

"Shao Xia, this matter, my Nan Yu family will never agree."

The exemption card is very important, even if the Nanyu family sacrifices Nanyu Takashi, it is impossible to hand over the exemption card. Nan Yu Takashi knew this point best, so he refused.

"I know about this. But what if I can make the Baili Mo family change their choices and abandon the Sanying Tower, and instead support your Nanyu family to become the true master of this generation?"

As soon as this statement came out, Nan Yu Takashi's expression changed greatly!

Baili Mojia! That is the real hegemon of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou!

The ability of Sanying Building to be developed in just a thousand years is inseparable from the support of the Baili Mohist school.

"This one……"

"I know you don't believe me, but believe in Nan Yu's family, you will get news soon."

Li Ye didn't smile, Sanying Building suffered such a big loss this time, it was impossible to remain indifferent.

More importantly, the sacred crystal veins they thought have now disappeared, and because of reason, this matter will not end like this.

"He really said that?"

Nan Yu's house!

Nan Yulong looked a little embarrassed at this time. Although he returned safely, he seemed to feel like a sinner.

This time, not only the few elders of the Nan Yu family who were his peers, but also the few hidden ancestors were shocked.

"Big Brother, a few masters, this person really said so."

After he returned to the family, he immediately raised Li Ye's request, which naturally shocked the entire Nan Yu family.

"It's unreasonable, no matter how this person knows, since he knows the matter of avoiding death, he can't let him live!"

An ancestor of Nan Yu's family immediately flashed killing intent in his eyes, but he heard Nan Yu Rong quickly dissuade him, "Ancestor, no!"

"What? What special status does this person have?"

"The ancestor calmed down, the origin of this person is mysterious, and my grandnephew did not try to find out his origin. But he can easily rescue me from the people in Sanying Building, his strength is definitely not simple!"

"Huh, just a mere junior, can it turn the sky over!"

The few remaining ancestors of the Nan Yu family are exhausted, and they are not easily disturbed by important things.

But even if they are exhausted, their strength is unfathomable!

"Well, my grandnephew has an idea."


"Since this son said that he has a way to get the Baili Mo Family to abandon the Sanying Building and support our Nan Yu Family instead, why can't we believe it for the time being. If it really makes the Baili Mo Family change their attitude, then..."

Nan Yu Long deserves to be the number three person in the Nan Yu family today, and he quickly mentioned the most critical issue of the Nan Yu family today.

Their Nanyu family has been overwhelmed by the Sanying Tower for nearly a thousand years, and they are a little out of breath.

"Just relying on him as a junior, can he change the attitude of the Baili Mo School?"

"This matter can indeed be tried, but with such a tone, is it a member of the Baili Mo family?"

Several ancestors of the Nan Yu family also had different opinions. Some supported Nan Yu Long's ideas, and some sneered.

At this moment, the news that broke their differences reached Nan Yu's house.


Nanyu Takashi and others were shocked!

It turned out that news came back that the Nan Yu family snatched a vein of spirit stone from the Sanying Tower to supply the Baili Mo family, and also killed an elder of the Baili Mo family!

As soon as the news came out, Nan Yu's family naturally became uneasy.

Although the Nanyu family has a big family, it is also very famous in this generation.

But compared with the Baili Mo School, it is simply a sky and an underground, no comparison!

Baili Mo Family, that is an emperor-level force!

Where is Nan Yu's house? But no emperor has ever been born!

"This is definitely a ghost made by Sanying Building in secret!"

"Spirit stone vein! Damn it, if my Nanyu family really takes away the spirit stone vein, that's all!"

Nan Yulong's heart is bitter. The Nan Yu family does have some ambitions, but now, let alone taking advantage of the Nan Yu family, they have also lost many strong men and died in the Yinglong Mountain Range.

But what can they do?

Tell the people in Sanying Building that it was the Dongzhou Helan Family that really took away their veins?

Not to mention whether Sanyinglou would believe it, even if it did?

The Helan Family in Dongzhou is more terrifying than the Baili Mo Family, let alone Sanying Building, even if the Baili Mo Family knows it, they can only swallow this bitter fruit! In the end, it was their Nan Yu family that was unlucky!

Suddenly, Nan Yulong thought of Li Ye's proposal before!

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