Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2746: How great is Li Ye's face?

Half Emperor! The entire Nan Yu family couldn't find a strong man of such a realm!

No, one can!

The oldest ancestor of the Nan Yu family, the original ancestor!

It is the realm of half emperor!

But how old are the original ancestors?

The person who stepped on the coffin with one foot could not be compared with the half-emperor of the Baili Mo family who was obviously at the peak.

If there is a fight, Nan Yu's family can't resist it.

Although it has long been known that the Baili Mo Family, a million-year-old family, is terrifying, but Nan Yugu and the others did not expect it to be so terrifying.

"I give the Nan Yu family three days. Regardless of whether the Saint Crystal vein is the work of you or someone else, I just need to see the result."

Three days!

Nan Yugu and others looked ugly, especially Nan Yulong. He knew that there were a lot of things. The Saint Crystal vein fell into the hands of Helan Tianlang.

In three days, where did they go to find Helan Tianlang?

Even if they find it, they dare to speak?

Only one and a half elders from the Baili Mo family can restrain them, and the Helan family is more terrifying than the Baili Mo family!

"It doesn't take three days."

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

The complexion of Nan Yu Gu and others changed, and Nan Yu Taka's face flashed surprise! Because he knew who came.

They didn't notice that the subtle expression on Baili Yunyan's face changed after this voice sounded.

"Who are you?"

Follow the old man who fixed Baili Yunyan's eyes! It's just that he suddenly realized that an aura even thicker than him, directly shocked his whole body, revealing a look of astonishment on the spot!

He is a half emperor! Although it hasn't been long since stepping into this state, who can actually shake him like this?

Emperor Chu!

A ray of horror flashed in his heart! When he saw the person who appeared, his complexion changed again and again!

So young! He was so young that he, a half-emperor from the Baili Mo family, was shocked!

too young!

"Emperor Chu!" He frowned. He didn't expect such a terrible figure to be hidden in Nan Yu's home.

The person who came was Li Ye.

In fact, he had long known that the Nan Yu family couldn't hand over the exemption card so easily, and everything they had done before was just foreshadowing.

But to his satisfaction, the Baili Mo family really came.

However, the people who came made him also a little surprised.

"We meet again."

Seeing Baili Yunyan, Li Ye smiled and did not reveal her trick of disguising herself as a man.

"Sure enough it is you!"

Baili Yunyan bit her red lips lightly. Fortunately, no one noticed this kind of little girl.


It was a pun, but Li Ye knew that Baili Yunyan could understand it.

Sure enough, Baili Yunyan had complicated eyes. She has confirmed her guess that the Saint Crystal vein was indeed taken by Li Ye! Although she couldn't guess Li Ye's methods, she made all her previous plans invalid.

"Young Master, this person..."

Seeing that the young master of his own family actually knew the incoming person, the half-emperor elder of the Baili Mo family was slightly surprised.

"He is the person the ancestor said."

Just a word, let him shut his mouth immediately. The people of the holy ancestors are now known by a handful of senior members of the Baili Mo Family. Now that he knew who Li Ye was, he no longer revealed any hostility.

Just kidding, although he is a half-emperor, he doesn't feel that he has enough to live if he has to face a demon who even the emperor dared to pit, and even the heavens will bring down the sky.

Nanyu Takashi finally found a chance, "En Gong, what did you say just now?"

Li Ye saved his life, but for an old fox like Nan Yulong, life-saving grace is nothing at all. How to preserve the family is the most important thing.

"It doesn't take three days. You need to find someone to settle the accounts, and go directly to the people in Sanying Building to understand everything."

Li Ye smiled slightly, Nan Yulong and others didn't understand, but Baili Yunyan knew what it meant.

Baili Mojia, it's not that good to tease! She had already seen the trick of the poster at Sanying Building.

"Are you going to intervene in this matter?"

"No, no, no, you have completely misunderstood, I am not interested in this kind of thing. Just as a kind person, give some advice."

I suggest you a big head!

Baili Yunyan almost snorted, but considering her own image, she finally endured it.

"Give me a reason to give up on this matter."

"How about paying back my favor as Baili Jingtao?"

Li Ye smiled casually, but Baili Yunyan almost cursed out loud in spite of her image!

Nan Yulong and the Nan Yu family were even more stunned!

Baili stormy? Baili stormy? ! ! !

That once terrible killer? The oldest ancestor of the Baili Mo family? He really is alive!

If a half-emperor made Nan Yu's family feel like sitting on a needle blanket, then the ancient invincible generation like Baili Jingtao could easily destroy their entire Nan Yu family! Even their ancestors are still alive, they can't resist it!

"Do you understand the importance of this favor?"

Baili Yunyan took a deep breath before asking in a deep voice.

"So what? If I want to, I can make many people owe me that kind of favor, right?"

In a word, Baili Yunyan swallowed all of her words.

She was helpless, indeed, what about the favor? A genius alchemist who can refine that kind of life-defying pill is enough to make countless dying, once invincible and terrible characters work for him!

More importantly, now the Baili Mo family still has something to ask Li Ye.

"Can you think about it?"

"In a word, if you stop the matter, then you should pay me back. If you don't want to, I won't interfere in this matter."

The people of Nan Yu's family hung up again, and they were also extremely curious!

Baili is stunned! That kind of character actually owes the young man in front of him a favor?

Nan Yugu and Nan Yulong glanced at each other, and now they were 100% sure that the young man in front of them was the evildoer who was rumored to play Helan Tianlang and others in the Thousand Emperors Realm.

"Young Master, this matter..."

The old man from the Baili Mo family was about to speak, but Baili Yunyan stopped him with her eyes.

She glanced at Li Ye. She didn't care about Nan Yu's family, "Okay, I can promise!"

The people of Nan Yu's family were overjoyed when they heard this!

But Li Ye's expression was very calm, because he knew that Baili Yunyan would definitely agree to him. Not to mention that he has the **** meteorite in his hand, but that he can refine the longevity pill, which is enough to make the Baili Mo Family lower their worth and not want to commit evil with him.

Furthermore, no matter how precious the Saint Crystal vein is, it is just icing on the cake for a family with a million-year history of the Baili Mo Family. Even if it is lost, it won't hurt much.

Of course, the premise is that they didn't know that it was not an ordinary Saint Crystal vein, but a crystal dragon hidden!

Otherwise, his face is not enough.

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