Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2743: Jinghong Empress

"How could you!"

Takashi Nanyu was shocked!

The secret to avoid death cards is in Nan Yu's house, which is also known to a few people.

Even he was told because he was the brother of the mother of the current Patriarch!

Otherwise, even the elders of Nan Yu's family would not have that qualification.

"How could I know?"

Seeing Nan Yulong's horrified gaze, Li Ye just smiled.

He really didn't know, but it didn't mean that Heavenly Sword Great didn't know.

Or it should be said that, in fact, Nan Yu's family has a little connection with Emperor Tianjian.

"Impossible! There are only a handful of people in Nan Yu's family that don't die! It's impossible for outsiders to know!"

It was about the foundation of Nan Yu's family, and Nan Yu Takashi certainly couldn't calm down.

After all, the exemption from death is not only related to the Nan Yu family's foothold in Yucheng, and control of the fundamentals of entering and leaving Death Valley. More importantly, once this matter is leaked out, it will definitely bring disaster to the Nan Yu family!

Imagine that in Death Valley, which claims that even the emperor can't retreat in danger of falling, there is actually a kind of **** that can go in and out freely! Free from any danger.

Once it is known by outsiders, it will definitely lead to annihilation!

"You don't need to panic. Although there are different opinions about the Nan Yu family's death-free card, although there are different opinions from the outside world, do you know why the Nan Yu family can always secure a foothold in Yucheng for tens of thousands of years?"


There is no impermeable wall in the world, let alone the Nan Yu family disciples, although not everyone is qualified to sneak into the periphery of Death Valley to hunt for treasure, but for tens of thousands of years, there will always be people leaking the wind.

"It's very simple. The person who gave you the exemption card back then is enough to make those who have bad intentions to weigh and weigh before they attack your Nan Yu family."

Nan Yu Takashi's expression changed several times when he said this.

He thought of a legend within Nan Yu's family, a story about how Nan Yu's family was, and even the origin of the death-free card.

This matter has something to do with the ancestor of Nan Yu's family who almost attained the emperor's way!

Li Ye did not continue to speak out, because he knew that Nan Yulong would make the right choice.

At the same time, Li Ye was talking secretly with Emperor Tianjian.

"Old ghost, you were also worried about Nan Yu's death-free card back then?"

"Fucky boy, what is worrying? If it wasn't for the emperor's unwillingness to disturb that person, he would have taken it away personally! How could it be the turn of such a small family to dominate the deadlock card for so many years."

Li Ye smiled without saying a word, he knew that Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was just unwilling to admit it because of the old face.

In fact, he really wanted to directly take the exemption card and enter the valley of death!

The mystery of Death Valley was a huge temptation that even the emperor could not resist. The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor is no exception, but in the end he stopped and did not touch Nan Yu's house. There was only one reason for this.

Jinghong Empress!

In this world, few people know this secret.

As for Nan Yu's family, there used to be a terrifying and peerless powerhouse.

Even when the Great Emperor Tianjian was at his peak, he did not dare to act rashly. One can imagine how terrifying that peerless powerhouse is.

And this person is the Empress Jinghong!

A peerless emperor who can stand alongside Emperor Hengtian! The most invincible emperor in millions of years!

But it was also the controversial emperor whose life was rough and controversial!

"Old ghost, were you also a suitor of the Jinghong Empress?"

There are many legends about the Empress Jinghong, the most widely spread is not about the invincible strength of the Empress Jinghong, but about the peerless appearance of the Empress Jinghong like a nine-day fairy.

"According to the legend, no matter whether it was the great emperor or the powerful, many people were dumped under the pomegranate skirt of this stunning female emperor. Even a Martial Emperor of Wushen Mountain was not immune."

"Smelly boy, the emperor did have ideas about the Jinghong Empress back then, but compared to such great rivers, mountains and heavens, how can the mere love of children make the emperor stop?"

"Okay, okay, I didn't chase it, I didn't chase it, so many excuses. But I heard that although this Jinghong Empress is peerless, she has no Taoist companion in her life. Even other great emperors can't enter her eyes. , Can be called a model of nobility, is it true?"

There are many beautiful women in this world, but for millions of years, they have been able to claim the emperor and prove the way.

The Heavenly Sword Emperor was silent. Although he had lost many of his memories, some seemed to be engraved in the depths of his soul, impossible to forget. During that time, he never forgets.

"Smelly boy, you have to know the love affairs of the Emperor back then, there will be opportunities in the future! Now first get the Nan Yu family's death-free card, it is true!"

No death card, in fact, is the Empress Jinghong!

As for why it fell into the hands of Nan Yu's family, Li Ye thought of a rumor.

"It is rumored that the Empress Jinghong actually had a lover! Although no one knows who it is, hehe, old ghost, is it the first ancestor of the Nan Yu family?"

"Fart! The hypocrite of Nan Yu group is also worthy of making Jinghong love? He just took that person's light and let Jinghong stay here to defend the way for the descendants of Nan Yu family for thousands of years!"

Protect the Nanyu family for thousands of years!

The Jinghong female emperor who was once a peerless grace and invincible strength?

Who on earth can have such a face?

"Okay, kid, I hope this matter can go smoothly. If there is a death-free card in hand, although there is no guarantee that you will enter the Death Valley safe and sound, at least it can give you a chance to get close to that place!"

Death Valley is only the recognition of the world, but Emperor Tianjian knew that there is actually a place in Death Valley, and that is the ultimate secret that can really attract the Emperor to go regardless of danger.

"Old ghost, do you think the Empress Jinghong still has it?"

Li Ye was a little worried suddenly, Nan Yu's family didn't care about it, but the biggest reason why he used Nan Yu Long to obtain the exemption card was that he was afraid of the legendary Empress of Jinghong!


Emperor Tianjian made no sound.

In fact, few people in this world know the emperor.

In the eyes of the world, Emperor Wu is eternal, with a long history of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, in the eyes of mortals, he is a god!

But Emperor Wu will still die! The deadline has come and turned into loess.

However, no one knows how long the emperor can live!

Even the horrible existence of Baili Jingtao did not actually set foot in the Emperor Realm!

"For millions of years, no one knows whether the emperor can really be eternal! Old ghost, you said that the Empress Jinghong is still alive?"

Is the Empress Jinghong still alive? This answer may only be answered by the Empress Jinghong herself.

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