Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2742: Free dead card

The ancient city walls, dark red and colorful, seem to be telling everything that was born here. ?

Yucheng, the gateway to Death Valley!

Almost people who go to Death Valley will put their first stop here.

"Thank you, Shaoxia, for helping me, this kind of grace, I don't dare to forget Nan Yu Long."

Li Ye rescued Nan Yulong from a group of chasers in the Sanying Building, and naturally there was a way to heal his injuries. However, Li Ye is not a saint. He just temporarily suppressed the internal injuries in Nan Yulong's body and prevented him from doing it, but he did not directly cure him.

After Nan Yulong woke up, his first reaction was to be vigilant, but he soon realized that he was already in Yucheng, and immediately relieved his heart.

Here, but Nan Yu's old nest! Even if the people from Sanying Building come, they dare not go wild here!

"Thank you, no more, I don't need to save you on a whim."

"What's the answer to Shaoxia?"

Nan Yulong's face was startled when he heard this, but his eyes narrowed.

He couldn't see through the young man before him.

"I am not interested in the fight for interests between your Nan Yu family and Sanying Building, but I am quite interested in one other thing."

Although this is Yucheng, the old nest of Nan Yu's family, Li Ye seems to be sitting in his back garden.

This calmness made Nan Yulong feel a little uneasy.

"Shao Xia, please tell me, as long as I Nan Yulong can do it, it is naturally incumbent."

Nan Yulong is naturally not a really good person, but he can't see through Li Ye a little bit, so he temporarily puts it to rest. At the same time, several possibilities flashed in his mind, as long as he had arrived in Yucheng, he would not be afraid of anyone.

"You can try it now and get out of here. Of course, at your own risk."

In a word, Nan Yu Takashi's original idea was stopped.

I don't know why, he always feels that he is not facing a young junior, but a terrible scourge.

Some beads of sweat came out on his forehead, and he said cautiously, "I don't know what you want, Young Xia?"

What do you want?

Li Ye narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

But the more so, the more worried Nan Yulong was.

At this moment, some noises came from outside.

"Heard recently, why are so many people here."

"Yeah, I don't know what I gave birth. There are indeed a lot more people who have come recently."

These voices caused Li Ye to pay attention, and he was in one of the restaurants at this time. The outsiders don’t need to guess that they should be a few disciples of the Nan Yu family. After all, the entire Yucheng belongs to the Nan Yu family, and the disciples of the Nan Yu family can speak so loudly outside.

Nanyu Takashi just wanted to make a sound, but suddenly he didn't know why, but he felt cold all over, as if he was in a bottomless dark cave, not even making a sound.

His face pale in shock!

Although he has not healed from his injuries, he is a middle-ranked emperor, and he still has this vision!

Li Ye just looked at him and put him in hell. If he dared to make any rash actions, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The disciples of the Nanyu family outside naturally didn't know that the third person in their clan was inside, and they were chatting casually at this moment.

"These people really don't know how to live or die. Where is Death Valley? Even the emperor may not be able to retreat completely when he enters."

"Yeah, I'm looking for death! But it's okay. Every year, these self-seeking people go in and die. Most of the treasures left behind after their deaths are cheap for us."

These words made Li Ye's heart moved even more.

This time, he actually came here because of a rumor that few people knew.

Nan Yu's family, why is it in Death Valley's family?

Why can a family of less than 100,000 years be able to develop into a powerful force of the surrounding generation in less than 10,000 years?

"By the way, a few days ago, it seemed that someone from Sirius Valley entered Death Valley, hehe, after a while, I will get another fortune!"

"Haha, those idiots in Sirius Valley really thought that they could find the ancestor who entered Death Valley more than a thousand years ago. It was simply a waste of life."

The disciples of the Nanyu family were not alert at all in their speech.

In Yucheng, the Nan Yu family is the master. Even for some powerful dragons from outside forces, for their local snakes, it is based on the principle of not provoking them and not provoking them.

Over time, the disciples of Nan Yu's family walked sideways in Yucheng.

"Hey, Sirius Valley is also anxious. I heard that the deadline for the last ancestor of Sirius Valley is approaching, but no one can go up below. If you really sit down, Sirius Valley can just, Hehe!"

Sirius Valley is also a very historic sect nearby.

However, a difficult problem that any sect did not want to encounter was staged in Sirius Valley at this time.

No answer!

Several Nanyu disciples were still chatting, but Li Ye had actually got what he wanted.

Since he brought Nan Yu Long here, he actually asked about it. This is a restaurant that Nan Yu's disciples often haunt, and it is also a place where he confirmed his guess.

"Presumably you should know what I want."

Facing Li Ye's gaze, Nan Yulong's expression changed again and again.

He is not stupid, he guessed it naturally.

"Do you want to avoid death cards?"

No dead cards! This is the biggest secret of the Nan Yu family, and even those who really know what the Exemption Card is, there will not be a few people in the entire Nan Yu family.

Even the disciples of Nan Yu's family didn't quite know the anti-death card.

"The Nanyu family has always had the ability to enter the fringe area of ​​Death Valley without encountering any danger."

Li Ye stopped when he was halfway through.

However, Nan Yulong looked hesitant, "This..."

"I know that there is only one exemption card. Even the Nanyu family has been hiding it as the biggest secret somewhere. The reason why the Nanyu family can move in the outermost part of Death Valley without any danger is this exemption. What is the role of dead cards?"

He would know about this, thanks to Emperor Tianjian.

Although Heavenly Sword Emperor had lost a lot of memories, he told Li Ye a great secret at the crucial moment.

That is, in this world, there is actually something that allows people to enter Death Valley and be blessed by some mysterious power!

The exemption from death is exactly what the rumors have to prepare if you want to enter Death Valley and survive.

It's just that this legendary fetish has already gone missing after millions of years of change.

But Emperor Tianjian knew that Nan Yu's family actually had a dead-free card!

Why can even Emperor Duobao come back from Death Valley alive! It is precisely because of him that there is a fragment of the free card!

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