Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2741: Gateway to Death Valley

know? How could she not know?

Of course she knew it!

Thinking of that person, Baili Yunyan felt slightly mixed.

Baili Yunyan had mixed feelings in her heart, because she was almost 70% sure of who the host of Sanyinglou was talking about. Precisely because she knew it, she felt that it would be more difficult to deal with this matter if it was really done by that person.

However, the host of the Sanying Building and others did not know the Central Plains Committee. Seeing Baili Yunyan was silent, especially her face changed several times, they thought they heard the veins of mine were taken away, and they were furious!

Although several of them are ambitious, they still need to be cautious in front of the Baili Mo Family.

At this time, the host of Sanying Building cast a wink at Xue Lao.

Xue Lao is also an old fox, immediately knowing what he meant, and hurriedly said on the side, "Young Master, this person is not only powerful, but also scheming and vicious, this matter..."

The subtext is not that they are not strong, but that the enemy is cunning and powerful, and they are also completely helpless.

First push the responsibility!

"Yes, young master, this matter is also unfavorable for the subordinates. Some time ago, the subordinates just encountered a bottleneck in cultivation and could not get out of the retreat. If they had known that there would be a younger generation taking the opportunity to cause chaos, the subordinates would be desperate and take action personally Protect the veins!"

Baili Yunyan glanced at the host of Sanying Building upon hearing the words, she naturally saw that he was now at an important juncture, once he took that step, he could even reach the sky in one step!

Not to mention the peak martial emperor, there is even hope to touch that edge!

Baili Yunyan also knows something about the host of Sanyinglou, knowing that he is a very ambitious person.

On the surface, she didn't say anything, just groaned slightly.

"Young Master, look, how are we going to deal with this matter?"

The poster of Sanying Building put his posture very low. Although he disagrees with Baili Yunyan, the rumored descendant of the Baili Mo family, he still needs to show his respect.

At least for now, he still needs the support of the Baili Mohist in many places.

"Young Master, the Saint Crystal vein is very important to the family!"

An old man who came with Baili Yunyan frowned slightly, but Baili Yunyan glanced at him and the reaction was surprising.

"Elder Li, I have other plans for this matter."

Not to mention the surprise of the group of people in Sanying Building, even the few Baili Mohists who followed Baili Yunyan were a little surprised.

It's just that Baili Yunyan was supported by several ancestors in Baili Mo Family, and the key is that even the saint ancestor has appointed him as the next successor!

Under this circumstance, Baili Yunyan's status in the Baili Mohist school has long been very important.

More importantly, this time he came out, the ancestor personally confessed that Baili Yunyan had the sole responsibility of everything.

Just this sentence, let alone an elder, even a few ancestors, now dare not violate some orders of Baili Yunyan.

Xuelao and the host of Sanyinglou looked at each other, and they could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

But both of them are old foxes, so naturally they won't reveal them clearly.

"Everything is up to the young master's orders! I will wait for nature to go through the fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

After speaking beautifully, the members of the Baili Mo family were naturally arranged in one of the best courtyards in the Sanying Building. Even the owner of the Sanying Building himself gave the Palace of the Emperor to Baili Yunyan.



"Blood old man, this Baili Yunyan makes people a little bit confused."

"Owner, this person is rumored to be hand-picked by several ancestors of the Baili Mo family, and behind the rumored person is more willing, the original person must not offend this person."

"that person?"

When the host of Sanying Building heard this, his face flashed a little bit of amazement, "Is that person really alive?"

"This, I don't know. But if the ancestor of the Baili Mo family is still alive, the position of the Baili Mo family in Xizhou is still as good as gold."

For the saint ancestor in the legend of Baili Mohist school, although many people have long forgotten it now. But such a strong man like Xue Lao will never forget!

If you say that Baili Jingtao was a generation of murderous gods of the Baili Mohist school, it is awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Then that person is the peerless man who truly reborn the Baili Mo Family from the ashes, and truly stands among the many horrible heritage sacred places in Shen Shengzhou!

"At Nan Yu's house, find someone to spread the news directly!"

At the same time, Nan Yu's family.

"Outrageous! It's outrageous!"

The head of Nan Yu's family, Nan Yu Yu, was naturally furious after learning that all the people who had gone out of his family had been wiped out.

"The third brother hasn't come back yet?"

"Patriarch, San Ye hasn't returned yet, the villain looks at this...maybe it's more ugly than good."

Nan Yu Takashi is now the third person in the Nan Yu family, and everyone else will die if they die, but Nan Yu Takahashi is definitely not that simple to deal with.

"Sanying Building, bullying too much!"

"The Patriarch calms down his anger. The subordinates have sent someone to investigate this matter. I believe some news will be returned soon."

Li Ye, who didn't know anything about the outside world, walked in Yinglong Mountain with a person at this time.

Take a closer look, the person in his hand is not someone else, but the number three person in the Nan Yu family, Nan Yu Takashi!

But at the moment Nan Yulong was covered in blood, and he knew that the injury was serious at a glance. It can even be said that if no one shots to suppress his injury, his skill will dissipate and die soon.

Being able to escape under the siege and hunt of many powerful men in the Sanying Building, it is also clear that Nan Yu Takashi does have some ability.

"Boy, have you modified your son?"

The Emperor Tianjian was extremely curious about Li Ye's rescue of Nan Yulong.

In his impression, Li Ye is not a good person.

At least, if it is a peerless beauty, there may be a possibility of shooting, but an old man, the Emperor of Heavenly Sword, can't guess Li Ye's thoughts.

"Old ghost, don't compare my dirty thoughts with yours. I saved this person in preparation for entering Death Valley."

"Do you want to take the opportunity to go to Nan Yu's house?"

Death Valley, this time Li Ye's destination.

For the Ice Crystal Soul King, he must enter Death Valley once.

"Nan Yu's family has been able to stand for so many years. The rumor has something to do with Death Valley. Moreover, the Yucheng where Nan Yu's family is located is also just outside Death Valley. Before entering Death Valley, a trip to Yucheng is bound to win. ."

"So, you want to use this person to find out how much Nan Yu's family knows about Death Valley."

Emperor Tianjian was also an old fox who had lived for tens of thousands of years, and he immediately understood.

Although the Nanyu family is not a powerful family, it has gradually been known to the world because of Death Valley for tens of thousands of years.

Passing through the Yinglong Mountains is the old nest of Nan Yu's family.

Portal to Death Valley! Yucheng!

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