Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2740: graft

"Old blood, Nan Yulong has run away!"

At this time, the other masters of Nan Yu's family were dead and caught.

Elder Liao's expression was cold, and he stopped talking.

"He can't run far! This time Nan Yu's family dare to secretly attack the veins. It seems that they have some news! Well, some things need to be advanced."

Old Xue Xue naturally understood Elder Liao's thoughts, but he was indifferent.

"But the blood is old, the kid just now?"

"This son is definitely not an ordinary person! The old man will explain this matter to the host himself!"

"Then there will be hard work."

Sanying Building, this time it can be said to be a failure. After learning the news, the owner of the Sanying Building, the emperor, made the entire emperor hall roar!

He paid so much for today! But in the end it fell short?

At this time in the Palace of the Emperor, there were only two people: Old Blood and the original owner of Sanyinglou.

"Old blood, Nan Yu's affairs will naturally be clear to them. The young man in your mouth, describe it to this seat?"

As a hero at the time, the owner of Sanying Building was not a man who could not hold his breath.

"Owner, the origin of this son is mysterious, not ordinary people."

"Could it be a descendant cultivated by the Nan Yu family?"

"It is absolutely impossible. Although the Nan Yu family almost gave birth to a great emperor that year, the death of that person has left the Nan Yu family without any stunning descendants ever born."

Old Xue shook his head.

"Yes, the Nan Yu family really wants to cultivate such a genius, and it won't stand it for so long. But if it's not from the Nan Yu family, who would it be?"

The owner of Sanying Building is also meditating.

Xue Lao hesitated slightly, "Owner, the old man has guessed someone, but he is still not sure."

"Oh? Who?"

As far as the status of the entire Sanying Building is concerned, Xue Lao will not be lower than the owner of the Sanying Building. It can even be said to be equal, the reason why the **** old and other strong people will stay here is only because of a promise that year!

"This old man can't be sure, but according to my observation, this son has many similarities with the one recently rumored over there."

"You said, that person?"

The host of Sanying Building also changed his expression, he naturally understood who the old man Xue was referring to.

"Not sure, but only that person can match it. The key is that this person is clearly not recognized by the heavens, but he can have such a powerful force, and he is definitely not under the emperor's reserve! This kind of person can be found in the world. No second one!"

Li Ye didn't expect that his shot would eventually reveal his identity.

It can only be said that he himself does not know how famous he is in the outside world now.

"A man of heaven! Does such a person really exist in the world?"

"This is a secret for millions of years, but it does exist. Moreover, any man of heaven is the most enchanting person in the world. If it were not abandoned by God, such a person would definitely be on the road in the future! An invincible event!"

When it comes to the person of Tian Jue, Xue always looks moved!

What kind of person is needed in order to be abandoned by God!

But even if he abandoned it, he could still have the strength equivalent to the imperial prince who God himself canonized?

This is simply incredible.

"If it is really this person, you really shouldn't stop him when he is old."

They also got news about the recent birth of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou. Naturally, they understand that the person who can take advantage of the various emperor-level sects and those invincible emperor princes, or even leave in a hurry, is definitely not something they can provoke.

"Whether it is this person or not can't be judged thoroughly. But the disappearance of the mineral vein is definitely inseparable from this person."

"Indeed, although the Nan Yu family has some abilities, they can't do that. But if it were that person, this matter would be difficult to handle."

At this moment, news suddenly came from outside the temple.

"Owner, come from the Baili Mo family!"

Baili Mojia!

Both were shocked at the same time!

Although they are the emperors of the earth here, they are also the blessings of the Baili Mo family!

"Hurry up, no! I personally greet you!"

Baili Mojia, the oldest family in Xizhou.

The owner of Sanying Building didn't dare to neglect, and only after he went out to greet him did he realize the extent that it moved him far this time.

"It turns out that the young master is here!"

It turned out that this time it was not someone else who came here, but the young master of the Baili Mo family, Baili Yunyan.

It's just that she is still the incarnation of men's clothing, her identity, even the Baili Mo family really knows only those dust-covered ancestors and a few people.

"Will Kexu Wei come here?"

Baili Yunyan stepped directly into the Sanying Building, but his eyes were slightly cold.

"What is Young Master? Brother Wei did come a few days ago. I don't know Young Master?"

"What about others?"

The host of the Sanying Building shook his heart, but his expression remained calm on the surface, "Brother Wei did not explicitly say that he is not here with me at this time."


Baili Yunyan coldly snorted, Baili Mo Family is not a fool, Wei Kexu has made him want to get rid of it. After getting the evidence this time, she came in person.

"Where are the mineral veins!?"


The host of the Sanying Building received his heart slightly, his eyes flickering, but finally he said, "The subordinate is about to send the news back, the mineral vein, the mineral vein has something wrong!"

"Something happened? What happened?"

The landlord of Sanying Building and Xue Lao looked at each other. They were both old gangs, and Wei Kexu's personality and recent life became clear at the first thought.

Suddenly the host of Sanying Building had an idea.

"Don't hide the young master, the mineral vein was taken away!"

Was taken away? !

Baili Yunyan's complexion changed! If it is really a Saint Crystal vein, it is also a must for the Baili Mo Family!

Let others get involved?

"Who did it?"

"This one."


"Subordinates dare not conceal it. Brother Wei should have done this. No, Wei Kexu and Nan Yu's family did it together!"

Baili Yunyan heard the words, his eyes were cold, and he was not angry. He looked at the two for a long time, and even made the old **** two sweat slightly behind their backs.

"Nan Yu's family, a Nan Yu's family doesn't have that guts!"

"The young master expects things like gods, and there will be others after this matter!"

"Who is it?"

Baili Yunyan didn't speak, but his eyes were cold.

"This, the subordinates are just guessing, this person concealed his identity and is so powerful that we can't stop it. Moreover, he once appeared near the mineral vein."

After the host of the Sanying Building finished speaking, the old man Xue said on the side, "This person is not weaker than the emperor's body! The old man and others are unable to stop him and he escaped."

Not weaker than the Emperor Chu?

Baili Yunyan's eyes burst into an astonishing light upon hearing this!

"But a young man?"

"Young Master knows this person?"

The host of Sanying Building and Old Man Xue laughed secretly. They may not be able to offend the evildoer that recently emerged, but the Baili Mo Family is different! Baili Yunyan in front of them, they naturally received news that they have become the real imperial reserve!

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