Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2702: Backed up

"Brother Dao has an answer to the younger sister's previous proposal?"

Just before Li Ye was ready to act, a person stopped in front of him. ??

The princess of the Saint Demon Gate is a majestic and graceful, alluring country. However, to her, Li Ye kept a little away, it was an instinctive alertness.

"The princess kindly, I'm my heart."

This is a disguised rejection, and it is also the result of his final consideration.

Indeed, for him to form an alliance with the Saint Demon Gate, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

But what he hates most is being restrained! There are interests entanglements with such ancient inheritance as Saint Demon Gate, and it is impossible to get away easily.

Princess Saint Demon Gate clearly showed a look of disappointment, but she still did not give up.

"If Brother Dao changes his mind, he can go to Southern Xinjiang to find a younger sister."

She took out a jade order, "This is the holy demon order of my Saint Demon Gate. As long as Brother Dao steps into Southern Xinjiang, you can use this order to notify the little sister."

This time Li Ye didn't refuse. For him, even if he didn't have too much ties to the Saint Demon Sect, but with such a powerful force of one Sect and Three Emperors, maintaining a good relationship would naturally not cause him any loss.

With the delay of Princess Saint Demon Gate, when Li Ye turned around and wanted to look for it, the Ye family of Dongzhou had already left.

"Ye Qingyu! This time, let your dog live two more days!"

The disappearance of the Golden Temple makes many people hate it!

Although there is nothing on the surface, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The Helan family has become a thorn in the eyes of many people!

The Ye family left in a hurry, naturally it is impossible to do nothing! It's just that Ye Qingyu can no longer make decisions on this matter, so he left in a hurry, naturally wanting to send the news back to Dongzhou!

Only halfway down the road, Ye Qingyu and his party were stopped.


Ye Qingyu shouted angrily, but there was no fear on his face!

Dongzhou Ye Family, no one dared to provoke!

Not only in Dongzhou, but in the entire Shenshengzhou, unless it is Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Temple, the people of the Ye Family in Dongzhou are not afraid of anyone.

A dark shadow appeared in the void.

Can't see clearly at all.

Seeing each other, Ye Qingyu narrowed his eyes.

"Your Excellency blocked our way, I don't know what happened."

He could feel the palpitating breath from the opponent. Although he didn't think anyone would dare to kill them, he was careful to sail the ship.

The black shadow did not speak, but suddenly shot!

"Be careful!"

A disciple of the Ye family shouted!

But it was too late!

Several of the young disciples of the Ye family burst into bursts instantly! Even the soul did not escape!

"Kill my Ye family, you are not afraid..."

Ye Qingyu is furious! But if he didn't speak, he couldn't speak anymore. Because his neck has been pinched in his hands.


Ye Qingyu's eyes widened. Although he was not a direct descendant in the Ye family, he has been well-known in the past few years, and his strength is well-known among the younger generation of the Ye family.

He didn't even take the other party's move!

Only at this moment can he see the other person's eyes clearly.

When he stared into those eyes, he almost couldn't help shaking.

What kind of eyes are those, full of terrible killing and death!


The black shadow mysterious man broke Ye Qingyu's neck directly, and at the same time slapped his heart with a fierce palm, shattering his heart!

But I don't know whether it was negligence or other reasons, a cloud of phantom shot out from Ye Qingyu's Lingtai instantly, and disappeared without a trace!


The Black Shadow Mysterious Man did not hunt down and seemed to be quite satisfied with the result.

Ye Qingyu escaped, but the other disciples of the Ye family got caught!

After a few screams, only the body of the Ye family remained in place.

I don't know how long it took, a figure galloped over.

Suddenly the figure stopped, revealing his appearance.


The person who came was Li Ye. He followed the footsteps of Ye Qingyu and others. He wanted to solve the grievances that year. Unexpectedly, he came one step later, and after a closer look, he frowned slightly.

"There is no Ye Qingyu's body."

Someone killed Dongzhou Ye's people before him! And Ye Qingyu's body was soon not far away, but after seeing Ye Qingyu's body, Li Ye's eyes became serious.

"God ran away?"

For him, this result is hard to say whether he is happy or disappointed.

"Who did it?"

Looking at a corpse in one place, he was thinking about who might be the murderer.

Dongzhou Ye Family is definitely not an ordinary emperor-level force. Even if ordinary people have grievances, they wouldn't do anything like this enough to make the Ye Family furious.

The key is that the people who started the attack did not rush to kill, because several corpses have been investigated, and they are all the bodies left after the soul escaped in advance!

In this way, if the hands are not clean, it will definitely attract the Dongzhou Ye Family's crazy revenge!

Once found out, even some emperor-level sects could not bear it.

"Boy, what's weird about this. The Ye family has been accustomed to being domineering over the years. It is not one or two who want them to die. It is normal for some people to secretly attack the Ye family. However, the emperor is curious, and the hands are too much. Panic, I still deliberately left this scene."

"What do you mean?"

"Boy, if it's the former, it's fine. If it's the latter..."

Before the words of Emperor Tianjian fell, Li Ye suddenly raised his eyelids!

A few breaths approached, and then I saw a few silhouettes coming from across the air.

"People from the Ye Family!"

One of the few who came exclaimed!

A closer look reveals that it is the Baili Mo family and his party. Although the members of the Baili Mo family were damaged this time, Baili Yunyan and Baili Hongyan's direct disciples were still alive.

When they saw the bodies of the Ye family members, their faces were shocked.

"You killed them?"

Baili Hongyan shouted!

After all, it's about Dongzhou Ye's family! Once things get out and Dongzhou knows about it, one can imagine what kind of storm it will bring!

Perhaps even the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou will face the anger of the Ye Family of Dongzhou!

As the oldest family in the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, the Baili Mo School naturally did not want to see that kind of result.

Originally, Li Ye wanted to explain, but Baili Hongyan didn't give him a chance to explain.

"Take this person!"

He shouted. Although several other disciples of the Baili Mo family hesitated, Baili Yunyan didn't speak, with a gloomy face, and immediately blocked Li Ye's path.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing the people of the Baili Mo family staring at him, Li Ye's face sank.

"It's meaningless. Killing pays for your life. Since you have the guts to kill the Dongzhou Ye family, you are naturally prepared for the consequences."

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