Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2701: Feudal Genius


The Golden Temple suddenly disappeared, while Li Ye and others fell directly onto the sea of ​​death. ?

"what happened?"

"Why did the Golden Temple disappear?"

"Is it the treasure inside?"

Those who were blocked outside the Golden Temple were all in awe at this time!

There are angry roars!

There are also unwilling to regret it!

Some people have a pair of eyes full of terrible cold light. For them, the Golden Temple is the supreme opportunity in the legend! It hasn't appeared a few times in millions of years!

Now that they finally appeared, they disappeared in front of them before they had time to get in?

"Helan Tianlang! What did you get in the Golden Temple?"

Although the Helan family is extremely powerful, at this time, who is not a genius descendant of the emperor-level sect?

Especially the disappearance of the Golden Temple, it can be said that they can no longer bear it.

"Yes, the Golden Temple appears. The legendary treasure of the Golden Spirit Race is naturally shared by everyone. Does the Helan family want to swallow it alone?"

Another terrible voice!

A strong man in the Music Soul Palace said something in a gloomy way.

Although the Helan family is powerful, the Hall of Sound Soul has been very high-profile for tens of thousands of years. In particular, it is said that the great emperor of Yinhun Hall even set foot on the Wushen Mountain, which made the Yinhun Hall a powerful emperor-level sect.

The limelight has even overwhelmed those old imperial martial arts.

Helan Tianlang went in as if swallowing a ****, his eyes exuding bright sharp edges, and the people who almost touched his gaze had chills all over his body.

"What are you guys, dare to question me like this?"

He was in the same age as Emperor Hengtian, if he didn't want to avoid the invincible edge of Emperor Hengtian back then, why should he be born in this era?

For him, it is not the true invincible evildoer of Emperor Hengtian. In this era, no one can stop him from becoming emperor!

"Helan Tianlang! Does the Helan family still want to be enemies of the great emperor-level sects?"

One sneered, it was the son of Yulong. Although Yulong Shuitian's disciples were killed and wounded this time, he was the only one left. But what he represents behind him is Yulong Shuitian, alone may not dare to treat Helan Tianlang, but now with the disappearance of the Golden Temple, all the emperor-level sects are angry!

I can only blame the Helan family for being too high-profile this time, and even overwhelming the limelight of Fenghuo City, Saint Demon Gate and Dongzhou Ye Family, they naturally became the target of public criticism!

On the contrary, Li Ye and others, who also appeared from the Golden Temple, were not paid attention to.

Only a few people paid attention to them slightly.

But the focus still fell on Helan's family and Helan Tianlang.

"Haha, Brother Helan, the Golden Temple is the place of legendary treasures. Since you are the only one of us who has broken through the hall at the end, my brother also wants to know what you got inside."

If it is said that the pressure of the emperor-level sects such as Yinhun Hall, Yulong Shuitian, etc., Helan Tianlang has been furious.

Then as soon as this sound came out, it immediately pushed him to the cusp of the storm.

Wind up! The person who made the noise was the Young Master of Fenghuo City!

"The first person to break through the hall! Sure enough, the disappearance of the Golden Temple has a direct connection with Helan Tianlang!"

When everyone heard it, why didn't they understand?

At this time, even the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate smiled slightly, "Helan Taoist Fellow is worthy of being the peerless arrogant of the Helan family several times ago. It seems that no one can stop your path to enlightenment this time."

As soon as he said this, Helan Tianlang and the others all changed their expressions!

Helan Tianlang was frightened and angry. He didn't expect that his identity would be known. You know, even within the Helan family, there are only a few core powerhouses who know his true identity, and ordinary disciples don't know his origin at all.

The other people's expressions changed again and again!

Several times ago!

No one is a fool, and he understands the identity of Helan Tianlang!

"It is rumored that the Helan family was born a terrifying genius in the era of Emperor Hengtian, but he was covered up in front of Emperor Hengtian! Is it Helan Tianlang?"

"Fengdai! He is actually a Feuder!"

Enfeoffment is the name of the Three Realms and Nine Regions, which is the name for those geniuses who were once incomparably powerful, but because of various reasons, they were born again after a few eras in the most glorious time.

Generally speaking, once such people appear, they are far more powerful than so-called geniuses in this era.

After all, from the starting point, one step ahead of others!

"No wonder the Helan family values ​​this person so much!"

"The person of the entitlement! At least they have stepped into the body of the emperor. This person's current strength should be only the last step! The ordinary emperor is not necessarily his opponent!"

As soon as his identity was exposed, although it had no effect on Helan Tianlang, it also caused everyone to put the hostile target on him at once.

Instead, the Young Master of Fenghuo City, Princess Saint Demon Gate, and Mo Zihan of the Immortal King Palace, who were originally regarded as terrible opponents by everyone, were all relaxed at this moment.

After all, there was a feudal genius who appeared, enough to divert most of the dangers against them.

Helan Tianlang wasn't a fool either, he instantly understood the purpose of Princess Saint Demon Gate. His eyes flickered, the terrifying edge passed, and he glanced deeply at Princess Saint Demon Gate.

He didn't bother to explain anything, because with his strength, unless the real emperor made a move regardless of his identity, the world would not find a few people as his opponent.

At the same time, everyone believed that the disappearance of the Golden Temple was definitely related to Helan Tianlang!

Mo Zihan's expression was slightly weird, and he glanced at Li Ye with an innocent expression.

Although he had no evidence, he was faintly, as if he had noticed a little.

Li Ye would naturally not show that the disappearance of the Golden Temple is indeed related to him!

"Treasure, if they knew that the so-called treasure of the golden spirit race rumored to be rich and the enemy country dominated the world does not exist, but it is just a chaotic land, what kind of expression will it look like."

A sneer flashed in my heart, you know, even if those people find the city of gold and enter the temple, not everyone has the opportunity to enter the chaos!

According to his instinct, that chaos can only be entered by a real destined person! Or now.

The rest of them went for nothing.

And the so-called predestined person, according to his guess, only those who have cultivated the body of the five elements are qualified!

Today, to him, the Thousand Emperors Realm has no more appeal.

The shards of basalt stone have been obtained, and the secret of the legendary Golden Temple is also known.

It's time to leave.

But before leaving, he naturally has other things to solve!

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