Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2703: Designed by someone?


Li Ye suddenly understood!

Baili Hongyan's malicious calculation!

People from the Dongzhou Ye Family died here, whether they were from the Baili Mo Family or not, they would have to endure the monstrous anger of the Dongzhou Ye Family at that time!

So they need a scapegoat!

Obviously, this person can't be the Baili Mo family's own person, so he stayed at the scene and still had an unknown origin. He became the best candidate for a mysterious casual cultivator. ≈

Knowing this, Li Ye knew that any explanation was useless. Because the Baili Mo Family decided to hand him over to the Dongzhou Ye Family! Used to divert Dongzhou Ye Family's monstrous anger against Baili Mo Family.

"Interesting, do you think I killed it?"

"Isn't it you who else can you be? You don't have to struggle more, whether it is your so-called, after you hand over to the Dongzhou Ye family, there will naturally be results!"

Baili Yunyan was not as aggressive as Baili Hongyan, with a slight smile, but the meaning of the words was naturally a secret warning.

"What if I say I won't be with you?"

Li Ye raised his brows, and instantly Baili Yunyan exploded with a powerful aura!

"Friends of Taoism are smart people, and shouldn't want this to make a big deal. This is not good for you and me."

What a high-sounding rhetoric, Li Ye burst into laughter suddenly.

"Benefits? If I'm caught with nothing, the Baili Mo Family will be able to get rid of the suspicion. But if I leave, the anger of the Dongzhou Ye Family must be unbearable, right?"

Baili Yunyan's expression became more gloomy as soon as he said this.

"Fellow Daoist has been hostile to the people of the Ye Family several times, isn't it yours?"


Li Ye narrowed his eyes, neither admitted nor denied.

"Since your Excellency has acquiesced in this matter, then everything is easy. Whether you are innocent, naturally the people of the Dongzhou Ye family will judge."

After finishing speaking, suddenly shot like lightning!

The horror atmosphere turned into a cage, and Li Ye was about to be suppressed.

It's a pity that Li Ye had predicted this a long time ago, and his figure flashed! Take a step in an instant!


The mighty world is like a scourge, instantly smashing the opponent's law cage, and at the same time taking another step, Li Ye has appeared a few miles away!

"Want to go?"

Although surprised at Li Ye's strength, Baili Yunyan is nothing simple!

Only then did he really show his true power!

The light of the laws bloomed from his hands!

That is clearly the powerful light that is close to the way of heaven!

It can be said that it is only a matter of time before Baili Yunyan stepped into the Imperial Reserve! Maybe it will be one or two years later, or maybe there will be a breakthrough tomorrow!

At his level, it was like Mo Zihan who was duel with Li Ye on the cliff of Enlightenment, only the last step was left!

"Since your Excellency doesn't know how to praise, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Several people died in the Dongzhou Ye Family, and the Baili Mo Family is absolutely unwilling to bear the consequences!

So it is impossible for him to let Li Ye leave!

But Li Ye laughed, stepped on his feet, and instantly the mountains and rivers turned into rows and stopped in front of everyone in the Baili Mo family.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Li Ye leave easily, Baili Yunyan's face was pale.

"How to do?"

Baili Hongyan's gang was also dumbfounded.

The Ye family of Dongzhou died in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, this matter is too much involved!

"This person is so strong, there is indeed a chance to kill a few people from Dongzhou Ye's family this time." Baili Yunyan did not take it, and Baili Yunyan was quick to respond and shouted in a low voice, "Tell the news. The Ye family of Dongzhou died at the hands of a mysterious casual cultivator. This person is powerful and is the body of the emperor!"

"Will the Dongzhou Ye family believe it?"

"Whether they believe it or not, they will personally arrest this person! No matter how sacred this person is, once the Dongzhou Ye Family takes action, he will definitely have no hiding place! At that time, his identity will naturally be exposed!"

Baili Yunyan finished, but his expression was not relaxed.

Even if the news is released, the Baili Mo family and even the entire Xizhou Sixteen Kingdoms will still face the anger of the Dongzhou Ye family.

He just reduced the risk he took to a minimum.

Li Ye did leave, but his heart was also full of doubts.

"Who actually killed them?"

Most importantly, Ye Qingyu escaped! Let him quite disappointed.

Otherwise, he would really like to know the mysterious man who killed so many people in the Ye family.

"Boy, don't care who started, now you have become the biggest suspect! This is what the emperor was most worried about before."

"What do you mean?"

"The emperor has some doubts, what is the purpose of the person who started it? Is it simple to seek revenge, or..."

"Old ghost, you want to say, the one who started the attack wants to frame me?"

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor did not make a sound, but it was considered tacitly.

"This time, whoever enters the Thousand Emperors Realm will want to frame me?"

The only people who knew his identity were Mo Zihan and Princess Saint Demon Gate.

As for his hostility towards the people of the Ye Family in Dongzhou, Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, knew.

If you really want to doubt, only the three of them are suspect.

But the reason?

Saint Demon Gate?

Mo Zihan?

Still Fenghuocheng?

After much deliberation, the possibility is unlikely!

But for the rest, the reason is even smaller!

Crucially, how does this benefit the starter?

"No matter who it is, he will always show his feet!"

Since unable to think of a suspicious candidate, Li Ye temporarily suppressed his doubts.

In the Thousand Emperors realm at this time, the Sea of ​​Death was receding.

But Li Ye observed that after the Sea of ​​Death disappeared, he did not see the Big Six that was suppressed under the Sea of ​​Death! The originally truly ancient Shen Shengzhou seemed to be a dream.

"It seems that only when the sea of ​​death appears, will the oppressed world appear together."

Everyone left the Thousand Emperor Realm, at the same time!

"Within Thousand Emperors, the Golden Temple was born!"

"The Helan family got the treasure in the Golden Temple?"

"Helan Tianlang? Feudal genius? In this life of the Helan family, it seems that the ambition is not small! They did not hesitate to let the feudal genius be born!"

"It is rumored that this person is a tianjiao of the same age as Emperor Hengtian! This time he was born, I really don't know if anyone can compete with him for the road to emperor!"

For a time, the Helan family became the focus of everyone's attention.

Even various rumors about the Golden Temple spread like wildfire.

Of course, it's not just Helan's.

All those who have entered the Golden Temple have become targets of public criticism!

Helan Family, Immortal King Palace, Baili Mo Family, Fenghuo City, Saint Demon Gate, and Jubao Pavilion!

It's just that it looks calm on the surface, but behind the scenes, it is already surging!

No one knows when it will suddenly explode!

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