Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2698: Chaos Begins

Regardless of whether the Book of Five Elements is still there, after entering the temple, Li Ye can feel that even after thousands of years, there are still invincible wills here.

"It seems that this place was once the mark left by the most powerful person of the Golden Spirit Race!"

After the demon's image disappeared, Li Ye came to the place where he was before.

It is also in front of the golden idol.

"Why does the devil appear here?"

Throughout the temple, you can see two stalwart statues on both sides of the main hall, each of which is lifelike. Even if it's just a statue, you can feel the insufficiency of power.

Obviously, these were once statues of the most powerful people of the Golden Spirit Race.

However, in the entire temple, apart from these statues, there is no clue to the treasure.

Could it be that the legendary treasure of the Golden Spirit Race is just a misinformation?

"Old ghost, how much do you know about the Golden Spirit Race?"

"Boy, don't ask the emperor, even if the emperor really knew something back then, he no longer remembers it now."

Since Emperor Tianjian couldn't help, Li Ye knew that someone could!

"Sister Meng."

As an existence older than Heavenly Sword Great, Heavenly Dream Saint appeared on the main hall.

Looking at the golden statue in front of her, there was a complex expression on her face.

"You want the book of the five elements?"

Li Ye didn't even speak, and the Heavenly Dream Sage went straight to the subject, "The Book of Five Elements is the treasure of the Golden Spirit Clan. Even the people of the Golden Spirit Clan don't know what the Book of Five Elements is."

Sure enough, the Heavenly Dream Sage knew the Golden Spirit Clan very well, and Li Ye did not interrupt her either.

"It's beyond my imagination that you can come here. For so many years, no one has found here, but you have found it."

"Sister Meng, the legend of the Book of Five Elements, is it true?"

"What's the real thing? What's the fake one. No one knows what the Book of Five Elements looks like. If it really exists, it can only be obtained by those who are truly bound to it."

Having said that, the Heavenly Dream Saint still cast his gaze on one of the statues on both sides of the hall.

The moment he saw the statue, Li Ye clearly saw the tender body of the Heavenly Dream Saint trembling, that kind of uncontrollable excitement.

Then, he fell into a kind of grievance.

And Li Ye was already standing at the position where the afterimage left by the Demon Lord at that time was.

Just standing up, Li Ye's heart suddenly moved!

"The Demon Lord, a generation of heroes, turned out to be born, almost accompanied by various legends. He can come here, there must be his reason! Leave an afterimage in this position, isn't it?"

Thinking of this, Li Ye looked down.

The hall did not know what kind of material it was built of, and it remained bright after thousands of years. But in this position, it is slightly different.

Suddenly, Li Ye slammed on it!


The entire temple disappeared instantly!

Do not! Not that the temple disappeared, but Li Ye disappeared directly!

Even the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor and Heavenly Dream Saints didn't react and were left directly in the temple.

The Seven-Star Sword was suspended in the air, and then the shadow of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor appeared from it, with a hint of shock on his face!

Li Ye, disappeared!

Right in front of them!

At the same time, Li Ye woke up from the darkness.

"This is where?"

As you can see, here is a chaos, boundless.

"There is no aura of heaven and earth!"

The real chaos, even to his shock, is that even the law has lost its effect here! It seemed that this place was completely out of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, and was not under the control of Heaven at all.

Here, he is just like an ordinary person, only his body is extremely powerful, but he can't use any power.

Just when he was wondering how to get out from here, he was suddenly top-heavy, and the whole chaos suddenly changed!

The chaos was separated, half ascended into heaven, and half descended to form the earth!

A series of lightning flashes and thunder, falling from the sky, turning into a terrifying **** and giant! Thousands of troops, heavenly soldiers and generals!

On the other side, above the earth, individual creatures were born, grew, and became strong, creating their own culture and society. In the eyes of the gods in the sky, those creatures are weak and fragile to the point of dismissive.

But slowly, a handful of those creatures gained powerful strength and began to practice.

Bumped bumps, but there is always a firm belief.

Among them, among the gods in the sky, one seemed to be attracted by those creatures, and sneaked from the sky to the earth. He taught the weak creatures knowledge in the eyes of the gods who existed like him, as well as the desire for power and pursue.

Some creatures have been enlightened and become stronger, and some are even so powerful that even the gods in the sky can't remain indifferent.

In the end, a big battle began!

The sky is broken, the earth is torn apart!

One piece of land sank completely into darkness, an endless abyss, where all the powerful gods and creatures who died in that great battle were buried, disappearing completely with infinite resentment.

A piece of land was split, and on it were some beasts and birds. They were far away from the mortal world and were unwilling to get involved in this battle and be sacrificed.

I don't know how many years have passed. There is only the last piece of the original land, but it has almost reached its limit, as if it could be broken into dust at any time.

But at that moment, the **** who had secretly descended from the sky couldn't bear the disappearance of the creatures on the earth. He secretly shot and sealed the whole land in a corner of time and space, and could not see the sky again for countless thousands of years.

And some creatures who are willing to surrender before those gods are gifted with the right to continue to survive.

Finally, the gods joined forces and opened up a boundless land.


Li Ye was shocked severely, everything in front of him disappeared completely, and countless information also emerged into his mind!

"Those just now..."

Everything that I saw just now had too much impact on him!

Especially the terrible battle of the gods!

He finally understood why there was a rumor that the Three Realms and Nine Realms in the past is not the Three Realms and Nine Realms now!

The once Shenshengzhou is not the Shenshengzhou now!

Why did the gods disappear!

Why are those ancient races no longer seen?

And the land that was sealed under the sea of ​​death!

The disappearance of the Golden Spirit Race!

"Golden Spirit Race! Not a race!"

There was a terrible wave in Li Ye's heart!

What a secret this is!

No one knows the origin of the Golden Spirit Race! I only know that the rumor is the number one race in the ages! Even the gods are jealous! Born to be perfect!

But no one knows what the Golden Spirit Race is! Only legend! Legends one by one! But never see the truth!

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