Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2697: Gaze thousands of years apart

A strange treasure from the outside world has a special function that the world can't imagine. ??

No one knows the origin of the strange treasures from the outside world, as if they appeared from outside the Three Realms and Nine Realms, even the most powerful saint craftsman could not forge such treasures.

"The most precious treasure of the emperor's weapon and soldiers!"

Naturally, Li Ye also saw the green sun lamp above Helan Tianlang's head.

"Boy, that's a good thing, if you have a chance, just grab it!"

The Emperor Tianjian sneered immediately after recognizing the Qingying Lantern.

When the emperor saw this kind of treasure, he was very excited, let alone other people.

"Old ghost, the so-called strange treasure, what is going on."

"Don't ask this emperor, this emperor also explored this question back then, but there is no answer. The only thing I know is that the strange treasures of the outer world are not owned by the Three Realms and Nine Realms, but come from outside the sky."

"Outside the Three Realms and Nine Realms? Is there any other place?"

"Yes, when you can break through the barriers of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, you will naturally know."

Li Ye is silent, is the Three Realms and Nine Realms really unique?

If it is the only one, then what is the Thousand Emperor Realm?

What is the ancient Shenshengzhou?

"If the current Three Realms and Nine Regions were created artificially, then there must be a broader world beyond the Three Realms and Nine Regions!"

Converging his mind, Li Ye was already close to Mo Zihan.

Unlike Helan Tianlang relying on external forces to force a breakthrough, he was almost under the test of an illusion every step.

Unconsciously, even his understanding of illusion is deepening.

"True is true or false, and when false is true, true is also false! What is fantasy and what is reality?"

Suddenly, his whole body shook, a trace of comprehension, like a thunder, made him suddenly open up.

At the next moment, Li Ye took a step, and with that step, everything around him disappeared instantly.

Yes, the entire Golden Temple disappeared directly, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Opened his eyes and saw that he was in an ancient city at the moment.

There is no golden temple, only this dilapidated ancient city in front of you.

"So, the so-called Golden Temple is actually a bigger scam!"

Looking at all this in front of him, the corner of Li Ye's mouth raised slightly, and a hint of sarcasm flashed!

There is no golden temple at all, or at least the golden temple that everyone has seen is actually an illusion from the beginning!

All of them are deeply involved!

Including Helan Tianlang, who was under the protection of the green lantern, did not reveal this secret.

But Li Ye appeared, or, at that moment, he suddenly woke up!

Because of this, he came here!

"Here, it seems to be the real golden temple! No, it should be... the city of gold!"

City of Gold!

Only the ancient records have a few words! That is the ancestral land of the Golden Spirit Race, the first race of the ages! The real origin!

The golden spirit family is known as the darling of God, perfect. But exactly how it was born, nobody knows.

No one even knew where the Golden Spirit Race came from.

But now, Li Yexian himself has approached this secret step by step.

"The city of gold, I didn't expect it to really exist."

Even the Great Emperor Tianjian couldn't help but exclaim.

"Old ghost, it seems that we are not the first to come here."

The entire city of gold had long been dilapidated, but Li Ye found that someone had already been there before him.

Some traces are clearly incompatible with the ancient atmosphere around them.

"These traces, people who come here will never take a long time."

After checking those traces, Li Ye looked strange.

Because the time for these traces to exist will not pass ten thousand years, or even a thousand years or so.

"Could it be someone who entered here in the last era, someone has been here?"

Thousands of years ago, who would have such a chance?

You know, including Mo Zihan, Princess Saint Demon Gate, Young Master Fenghuo City and other invincible emperor princes, are all trapped there.

The evildoers of countless times like Helan Tianlang have not seen through.

If it wasn't for him to wake up suddenly, even he might not be able to set foot here.

The whole city of gold is empty.

Not to mention living people, not even a corpse can be seen.

A certain kind of call made Li Ye more and more shocked.

Because he came here, he felt that call was stronger.


In the center of the Golden City, a huge temple was erected, and even after tens of thousands of years, it still exudes ancient majesty.

"Boy! The temple of the Golden Spirit Race! Maybe there is something we want."

What the Great Emperor Tianjian refers to is the book of the Five Elements, the most precious treasure of the Golden Spirit Clan in the rumors that year.

Because only the book of the five elements is the best practice for people of the five elements!

It's just that the legend belongs to the legend, let alone the book of the five elements, even the body of the five elements has never seen anyone succeed after the Golden Spirit Race disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Li Ye pushed open the temple door.

There is no restriction, but when he stepped in, there seemed to be a series of terrifying glances passing by.

Powerful, majestic, and even a look in his eyes made him almost soaked in cold sweat!

It was a suppression that was too powerful to describe!

"It's terrible! Even the emperor is less than one ten thousandth!"

Fortunately, those terrible eyes quickly disappeared.

Carefully walked into the temple, I don't know how many times have gone through here.

A huge golden idol stood there.

At the same time, Li Ye saw someone!

Almost subconsciously, as if to exclaim!

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

The man turned around, his eyes like a torch.

"The devil!"

For some reason, Li Ye blurted out the moment he saw that person.

He didn't even know why, but when he saw that person, he already knew the answer!

Thousands of years ago, the people who set foot here were no one else. They were legends of the past generation, and even a generation of enchanting evildoers who have always been mysterious, the devil! Gu Moxie!

The figure disappeared, in fact, the devil was not here at all, it was just an afterimage left behind with a strong will.

It's like the devil has long known that someone will step in his footsteps and come here after a thousand years.

"Boy, is he who you are talking about?"

Emperor Tianjian was also very curious. He was still asleep thousands of years ago, and he didn't know that the world was born such a peerless evildoer.

"It's him! Although I have never seen him before, but to be sure, it is the Demon Lord himself! It seems that he has already come here a thousand years ago. If there is really the Book of Five Elements, he must have been get!"


Li Ye smiled bitterly, a generation of legends thousands of years ago, how could he be unwilling?

Even if you are unwilling, what can you do! They were born a thousand years ago!

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