Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2699: Chaotic irrigation

Golden Spirit Race! Not a race at all!

The so-called perfect talent that even the gods are jealous of! That doesn't exist in this world at all!

Because the Golden Spirit Race refers specifically to a person!

Do not! A god!

The **** who secretly fell from the sky to the world and taught the oldest knowledge of the creatures on the earth!

"Forever, the truth is actually like this, if you don't come here, who can believe it?"

What he is currently in is definitely not the Three Realms and Nine Realms! Not even in the Thousand Emperors Realm!

This is an ancient space, far older than the Three Realms and Nine Regions. But everything here has returned to chaos, because the people who dominated this time and space have long since disappeared, and everything has returned to the original chaos.

"It seems that this is the place where the Golden Spirit Race **** was born!"

Only this explanation can prove everything!

Among the gods, someone betrayed the gods, helped the life on earth that the gods despised, and was eventually abandoned by the gods or killed them together!

And that **** finally left his bloodline and mantle, and it is also the golden spirit family passed down by the people of later generations!

"It's a pity, it seems that even if the **** sacrificed everything, he didn't let the gods give up in the end, or killed his blood! Even the original ancestral land was banished to the end of time and space."

It is impossible to describe whether he should praise the **** who sacrificed everything or call him stupid.

The gods above the nine heavens don't do it, but do something extraordinary.

But looking back and thinking about it, if it were not for the sympathy of the gods of the Golden Spirit Race, the current Three Realms and Nine Regions, under the sky, any race is under the oppression and rule of the gods!

It is absolutely impossible to be so free!

"But why the disappearance of the gods?"

Now that you know the secrets of the war between the gods, these are obviously born in the age of mythology. However, no one knows what happened in the ancient times that followed!

But all this is no longer important to him.

Because he has found what he was looking for.

"The Book of the Five Elements! The so-called Book of the Five Elements is not a practice, nor a secret book! It is an insight into the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth!"

In this chaos, he madly absorbed everything he had felt!

This is the place of the most origin, and there is not even the five elements and yin and yang!

But because of this, here, he can almost derive any law and Taoism from the chaos! Even the way of heaven is here!

I don't know how long it took before Li Ye woke up from a deep sleep.

At this time, he was already pale, looking like an old man about to die, but his original vigor was as if there was nothing.

If someone sees him at this time, he will definitely look surprised!

This is clearly a sign that the end is approaching and that he is about to die.

You know, with Li Ye's own blood and cultivation, it is absolutely not a problem to live for thousands of years!

Could it be that in such a short time, he has experienced thousands of years here?

"In the chaos, even time does not exist."

Obviously he was about to die, but Li Ye didn't have a trace of fear on his face.

If he realized something, a hint of greenness suddenly appeared from his body. With the appearance of these greenness, he, who was originally pale, was slowly recovering his youth.

In a short time, it was restored to its original state again.

Immediately afterwards, it dried up quickly again.

This cycle was repeated several times, and finally at the fifth time, Li Ye's whole body burst completely!


The entire chaos was shaking slightly, but then a newborn baby appeared. This chaos seemed to be gestating, slowly moisturizing.

The baby grows slowly, and finally grows into a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy before waking up.

"The five elements are reborn. Although I am not the body of the five elements, I have the seal of the five elements!"

The baby is Li Ye, and his whole body is as perfect as white jade at this time. Even the most beautiful woman in the world will feel ashamed when he sees it.

"The dark disease left by the rebirth water seems to have been baptized!"

Feeling the brand new body, Li Ye couldn't help but feel moved!

Before his physical body, although extremely powerful, but because of the relationship with the cultivation of the God of Fighting Art, it was always accompanied by some dark diseases! Especially the practice of the physical body against the power of heaven's punishment several times, although it made the physical body stronger, it also caused some sequelae.

In addition, the two bloodlines in his body cannot be perfectly integrated, making him unable to wield the true power of the two bloodlines.

More importantly, the destruction of life by the rebirth water is far beyond ordinary people's imagination!

But now he is almost perfect!

The only one who can surpass him is the rumored Golden Spirit Race! It is the descendant of that god.

"Thank you seniors for your kindness in rebuilding!"

Slightly saluting towards the chaos, he knew that even if the **** had fallen for countless times, this chaos was the greatest wealth he left to give to future generations!

The temple built by the Golden Spirit Race only gave future generations a chance to enter this chaos.

At this time, Li Ye's spiritual platform, in the power of the five elements, fire, earth, and gold formed three golden figures, each of them sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, looking like the baby that Li Ye had just incarnate! The water and wood are two golden lotus flowers, as if they are gestating some kind of life!

"Next, wood spirits and water spirits are left!"

In the next moment, Li Ye disappeared from the chaos.

Appeared again, has returned to the temple.


With a loud shout, a dazzling sword flew in front of Li Ye, and at the same time the Emperor Tianjian appeared.

"Old ghost, how long have I been in?"

Because that chaos has no concept of time at all, Li Ye himself didn't know whether he had gone in for a few days.

In his feeling, it seemed to have gone through thousands of years.

If that is the case, he really doesn't know what expression he should face after coming out.

"You have been in for ten days!"

"Ten days?" Li Ye nodded slightly, this result made him secretly relieved.

He was really afraid that he had really stayed in it for thousands of years. When he came out, almost all the people he knew and he knew had turned into a pile of loess.

"You, found the Book of Five Elements?"

What kind of eyesight the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor saw that Li Ye seemed a little different!

"Book of the Five Elements? There is no book of the Five Elements in this world."

However, Li Ye shook his head, The Book of Five Elements? That is just a beautiful lie made up by the people of later generations! There is no so-called book of five elements in this world!

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