Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2662: Unkillable monster

Wandering soul!

Indeed, those undead creatures are different from any one Li Ye has encountered before!

Strong, but full of a terrible evil spirit!

It seems like wandering here with infinite resentment and never being at peace, for any creatures who enter here, there is extremely strong resentment.

Mo Zihan just glanced at Li Ye and didn't say much.

This time, he was the only one to come to the Immortal King Palace, or in other words, he alone was enough!

Emperor Chu's body! The emperor does not come out, no one is his opponent!

Even if it is a half emperor, now that he sees him, he must give in three points!

Here, unless it is the terrifying powerhouse evildoer who is also the emperor, he is the most invincible existence.

"You know this well?"

Li Ye narrowed his eyes, and Mo Zihan seemed to know a lot about this place.

"Understand?" Mo Zihan smiled slightly, but his gaze seemed to turn into an infinite sea of ​​stars, looking towards the distant place beyond the reach of his gaze, but then he laughed, "The battle between you and me is not over, but now It’s not the time for you and me to continue the first battle."

Li Ye smiled, not surprised at all, but the disguise on his face gradually changed back to its original appearance as the muscles changed.

Although it was only a small trick, I have to say that unless it is a close relative who is very familiar with him, so few people can recognize him.

"How did you find it?"

He thought that even the people around him might have doubts, but it was impossible to really confirm his identity.

Mo Zihan's ability to recognize him really surprised him.

"Your eyes."

Eyes? For a moment, Li Ye finally understood.

No matter how a person changes, whether he is old or rejuvenated, or changed a face, his eyes are the window of the soul and cannot be changed easily.

His eyes are the only flaw that can see his identity.

It's just that ordinary people can't pay such attention to these details, but Mo Zihan has noticed.

Seeing Li Ye regaining his appearance, even though Mo Zihan had been certain for a long time, he still showed a strange expression, "It really is you."

"It seems that you were not completely sure before, but I exposed myself first."

Li Ye wasn't stupid either. From Mo Zihan's tone, he was actually half-trusted, but he was not too annoyed at this time. Such an opponent really made his life very exciting.

"I know you can't die so easily. In the battle of Wudaoya, you didn't wield your true strength."

Mo Zihan is proud, even arrogant!

It's just that his arrogance is not shown on his face like other geniuses, and he is not domineering. His conceit is more of an absolute confidence in himself!

Because of this, he believed that Li Ye was not dead! Because he didn't believe that Li Ye at that time would die in his hands so easily!

"Aren't you the same? Emperor Chu, you can already step in."

In fact, they both had reservations when they fought. But in the end Mo Zihan couldn't restrain his realm, so he could only choose to break through. However, Li Ye was recognized by everyone as a man of heaven, which caused everyone to recognize that victory or defeat as the key to Mo Zihan's victory.

Mo Zihan did not deny, "If you and I fight, one day will be born. I hope you won't let me down before that day."

His arrogance made it impossible for him to work with Li Ye under the situation that his realm was completely suppressed. Even if he wins, it is not perfect for him!

Looking at Mo Zihan's leaving back, Li Ye didn't feel anything.

"Boy, this boy may become your strong opponent in the future. If you can't cultivate into the body of the five elements, you will fight with him, and the outcome will be unpredictable."

The venomous eyes of the Emperor Tianjian reminded him of this, and it can be seen that there was nothing wrong with Li Ye's feeling when he first saw Mo Zihan.

His eyes looked towards the dead land around him.

"Wandering soul?"

Here, there is no aura of heaven and earth, it is completely isolated from the world.

Even if the strong are here, they dare not easily consume their own strength. After all, without the supplement of heaven and earth aura, even the strongest will become very weak over time.

"Old ghost, have you been here before?"

"Of course the emperor has been here, but that part of the memory is not in the emperor's mind now, so you kid can only rely on yourself."

Heavenly Sword Great Emperor only had a strand of remnant soul left, and many memories were not left, but some of the memories within the Thousand Emperor Realm were not in his strand of remnant soul.

"Well, it seems that you can only take one step to see the whereabouts of the basalt stone, old ghost, you surely don't know, right?"

Silence, obviously that is to admit.

He sighed, although he knew that things couldn't go so smoothly, but now that it came, Li Ye would not give up lightly.

In the ancient battlefield, traces of the war can be seen everywhere.

The sky shattered, the earth cracked, the mountains were split apart.

Here, there was once an ancient war that ordinary people could not imagine.

Even after so many years, you can still vaguely see the apocalyptic scene.

Of course, more are those wandering souls who have been wandering in this big six and have been unable to rest for countless years!


The light of the law almost illuminates the surroundings, and with some harsh screams, wisps of black smoke dissipate.

"Damn it! These wandering souls can't be killed at all!"

Many people who entered this world have encountered the snipers of the wandering spirits, but most of the wandering spirits cannot threaten the people who come here.

"Be careful, these wandering souls, according to the records of the sect, were transformed by the powerful who died here for thousands of years! Although there is only the last grievance, the strength is not as good as before, but it is difficult to kill!"

Yes, all the geniuses who set foot here have found a headache for them.

The wandering souls wandering in this ancient battlefield, even if they can be easily shattered, will not be long before they will resurrect again, and then attack them again!

Countless, too much to guard against!

Maybe it got out of the ground, or it suddenly appeared out of thin air when he walked by!

In a short period of time, at least a dozen people died tragically in the hands of those wandering souls, even if it was Emperor Wu, they were not sure that they could save their lives here!

With a scream, another person was torn apart by a few wandering souls!

"Go! These wandering souls are much stronger than the previous ones!"

On the dark ground, only a few people fled in haste.

And behind them, more than a dozen looming wandering souls are chasing them.

This kind of scene is not only born here, almost many people have encountered the obstacles of wandering souls, and they now see that the power of those wandering souls is getting stronger and stronger!

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