Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2661: Land of Souls


That stalwart body was holding the Godbreaking Cone and stabbed it fiercely on the portal! In an instant, there was a gap larger than the opening made by the Baili Mo Family's sacrifice of twelve celebrities!

Afterwards, the emperor's will dissipated directly. 81 Chinese『网

After all, this is the periphery of the Thousand Emperors Realm, which is very dangerous for the emperor, even if it is just a will, it cannot last for too long.

This time, everyone is not stupid!

The people of Jubao Pavilion immediately disappeared into the door with Yu Shang, and the people of other sects also immediately followed!

It was the same as before, even if the gap was made with the God Breaking Cone, it was impossible to maintain it for a long time.

Even with the disappearance of the will of the emperor and the withdrawal of the god-breaking cone, the degree is faster!


At the Saint Demon Gate, Princess Demon Ji took the lead!

With a wave of her bare hand, many of the people who wanted to dare to enter the portal suddenly turned on their backs, spurting blood and flying out!

Suddenly blocking the way of the Saint Demon Gate, it was emptied!

Such overbearing is the consistent method of the Saint Demon Gate!

In other words, all the emperor-level sects have always been so domineering!

On the other side, Yulong Shuitian took the Jade Dragon Master as a big killer!

For a time, unless it is an emperor-level sect, the rest of those people dare not approach. They cherish their lives more than entering the legendary portal.

Among them, the most vicious method is the Dongzhou Ye Family!

"Those who block me die!"

In front of Ye Qingyu, a person burst out, screaming and turning into flying ashes.

The several great emperor-level sects seemed to have a consensus at this time, and they did not influence each other, instead they were going to kill those people of casual repair and small sect!

Li Ye's figure flashed, but his way was blocked by one person.

"Little beast! Your death date is here!"


The invincible killing intent coming in person can almost suffocate the middle emperor!

Ye Qingyu!

Seeing the person killing himself, Li Ye's eyes also narrowed!

He didn't expect that he didn't take the initiative to find the door, but Ye Qingyu sent it over instead!

"Who died, it's not necessarily true!"

Angrily snorted, when he was in front of Ye Qingyu, let alone resisting, he was directly trampled on the ground with his head. That kind of picture, he will never forget it!

It's just that compared to the previous year, although his strength has improved rapidly, Ye Qingyu's strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes!

Ye Qingyu back then was just the realm of the venerable!

But now, when the two of them started, Li Ye was surprised to find that after so many years, Ye Qingyu's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds!


Both sides were shaken back and split equally!

This can make Li Ye feel terrified!

You know, he almost stepped into the Emperor Chu! Recognized by the heavens!

It can be said that unless the emperor and the half emperor made the move, he would never be afraid of anyone!

"Ye Qingyu! Has he become so powerful?"

Only a few years now?

As everyone knows, while he was shocked, Ye Qingyu was even more shocked than Li Ye, and even panicked!

"Who on earth are you?"

He could clearly feel that this strange casual cultivator in front of him had such a strong killing intent towards him! That kind of killing intent is absolutely impossible just because of the previous conflict! More like an unforgettable hatred!

That kind of deep hatred that cannot be resolved!

It's just that he thought for a long time, and he couldn't even think that the young man in front of him who had changed his appearance would be the helpless young man who he thought was easily trampled by ants.

"My identity is not important, what is important is that the person who is going to die today is you!"

New and old hatred!

Li Ye's breath soared!

Not once did he get so angry!

It can even be said to be uncontrollable!

Ye Qingyu was also trembling with anger, his face was blue, and he roared, "Only you are a lowly casual cultivator?"

He is a member of the Ye family. Although he is not a direct line, the status of the Ye family is enough to make him run wild in Shenshengzhou!

A casual cultivator, even if he has some strength, he dare to arrogantly want to kill him?

"No matter who you are, if you dare to provoke the Ye Family, you must die!"

It's a pity that they haven't had a chance to get started, and something has happened on the other side!

The opened door was about to disappear, Ye Qingyu didn't care to trouble Li Ye, and turned around with a cold snort and disappeared in it.

Li Ye was not to be left behind, and disappeared in the door the next moment.

After waiting for the door for an hour, the group of people blocked out could only stare, because they knew that they had lost their last chance to enter.

At this time, in another world.

"here is?"

Opening his eyes from the darkness, Li Ye looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

He remembered that he had entered the portal of the Thousand Emperors Realm.

But what appeared before him was a ruined world.

The ancient battlefield is deserted.

There was no anger in death, and even to Li Ye's shock, there was no aura of heaven and earth here!

It's like a **** completely isolated!

"Here, is the real Thousand Emperors Realm?"

Li Ye looked around. He didn't see the Ye family, nor any living creatures.

"Old ghost, this is the Thousand Emperors Realm?"

"Yes, this is the real Thousand Emperors Realm. What you experienced before is just that piece of the world."

Emperor Tianjian did not explain much, but he could hear a certain sigh in his tone.

In the ancient battlefield, you can see the traces of the terrible war that did not know how many tens of thousands of years ago!

Even Li Ye saw that the huge mountain range seemed to be split open with a sword. For another example, the earth seems to be torn apart.

Looking up, the sky was completely shattered, as if it could not bear some powerful force.

"What the **** is happening here?"

Such a terrifying **** scene is actually the rumored Thousand Emperors Realm?

"Boy, from now on, you must be up to 120,000 points! If you don't want to die here and become a wandering soul, don't underestimate the enemy!"

The tone of Emperor Tianjian was extraordinarily cautious, even serious.

Actually, without him reminding, Li Ye had already seen a dangerous approach.

That is a dead soul!

In other words, more like an undead creature!

"what is that?"

"Wandering spirit! People who have died here."

This time, it was not the answer from the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor.

Li Ye turned and looked around, only to see not far away, just like him, silently observing everything around him.

Mo Zihan!

Li Ye's eyes narrowed, but Mo Zihan obviously didn't want to do it, but instead looked at the world with great interest.

"The rumor is true that the Thousand Emperors Realm, the land of fall, and the land of death are also the land of wandering souls."

After finishing speaking, he shot instantly and turned into a Changhong!

In the distance, the undead screamed, and the whole body burned, and finally disappeared.

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