Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2663: Emperor Soul Orb

"What has happened to this world?"

The group of people in Jubao Pavilion is now stepping into a mountain range that has been completely split.

Even the disciples of the emperor-level sect were shocked by the scene in front of them unparalleled.

The mountain range of tens of thousands of meters was directly cut open from the beginning, and that scene was completely beyond their imagination.

"This is the old battlefield once, here, there has been a great battle!"

As a closed disciple of the Peacock Emperor, Yu Shang naturally knew many inside stories that ordinary people didn't know.

"The Great War? Is it related to the origin of the name of the Thousand Emperor Realm?"

Several genius disciples in Jubao Pavilion showed curiosity.

"It is indeed related to the origin of the Thousand Emperors Realm, but unfortunately many records are not complete. No one knows how many years it has existed."

Shaking his head, Yu Shan was actually very curious.

But there are some things, let alone her, even her Master Peacock Emperor and her grandfather Tian Yan Bandi are not necessarily clear.

"Senior Sister, it is rumored that countless great emperors have had a big battle because of something, and that battle even affected the entire Xizhou! I don't know if the legend is true or not!"

The eyes of a young man burst into light. For them, the emperor is a legendary character, and it is impossible to see.

Countless great emperors are fighting here?

That kind of scene is unimaginable!

"Junior brother, don’t talk nonsense! There are countless great emperors! How could the great emperor’s kind of ancient and powerful people gather here because of one thing? Still fighting to the death? The legend has also been heard by brothers. Those who participated in that battle almost All fell here, but the legend is after all, if so many great emperors really fell here, the outside world would have changed!"

The young man smiled awkwardly, "Brother, I just heard that, no matter what, there must have been something big here!"

Who is the emperor? The emperor-level sect can be ranked in Shenshengzhou, a truly powerful sect.

If so many emperors had participated in the fight for a certain treasure and so many people had died, the outside world would have been mad.

Yu Shan shook his head, "Regardless of whether the legend is true or not, remember the purpose of our coming this time!"

Thousand Emperors Realm! It's not for them to come sightseeing.

They came here for a special purpose!

"Hehe, Emperor Soul Orb! I didn't expect this thing to exist. I've only heard the master talk about it a few times before."

A person in Jubao Pavilion chuckled and said with excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, the emperor soul orb. According to legend, once the great emperor falls, an emperor soul orb will be left behind. It contains almost the emperor's life experience of the great avenue and the purest essence of power. If it can be obtained, not to mention it. Break through the emperor, but you can definitely take your comprehension on the road to a higher level!"

Emperor Soul Orb!

The only reason why the Thousand Emperors Realm can attract so many emperor-level sect geniuses is this!

Here, there is the existence of the Emperor Soul Orb!

The soul treasure left by the fall of the emperor! A masterpiece that will never be worse than the innate treasure!

"Whether you can find the Emperor Soul Orb depends on your personal chance! Don't force it! Remember, even if the Emperor Soul Orb is discovered, don't act rashly. Your life is more important! Otherwise, even if you get it, you will become the wandering soul here! A target hunted by people who come from future generations!"

Yu Shang looked at the young geniuses like Jubaoge, although she didn't seem to have grown up usually, and she was more temperamental. But this time, it seemed a lot more mature.

Comparing Jubao Pavilion this time, all the geniuses cultivated are sent to see if anyone can make a breakthrough!

Soon, they found traces of the Emperor Soul Orb.

How did you say it?

too easy!

Wandering soul!

Only a powerful wandering soul can possess the Emperor Soul Orb! Because that is exactly the wandering soul formed after the once powerful emperor fell!


A figure retreated frantically, with a face full of horror.

But he had time to rejoice in the future, and suddenly a dark shadow appeared behind him.

"Do not!"

The unwilling roar and the longing for life, but the next moment, this person was directly pierced in the chest, and then a heart was pulled out alive.

The **** heart appeared in the hands of a dark shadow. Upon closer inspection, the dark shadow seemed to be a person, but there was no anger in his whole body, instead it was full of terrible death.

Indifferent to the emotionless eyes, seeing the **** heart that was still beating slightly, immediately burst out a greedy light, and swallowed it directly!

In the next moment, the black shadow's death will be more intense, and the breath is even more terrifying!

Wandering soul!

This is an extremely powerful wandering soul!

Around it, three corpses can be seen, all of which had a blood hole in their chests, and their hearts were taken out.

If there are other people here, they will definitely be horrified. The three dead are actually disciples of the Frozen Sect!

The disciple of the dignified emperor-level sect was so cruelly killed by the wandering soul!


From afar, there are a few Frozen Frost Sect's faces pale and unwilling!

For it is Yu Devil!

As one of the best geniuses in the Frozen Sect, he came with ambition this time.

However, they only discovered an Emperor Soul Orb just now, but they lost three manpower.

"Don't act rashly! That's an emperor-class wandering spirit! We are not opponents on the front!"

In his cold eyes, there was no thought of giving up.

Wandering soul! Emperor Soul Orb!

As an imperial sect, the Ice and Snow Qi Sect naturally knows what is most terrifying about the Thousand Emperors Realm! Also know the origin of the Emperor Soul Orb!

That was transformed by the great emperor who died here!

"Brother, as long as there is an emperor soul orb, there must be an emperor-level wandering soul guardian. It seems that the rumors are true. But if it is an emperor-level wandering soul, we are not opponents!"

The faces of several Frost Qizong disciples were bitter, and of course they also wanted the Emperor Soul Orb, whether it was for themselves or for the sect, they had to fight for it.

Only in the face of that terrible wandering soul, they just died three people in a short time!

"Huh! What are you afraid of! Although the emperor-level wandering spirit is powerful, it can no longer be compared with before alive! If we find the opportunity, we can completely kill!"

In this world, killing the wandering soul is unrealistic, but it is possible to let the wandering soul dissipate and buy time for a short time.

At this time, Yu Guizi was thinking about it.

The emperor-level wandering souls are indeed the most dangerous enemy in this world, and these emperor-level wandering souls, who have ten in their lives, are all powerhouses in the realm of the great emperor, and will never die even after death.

The difficulty of removing the emperor soul orb from under the eyelids of the emperor level wandering soul is not that high.

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