Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2651: Death trap

"Where is this Thousand Emperor Realm?"

Finally someone couldn't bear it and stepped out of the city. 81 Chinese delta text network

"Be careful!"

The companion of the strong man couldn't stop him, and only saw that the moment he stepped out of Tianmen City, he seemed to have walked into the long river of time, and the whole person could almost be aging with the naked eye.

The appearance of the original youth faded away in an instant.

The vigorous vitality was also madly evacuated from the body.

The black head turned into a pale white, and in the blink of an eye, he became a dead old man.

In this scene, the other powerhouses who originally wanted to step out of Tianmen City were all scared and retracted their original ideas.

"help me……"

The man reluctantly turned his body, wanting to ask for help from his companion, but just stretched out his hand, his whole body seemed to be drained of blood, the fire of life was completely extinguished in his body, and the whole rotten body was just like that. It became a corpse in front of everyone, and even fell apart when it fell to the ground.

Death is miserable!

"What exactly is going on?"

Other strong men roared, and everyone witnessed the death of that person just now. Such a weird death, let alone ordinary people, even if the Wuhuang strong saw it, it would still have a lingering fear!

"Damn, what the **** is outside?"

The person just now was a half-emperor. Although he was not a big deal among the people, he was still a master in the outside world.

It took just one or two breaths to die like this?

And death is so terrible!

"If you don't want to die, don't leave Tianmen City."

A young man from the Baili Mo family snorted coldly, with a sarcasm on his face.

As the ancient family of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, they naturally know some taboos of the Thousand Emperors Realm.

Not only them, the Heavenly Sword Gate, Jubao Pavilion, and Piaoxue Villa were all motionless from the beginning. Because they all know that now is not the time to leave Tianmen City.

"Bai Li Han! Did you know it a long time ago?"

Someone snorted. Although the strong man was only a casual cultivator just now, there were several disciples of the emperor-level sect who were preparing to leave Tianmen City with them.

If it wasn't for them to hesitate, it was them who died just now!

Among them, Young Master Yulong's face was the most ugly, because he also almost wanted to step out of Tianmen City just now, and now he was still scared for a while.

"How about knowing!"

The young man from the Baili Mo family smiled proudly. Even though there are many imperial sects here, the Baili Mo family has never feared anyone.

For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has been able to shake it.


A strong man next to Master Yulong was about to get angry, but he reached out to stop him.

"Little Lord!"

"It's not the time to fall out with the Baili Mo Family. When you reach the Thousand Emperor Realm, there are opportunities!"

He was very calm, no matter how fierce in his heart, and now that the Thousand Emperors Realm had not yet entered, at this time torn his face with an ancient emperor family like the Baili Mo Family, it would not do him any good for Jade Dragon Shuitian.

He could even expect that many people around him secretly looked forward to the fight between the two emperor-level forces, and then they would be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

With the lessons learned from the unlucky ghost before, the people who remain naturally dare not mess around easily.

Just when someone wanted to ask, where is the Thousand Emperor Realm.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, the sky outside the city is beginning to change!"

When they entered here before, the sky was gray-brown, like a dead earth.

But at this time, you can see that the sky is slowly getting color.

At this moment, the members of the Baili Mo family were almost prepared for the first time they saw the changes in the world, one by one, they turned into a escape.

Not only Baili Mojia, Tiandaomen, Jubao Pavilion, and some ancient forces in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou also responded!

In addition, some emperor-level sects responded quickly, and someone immediately followed!

It's just that as soon as they left Tianmen City, some people's complexions changed drastically and they screamed.

Some people even walked into the end of the original person as soon as they left Tianmen City. In a few breaths, they turned into corpses, dying to death.

There were also strong men who sensed the passing of life in their bodies, roared, and their bodies surged, trying to resist the unknown death force.

Not to mention, some strong people can indeed slow down that degree, but they can't really stop it!

"what happened?"

"Damn! The world here is like a melting pot! Refining us!"

"My vitality is losing so fast! No, I won't be able to go far if this continues!"

These powerhouses were shocked in their hearts, some bit their heads and continued to move forward, but some others went back to Tianmen City directly afraid of death.

Sure enough, those who returned to Tianmen City immediately realized that the threat of death disappeared.

But those who bite the bullet and continue to move forward are not so lucky.

Not long after many people moved forward, they turned into corpses.

Some powerhouses are even the Martial Emperor themselves, and a piece of the Martial Emperor's kingdom appears behind them that wants to cover the whole body.

But a weird scene took place. Those Martial Emperor's kingdoms seemed to have received a curse here, and they began to rot right after they appeared!

The whole country ushered in the horn of destruction, let alone delaying that kind of death will, and even speeding up the death of Emperor Wu!

In this way, it really scared a group of people.

Some strong people retreated madly, but in a short period of time, at least 30% of the strong people died outside, and a very small number of people returned to Tianmen City with lingering fears.

"Here, only people under the emperor who are not a thousand years old can resist that death threat."

At this time, an old voice sounded.

Half Emperor Tian Yan, seeing that it was him, some strong men showed awe.

If the emperor does not come out, the half emperor is the true pinnacle.

Sure enough, when other people saw it, those who died outside were all strong men who had passed a thousand years of age. Although they were in their realm, they had just started, but here, they are like a door to death, wanting to step on. You must be mentally prepared for death.

"No wonder the people who go out from the Baili Mo family are all juniors!"

In the Baili Mo Family, not all of them left Tianmen City. Upon closer inspection, they were all juniors.

The same is true for some other sects. The strong men of the older generation have all stayed in Tianmen City.

It's not that they don't want to go, but they can't go.

"That's it! Thousand Emperors Realm! Outside of Tianmen City, it is actually the Thousand Emperors Realm! I understand!"

A casual genius suddenly yelled, and at the same time, he changed his fear and stepped directly out of Tianmen City.

When the others saw it, it turned out that the casual genius had nothing to do. When he reacted, he was overjoyed and his figure disappeared from everyone's sight with a smile.

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