Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2652: Abandoned world

"Follow him!"

Some other people acted quickly. Just now everyone was scared by the strange death of a group of strong men, but now that the reason is known, those who are less than a thousand years old naturally have no scruples. 』『8Ω1 Chinese』』Δ网

Some emperor-level sects also had actions.

"Those who are over a thousand years old, stay here!"

Master Yulong snorted coldly, and then left Tianmen City with a group of young disciples from Yulong Shuitian.

At the Saint Demon Gate, Princess Demon Ji smiled charmingly and nodded to the old woman next to her, "Mother, you stay here and wait for the good news from this princess."

The imperial sect started to move, and other sects were naturally not far behind.

You can see the gap between martial art and martial art.

They are also the younger generation under a thousand years old, but there are not many juniors who can be sent by many small sects, and the cultivation base cannot be compared with the imperial sect.

As a last resort, many sects have allied together in secret, which can be regarded as taking care of them.

Among them, the most embarrassing group is a group of casual cultivators, who have no discipline or faction, and the casual cultivators also have their own plans and scheming. They do not trust each other and are scattered.

After a group of powerful sect family members had left, some casual cultivators cautiously stepped out of Tianmen City in twos and threes.

Someone screamed and died outside the city in a short time.


Some people snorted, because those who died were those who had a fluke mentality. They were obviously over a thousand years old, but they were still unwilling to take a fight.

Among them, there are many Wuhuang strong men, but they still end up in a fall.

This scene made many people dispel the last trace of delusion in their hearts, unless they wanted to die, they wouldn't dare to step out of the Tianmen City.

The powerful half-emperor entering Tianyan can only stay in the city obediently at this time.

Because even if it was him, once he left Tianmen City, it would be very dangerous.

Similarly, in the Palace of the Immortal King, Emperor Duanmu's eyes flickered.

What is in the Thousand Emperor Realm, he knows better than anyone!

But this time, he couldn't continue in. Because he no longer meets the requirements to step into the Thousand Emperors Realm.

"Unfortunately, if I were to go in again, maybe it would allow me to break through that magic barrier..."

For thousands of years, he has always stayed in place.

Although the emperor did not come out, he was the most invincible figure, but his ambition was not only that.

Similar thoughts have flashed in the hearts of many strong people.

Unfortunately, in the face of death and temptation, they still cannot ignore the instinct to survive.

If we say that some strong sects can’t wait.

But there are still people in Tianmen City who are unhurried.

Fenghuocheng and his party did not see any strong older generation appearing this time.

"Interesting, the Thousand Emperors Realm has been well-known for a long time. Even the old man said that there is a great opportunity here. Let me see you today!"

Feng Yang, the young master of Fenghuo City, the contemporary heir of the Four Emperors.

His every move, naturally, deliberately attracted a lot of attention.

At this moment, he laughed, "Everyone ran so fast, really rushing to reincarnate? The old man said, this thousand emperor realm is not the one who runs fast, and whoever will die depends on the final result!"

Although Fenghuo City is far away in the Central Continent Sanctuary, it obviously has a certain understanding of the Thousand Emperor Realm.

His gaze swept toward everyone, he hehe smiled, and he paused slightly when he scanned Li Ye.


Almost at the same time, both of them gave a slight hum.

It's a pity that Feng Yang didn't do much research. With a big wave of his hand, a group of people from Fenghuo City left directly.

Among them, Li Ye seemed to see a figure that made him feel familiar.

As soon as Wind and Fire City left, there were still a few powerful sects, including the Hall of Sound Soul and the Ye Family of Dongzhou.

But apparently they finally had action.

"Dongzhou, Ye Family."

Li Ye watched Dongzhou Ye's family leave, and also moved.

He waited for so long, and now he finally saw the Dongzhou Ye family, naturally it is impossible not to do nothing.

But he knew that some things needed to be done secretly, otherwise it would bring him huge troubles.

No one would notice a small casual cultivator, especially those high-ranking emperor-level sects.

As the overlord of Dongzhou, a family of five emperors, a group of juniors in the Ye family can be said to have eyes growing above their heads. Not to mention casual cultivators, even the geniuses of other emperor-level sects, they did not take it seriously.

It doesn't look at whether someone is following behind, because for them, unless it is the Wushen Mountain and the Yaowang Temple, in this world, is there anyone who has the guts to offend the Ye Family?

Li Ye's back figure disappeared from Tianmen City. After he disappeared, the Peacock Emperor smiled slightly.

In fact, he had long seen that Li Ye was hiding in the casual repair, but he didn't break it.

"This kid is still alive."

He didn't know Li Ye's plan, but he glanced at Half Emperor Tian Yan.

"That stinky boy, he must have calculated the Immortal King Palace once at Wudao Cliff! It is ridiculous that everyone outside is guessing that he is dead!"

A hint of ridicule flashed in the eyes of the Tianyan Half Emperor. As for what was calculated, in fact, he and the Peacock Emperor had already guessed some in their hearts. What is really important about Wudaoya?

Many people have rumored that the thing has been annihilated and no longer exists under the decisive battle of the pinnacle genius, but only they know that, let alone the fight between the two juniors, even if the two great emperors hit the sky and the dark sun and the moon. Without light, the mountains and rivers and the earth will collapse, and they cannot be destroyed!

The sky, as if it had been broken, was extremely suppressed.

This is the first impression of anyone who steps out of Tianmen City to this space.

The whole earth revealed a deadly smell.

Although it doesn't look like nothing is dead, but here, they can only feel a deadly breath lingering.

Those auras were the culprit that led to the tragic deaths of some strong men, but I don't know why, but there is no threat to the juniors under the age of one thousand years.

"This used to be a bustling world!"

Some people have discovered the wreckage of some cities, which is so huge that you can even see the glory of the year!

There were also many relics, full of primitive and simple atmosphere, but they were protected by incomparable power!

Some people even found some entrances to the secret realm. They were overjoyed, and they rushed in!

"What happened to this land?"

Li Ye was also curious, even he was more familiar with the smell of death than everyone else! It was like hell, but it was different from the corner of **** he had seen from the raw water.

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