Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2650: Space-time gap

On the Jubao Pavilion side, the faces of several young geniuses were calm at this time. 81 Chinese Network

Although faced with so many emperor-level sect geniuses, no one showed any panic.

This is quite surprising to many strong players.

"Could it be that Jubao Pavilion really hooked up with Wushen Mountain?"

It was reported before that a Wudi Supreme from Wushen Mountain had personally stepped into the Jubao Pavilion. No one knew why.

Some people have speculated that Jubao Pavilion should have a relationship with Wushen Mountain, but in fact.

So far, I haven't seen the strong from Wushen Mountain appear, making many people dubious.

The Peacock Emperor's face was calm. Today's Tianmen City is standing side by side. Although Jubao Pavilion is an emperor sect, it does not have much advantage here.

"When the Thousand Emperors Realm opens, there are not many people who can enter. You don't need to force it, it's all by chance."

The Peacock Emperor whispered to a group of disciples of Jubao Pavilion.

"Master, it is rumored that the Great Emperor of the Thousand Emperors Realm will not step into it, is it true?"

Yu Shan looked curious, in other words, this is the only thing that many young people worry about.

"will not."

Shaking his head, the Peacock Emperor gave the answer very clearly, "It's not just the emperor, as long as people over a thousand years old, it is impossible to enter the thousand emperor realm."

Those who are over a thousand years old will not enter the Thousand Emperor Realm?

"Master, why is this?"

"The reason is not clear, but in the Thousand Emperor Realm, only people under one thousand years old will not be suppressed by the Thousand Emperor Realm. Otherwise, even if the Great Emperor enters, there is a danger of falling. So for so many years, no matter it is the Great Emperor There are still some peak powers, it is impossible to enter the thousand emperor realm."

These words are not absolute.

But it is also a thing recognized by the world.

The explanation of the Peacock Emperor is that the emperor and the strong over a thousand years old will be in danger of life after entering. But only one thing is missing!

What if it is a great emperor who is less than a thousand years old?

A doubt flashed in Yu Shang's heart, but she didn't ask much, because for hundreds of thousands of years, even those rumored invincible evildoers, no one can cultivate to the realm of the Great Emperor in a thousand years!

Whether it is Emperor Hengtian, Emperor Danwu, or the emperor who is invincible like today.

No one can set foot on that state within a thousand years.

But is there such an absolute judgment in the world?

I don't know why, a shadow of someone faintly flashed past Yu Shan's heart.

"Li Ye, are you really dead on the Cliff of Enlightenment?"

She still doesn't believe it, nor does she want to believe it!

She didn't believe that that person would die so easily, even if his opponent was Mo Zihan! Today's Emperor Chu!

Seeing the expression of his disciple, the Peacock Emperor also understood her thoughts, and could only sigh helplessly, "Sorry, that kid doesn't seem like a short-lived person, you don't have to worry too much."

"Master, who is worried about him!"

Regarding Yu's duplicity, the Emperor Peacock smiled bitterly. In fact, he didn't believe that Li Ye, a young man, would fall so easily. It's just Wudao Cliff, someone digs three feet of the ground, but no corpse is found.

Because of this, he didn't believe that Li Ye was dead.

"Brother Peacock."

From a distance, someone looked towards this side.

"Friends of Wisteria."

Wisteria King! This time there were not many people from the Baili Mo family, but there was a faint momentum of alliance with the Dongzhou Helan family, which made the Peacock Emperor feel a little wary in his heart.

The two sects, as the imperial sects of the sixteen kingdoms in Xizhou, did not form an alliance privately this time, but each had their own calculations.

The Baili Mo family found the behemoth of the Dongzhou Helan family, and the Jubao Pavilion, naturally, had already laid the groundwork a long time ago.

"It seems that Killing the Temple will also not show up in public this time."

The Emperor Wisteria sneered.

The Peacock Emperor didn't talk about it, and they were familiar with the style of killing the temple.

No one will come without showing up, but they can't guess who is the one who killed the temple.

"Thousand Emperor Realm!"

Suddenly, the entire Tianmen City shook like the ground!

The earth split directly from the middle, and the sky dimmed suddenly, as if a terrifying behemoth swallowed Tianmen City in one bite.

When everyone reacted, they saw that Tianmen City had already disappeared, and what appeared above them was a gray sky.

"what happened?"

"where is this place?"

"Where is Tianmen City?"

Some people panic, but some emperor-level sects seem more calm.

Because they knew that the Thousand Emperors Realm had already been opened.

"Could it be that this is already in the realm of a thousand emperors?"

An ancestor of the Great Teacher frowned, because he realized that here, he had actually endured an extremely terrible suppression, and even gave him a faint feeling that the life in his body was fading.

Not only this ancestor, but many powerful men realized this, and quickly panicked and sacrificed magic weapons to protect their bodies.

"No, this is just a gap in time and space, we have not yet entered the Thousand Emperors Realm."

Finally, an old voice sounded.

Sure enough, everyone saw that although they stepped on the ground at this time, it was like being in the darkness of nothingness.

Even here, I can't feel any aura of heaven and earth, like a piece of dry hell!

"Thousand Emperors Realm! It is rumored that only people with vigorous life and full blood can enter the Thousand Emperors Realm. Otherwise, entering is a dead end. It seems that the rumor is true!

Some strong people over a thousand years old have slight changes in their faces.

They originally wanted to enter the Thousand Emperors Realm, but they hadn't really entered the Thousand Emperors Realm, so they could almost clearly feel the passing of their lives. If they did, they couldn't help but twitch in their hearts.

Compared with opportunity, obviously his life is the most important.

In the crowd, no one noticed, a young man with a hat, standing there quietly.

It is so quiet that it hardly makes people feel there.

It seems to be one with the surroundings, without even revealing the slightest breath.

"Thousand Emperor Realm!"

The young man raised his head slightly, revealing a not handsome but clean face. It was Li Ye who was thought to have died on the Cliff of Enlightenment.

From the very beginning, he had already entered Tianmen City, even earlier than those sent by the gates.

However, no one would notice an inconspicuous young man in a group of casual cultivators, and even those casual cultivators did not pay too much attention to him.

Li Ye's gaze glanced slightly towards the distance.

Dongzhou Yejia!

If there is something that made him almost unbearable before, the Dao Heart fluctuated, only the moment when a group of Dongzhou Ye Family appeared in Tianmen City.

Almost, at that moment, he wanted to shoot.

But in the end he held it back.

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