Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2597: All ghosts and monsters appeared

Because of the emergence of Yunnan Tibetan gold, everyone obviously focused on it. Ω81Ω『Chinese website

But Li Ye's gaze fell on the Ice King Water!


A supreme treasure of the emperor, perhaps the average monk will definitely become greedy when he sees it, and even take the initiative to **** it.

But there are so many terrifying existences, the geniuses of the sect, and the treasure of the emperor, although they are precious, they have not never seen them. Even a lot of horrible existences, invincible generations, such as Qingsu Old Monster, Qian Lao, etc., naturally carry the imperial treasures!

"Ice King Water, although this thing is still precious, why is it placed with the legendary **** like Yunnan Tibetan Gold?"

There were doubts in his eyes, but at this time, it was not the time to speak.

Because of the appearance of your Yunnan Tibetan gold, the current atmosphere is slightly more subtle.

"Emperor Duobao! Do you really have Yunnan Tibetan gold?!"

The old monster Qingsu was the first to speak, it was a legendary fetish, a fairy stone! Let alone the younger generation present, these old monsters who have lived for at least tens of thousands of years have never really seen them in their lives!

"Yes, brother Duobao, Yunnan Tibetan gold is known as the key to the Holy Soldiers. Such a fairy stone has never been seen for hundreds of thousands of years. Where did you find Yunnan Tibetan gold? "

Old Qian's tone was somewhat polite, not as aggressive as Old Monster Qingsu.

It's just that there is a hot flame flashing in his eyes, even if his reason tells him that even if this thing does appear, it will not be touchable, but even if you don't get it, even if you look at it, death is enough !

Everyone was dubious, but Emperor Duobao gave them a cold look.

If it was other treasures, he didn't bother to explain, but it was related to the legendary fairy stone, he explained the way.

"Death Valley!"

Death Valley!

These three words are actually enough!

"It really is Death Valley! It seems that the legend is true!"

"Death Valley, the ancient battlefield that ended an era in the legend. There, I don’t know how many terrifying existences have fallen, and even the demigods have died in it. I don’t know how much! The treasures left inside are no longer possible. Use words to describe it!"

"It shouldn't be a surprise if anything appears in that kind of place! It may be possible to hide gold in Yunnan!"

"Yeah, ending the ancient times, ending the remote era in which the gods existed. It is reasonable that there are gods and immortal stones in it. After all, according to legend, where is there a demigod or even a true god?"

Since it came from Death Valley, it convinced everyone at least 70% to 80%.

But here comes the problem!

"Emperor Duobao, it's not that we don't believe you, but the celestial stone such as Yunnan Tibetan gold, why don't we show it to everyone first?"

Another strong man said, but many people felt strange.

Of course, someone recognized it.

"Huh, from Dongzhou 6?"

6 in Dongzhou!

Although the voice was soft, everyone took a breath!

"Six Dongzhou? Is it the six Dongzhou?"

Qian Lao exclaimed in exclamation, which can make him so moved. There are not many schools in this world.

Not to mention him, the complexion of the old monster Qingsu also changed. He realized that many of the people who came here today were beyond his expectations.

At least, people from the northern barren land, southern Xinjiang, and even Dongzhou have also appeared!

"Haha, Yunnan Tibetan gold has been well-known for a long time, but now it was born, but I came across it!"

There was another deafening laughter. With this sound, even the Tian Yan half-emperor who was present had a slight change in expression!

"The magic sound pierces the ears, the soul returns to the nine days! You are a person from the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, the Hall of the Soul!"

The man did not deny, even smiling, but many people looked at him with a sense of awe. Even Yu Ran Dao Zun, the Ice Emperor and his ilk, seemed to be a little jealous of this person.

Hall of Sound Soul!

That is a terrifying force in Zhongzhou Sanctuary! Even the general emperor-level forces are not enough to look at them!

Unexpectedly, it would appear in the sixteen countries of Xizhou!

"Damn, that's all about the 6 Dongzhou houses, even the Sound Soul Hall of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary will have a kick!"

The old monster Qingsu secretly cursed in his heart, because the more powerful people come, the lower the chance for him to compete for the innate treasure! Especially, several of them are forces that even he dare not provoke.

For example, Dongzhou 6 stores, and Zhongzhou Sanctuary! Hall of Sound Soul!

Half Emperor Tian Yan and Emperor Peacock looked at each other. There was no panic of other people, or they had already expected this kind of change.

"Sure enough, they can't stand it anymore!"

"No hurry, now there are only Yinhundian and Dongzhou 6 houses, the real big fish hasn't made a sound yet."

No one knows why Jubao Pavilion was willing to put it up for auction when it got the sacred stone artifact like Yunnan Tibetan gold. But only a few people, such as Tianyan Half Emperor and Peacock Emperor, knew that this was a decision they had to make.

Everyone will soon know why this is so.

"Dian Tibetan gold, a legendary god, why not take it out and have a look."

The strong man in the Sound Soul Palace sneered.

Emperor Duobao didn't talk nonsense, raising his hand as if it turned into a seal, but in the void, it seemed as if there was a divine light bursting straight into the sky!

Even if the entire Tiandi Baozhai was enveloped by the formation, it couldn't stop this divine light.

"This breath!"

Everyone present is not stupid! I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs run!

"It's a fetish!"

"The light of divine nature! It's definitely a godless product!"

The exclamation sounded one after another, but Emperor Duobao suddenly stretched out his hand and waved, the next moment the seal came up again, the light disappeared, and everyone did not carefully see what was inside.

"Emperor Duobao, what do you mean?"

The Ice Emperor couldn't help but speak out, but at this time he knew very well that this Yunnan Tibetan gold was not something he could contend for. At least he was there. There were 6 people from Dongzhou and the powerhouse of Zhongzhou Yinhundian, and he didn't want to visit this. Wade through the muddy water.

Instead, he decided to muddy this pool of water!

"The gods have spirits, no seals, no one can suppress them!"

A word, a short sentence, made everyone shut their mouths.

Indeed, that kind of fairy stone is no longer comparable to ordinary treasures, and even possessing spiritual life is not uncommon.

It's just that no one can see clearly, and can only judge by the light of that moment.

"This is to catch a big fish!"

The so-called bystander clear, from the very beginning, Li Ye was not prepared to intervene in the fight! Because he knew the existence of Yunnan Tibetan gold, and knew it was the innate treasure of metal, but it was not the innate treasure he needed!

At this time, looking at the expressions of Tian Yan Bandi and others, he suddenly guessed one or two!

Yunnan Tibetan Gold! They are not for auction at all! But another picture!

The so-called three innate treasures! In fact, everything was created for the emergence of Yunnan Tibetan gold! Or, to confuse everyone's gaze!

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