Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2598: Another awesome boss

Jubao Pavilion, what exactly do you want to do?

There are many smart people present, and they also see at this time that the intent of the drunkard of the treasure house is not to drink but to drink!

"Wu Shenshan!"

Suddenly Qian Lao thought of something and blurted out!

Only Wushen Mountain is worthy of such a price for the Jubao Pavilion, and it even attracts everyone!

If it were only for auction, it would definitely not be possible to take out such a magical stone like Yunnan Tibetan gold!

Smart people are not just a few people like Qian Lao and Li Ye. ┡Ω81 Chinese Network

Thinking of the purpose of Jubao Pavilion, I took a slight breath!

Wushen Mountain, that is an ancient force as famous as the Medicine King Palace! In front of it, even if it is an emperor sect, it will be overshadowed!

After all, there are only a few ancient powers in the entire Shensheng Prefecture, which have been passed down from the Primordial Primordial Era to the present!

Among them, Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace are the most famous!

The point is, there are sage soldiers and a group of old monsters that God knows how many years to live!

The face of the strong man from the 6 Dongzhou houses changed a few times. If there are people present who are qualified to fight for Yunnan Tibetan gold, the 6 Dongzhou houses are definitely one of them!

Even, the only purpose he came this time was to come for Yunnan Tibetan gold!

"Duo Baohuang! Make an offer!"

This person snorted in a deep voice, and he knew that even if it was at a high price, as long as he brought back the Yunnan Tibetan gold, he would have done a great job! What's more, the 6 Dongzhou houses lacked a holy soldier to suppress the heavens and all things!

When everyone heard it, they all knew that the show was coming.

"Six companies seem to be making a move!"

"They will definitely not give up. Once the Yunnan Tibetan gold is obtained, there will be hope of sage soldiers. The pattern of Edongzhou, once the six companies have sage soldiers, it will be enough for them to become the hegemonic terror in Dongzhou. Existence! Even those families have to be scrupulous in front of them!"

"Yes, there are too many ancient clans in Dongzhou, and some are even bloodlines inherited from those ancient clans. Even the emperor-level forces have to clamp their tails in front of them, let alone other people?"

Shenshengzhou is rich in land and resources, among which Dongzhou has always been known as the best place in Fengshui!

Even purely in terms of Feng Shui, Dongzhou has even passed the absolute center of Shenshengzhou! Central Continent Sanctuary!

"Dongzhou has been around for thousands of years, but it has been around the corner. If it weren't for the suppression of the Medicine King Palace and Wushen Mountain in the Central Continent Sanctuary, this world might be in chaos."

As soon as the six Dongzhou houses took a shot, Emperor Duobao and Lao Wu glanced at each other, and they could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Although this was calculated for a long time, it is undoubtedly dancing on the tip of a knife. An inadvertent one not only fails to achieve the goal, but may even cause a show.

"Dian Tibetan gold, one of the gods and immortal stones, is an invaluable treasure. At 6 Tianyuan, what you asked about is out of standard. How can such a **** be measured by value?"

As soon as the voice of the strong man from the 6 Dongzhou houses fell off, another sneer was caused.

"Juehun! What do you mean?"

Feel the soul! Many people only knew at this time that the one who came to the Hall of Sound Soul this time was actually the Envoy of Soul Envoy, one of their twelve soul envoys!

As for another day, 6 days yuan? Many people, especially the stronger ones of the older generation, took a strong breath.

"Juehun!? One of the twelve envoys of the Music Soul Hall! Let him come personally and see the charm of Yunnan Tibetan gold!"

"This is the supreme generation of Zongzhou Zhongzhou! It is rumored that his cultivation has already stepped into a half-emperor ten thousand years ago. I don't know how terrifying his strength is now after ten thousand years!"

"Sound Soul Palace, this is a terrifying existence in the Central Continent Sanctuary. Unless it's Wushen Mountain or Medicine King Palace, it is really difficult to find a few that can compete with the Sound Soul Palace! Especially the owner of the Yin Soul Palace. , And it’s even more mysterious. Rumor has it that he once had a fight with a Wudi on Wushen Mountain. Although no one knows how it turned out, but in the style of Wushen Mountain, that match must have been a loss for the Wudi on Wushen Mountain, otherwise It is impossible to say nothing!"

Wushen Mountain! Very ancient, no one knows how long it has existed. Even many people's impression of Wushen Mountain is vague!

But one thing!

Even if the emperor goes to Wushen Mountain, he must be honest, step on the ground, step by step, no one dares to volley and tear the void and descend directly! Even the emperor is no exception!

One can imagine how powerful Wushen Mountain is!

And the hall master of the Yinhun Temple could make a certain Wudi on the Wushen Mountain suffer a dark loss, which is naturally extremely terrifying.

"Don't talk about the hall master of the Yinhun Hall, there are three deputy hall masters and twelve soul envoys under him! At least they are the cultivation bases of the half emperor or even the emperor! Such a sect, ordinary emperor-level sects dare not dare Provoked! This time, Jue Hun, one of the twelve soul envoys, came here in person. It seems that the Yunnan Tibetan gold is bound to win!"

"Huh! The Sound Soul Palace is great, but this time Dongzhou 6 also intervened. It is not easy for them to compete."

If the Hall of Sound Soul is one of the overlords of the Central Continent Sanctuary, then the 6 Dongzhou houses are also famous in Dongzhou!

"Yes, there are 6 Dongzhou houses. The rumor has a certain connection with the ancient clan, and the strength is extremely terrifying."

"The 6 Tianyuan, but the brothers of the current Patriarch of the 6 families! I heard that he was the most enchanting genius of the 6 families that year. He became the pinnacle martial emperor in less than a thousand years. Looking at him now, his cultivation level should be more diligent! "

One is the soul ambassador of Yinhundian, and the other is the brother of the current Patriarch of the 6 Dongzhou families.

These two people, any of them are existences that ordinary people dare not provoke or even look up to.

Even Jubao Pavilion, a local snake in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, is cautious.

After all, once any force behind the two is offended, even if Jubao Pavilion is not afraid, it is not willing to have such a terrible enemy.

However, things were obviously not that simple. When the Sound Soul Palace, the six Dongzhou houses made their voices one after another, another extremely old voice came out at this moment.

"Yinhundian, six houses, it seems that the attractiveness of this Yunnan Tibetan gold is indeed strong enough. However, the old man is a little interested in such a fetish."

With this sound, there was a shocking majesty in the old age, like a strong man who had been in a high position for a long time, invisibly, even the aura of the soul-conscious messenger and the power of 6 Tianyuan were suppressed!

Who has the ability to suppress the two superpowers?

"Emperor Master! Absolute Heaven!"

6 Tianyuan, the soul-conscious messenger, both expressions changed! The former couldn't help but exclaimed!

Emperor teacher! Absolutely! When the name was called out, almost everyone was quiet!

This **** is even more awesome! It was also led over!

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