Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2596: Mystery of the Holy Soldier!

Ice King Water!

It is the imperial treasure to die! Not even the Emperor's Supreme Treasure!

More than talking about the fairy products and innate treasures above!

Such a small imperial treasure was actually placed among Yunnan Tibetan gold and silver phoenix grass. To be honest, when he saw that list, Li Ye's mind was full of confusion. 81 Chinese Network

The world’s most treasures, the lower nine realms are not counted. In the upper three realms, the lowest is the sacred treasure, followed by the emperor, the emperor, the immortal and the most advanced innate treasure!

The different fires of heaven and earth are the innate treasures listed as fire attributes.

Sure enough, when everyone learned of the three treasures that were about to be auctioned, many people showed peculiar eyes.

"Silver Phoenix Grass? How could it be Silver Phoenix Grass? Although Silver Phoenix Grass can be regarded as the imperial treasure, it cannot be said to be the innate treasure at all!"

There was a strong man who couldn't help showing bewildered eyes, and some people frowned slightly. If it weren't for the golden signs of Tiandi Baozhai and Duobaohuang, they would have been directly dismantled by them if they had replaced them with ordinary auction houses!

Take the imperial product to pretend to be the innate treasure? This is simply a big joke!

"Dian Tibetan gold?! This thing actually exists?"

If you say that Yinfengcao has made many people feel a little disappointed, but when they saw the existence of Yunnan Tibetan gold on the list, they suddenly cried out!

"Dian Tibetan gold! The fairy stone rumored to have the magical ability to turn stones into gold?"

"This thing, the old man has only heard of it in legends. I have never seen a day when it was born. Isn't it a mistake?"

Even an old world like Qian Lao can't help but reveal a touch of doubt!

If Yinfengcao made them doubt Duobaohuang's so-called innate treasure, then Yunnan's gold deposits made them half happy and half worried!

The good news is that Yunnan Tibetan gold is definitely one of the innate treasures! And it is one of the most precious!

But this kind of thing hasn't been heard in hundreds of thousands of years. Even the very ancient people have only seen it in some ancient books handed down from a very distant age.

No wonder they suspected that as soon as Yunnan Tibetan gold appeared, even though the legendary turning stone into gold was completely a taste for monks! Only mortals in the secular world have pathological obsessions and yearning for those gold.

But Yunnan Tibetan gold! Innate treasure! And it is also the innate treasure of metal!

"Damn, if it is really Yunnan Tibetan gold, once the news goes out, it will definitely cause a sensation!"

"If Wushen Mountain knows about it, I don't know if it will send people out of the mountain! After all, this is Yunnan Tibetan gold! It is known as the Three Realms and Nine Regions, the best stone for refining!"

"Yes, in the legend, the holy soldiers of the ancient times have added a trace of Yunnan Tibetan gold to them, and they have that kind of great power! Although it is only a legend, how many years have passed since the end of that era, even if it is No matter how stunning the world is, no one can reproduce the glory of the year!"

"Holy soldier! Even if any of those things are born, it can easily destroy the foundation of an emperor-level sect! The old man has heard that the Medicine King Palace, Wushen Mountain and other very few places have the Holy Soldier seal. So, once such a thing is born, it is a blessing or a curse. It is really hard to say."

Holy soldier! Even the great emperor was shocked when he heard it.

Not to mention the great emperor, even the legendary saint with the terrifying power of groundbreaking and terrifying, they may not be able to control the saint soldiers! Because that is no longer something mortal can have, but a terrible thing handed down from the age of the gods.

One of the most important things is that everyone knows one thing, the sage soldiers have integrated Yunnan Tibetan gold!

The ice emperor, Baimei Danzun, Yuran Dao Zun, Qingsu Old Monster, and other strong people all changed their expressions suddenly!

Not how surprised they are!

But a little panic!

"Damn, this thing appeared, no wonder Jubao Pavilion put it out for auction, this thing is left in your hands, it is a curse! Whoever gets it will not necessarily have any consequences!"

"Indeed, Yunnan Tibetan gold, although I have not heard of other works, it is related to the Saint Soldiers. If others don’t talk about it, once the people of Wushenshan know about it, they will definitely do something! At that time, even the emperor class Once the sect is obtained, it is difficult to support Wushen Mountain! It even leads to the destruction of the sect!"

Another strong man shook his head. Although the innate treasure is good, it depends on what it is.

Things like Yunnan Tibetan gold are too hot!

Not moved? That is a lie!

However, many people present had weighed several times in their hearts. After the pros and cons, they were hesitant and unable to make a decision.

Baishou Palace was the first one to shut up. After all, Yunnan Tibetan gold meant little to them!

And this time when they came, they originally thought it was the innate treasure with fire attributes, the birth of a different fire. Now that I don't see it at all, I naturally lose interest.

However, the other sects and the strong, but it is a short while, it is difficult to decide.

This thing, once the news leaks, no! After today, news will definitely spread!

Once the news comes out, Wushenshan will definitely move!

"Difficult, Wushen Mountain, not just anyone can provoke it. If it provokes those lunatics, the consequences will be disastrous."

Old Qian shook his head and directly decided to give up.

He is the supreme powerhouse of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, and even the Big Three must give him some face. But he knew better that in front of Wushen Mountain, the emperor-level sect might not be able to survive well! Let alone him!

The old monster Qingsu licked his mouth, obviously a bit greedy.

Holy soldier! No one has seen it before, but everyone knows one thing. There was once a saint who was born, and just the moment it was born, it turned thousands of miles into scorched earth, without any life, at least a thousand years of life! It directly led to the disappearance of a secular country on the Big 6 overnight!

Such a thing, even if they were standing at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, they couldn't imagine it!

Merely the breath of being born has destroyed a country. What will it be like if the power in it is truly wielded?

No one dares to imagine! But even more so that countless strong men are yearning for Saint Soldier!

"Dian Tibetan Gold! Saint Soldier!"

The Binghuang shook his head. Compared to the Saint Soldier, the Bingfeng Sword and Mother Sword was his pursuit. It's just that deep inside, there is still some greed that can't be let go.

No strong person can resist that temptation! That kind of temptation that might truly stand at the apex of this world, three realms and nine realms, master the common people!

No one thought that among the three rumored innate treasures, there would be Yunnan Tibetan gold. This fact makes them difficult to digest for a while.

On the contrary, it was the last thing, Ice King Water, no one ignored the past.

An imperial treasure, at this time, no one will pay attention to it at all!

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