Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2587: Wu Lao

Why can the Baishou Palace stand in Xizhou? In just ten thousand years, even with countless ancient inheritances, the emperor-level sects have maintained a friendly relationship?

Because of Shoudan! No one can guarantee that one day there will be no demand for Baishou Palace!

Even a peak-powered person, as powerful as the Peacock King, will have a day of life span!

At that time, the Baishou Palace, which can refine Shou Dan, will be the target of countless powerful people even if they run out of wealth. 81 Chinese Network

So in just ten thousand years, the Baishou Palace exhibition is so fast!

As for the Medicine King Palace? Don't talk about ordinary people, the emperor-level forces have to accompany a smiling face in front of the Medicine King Palace, and if they give a face, they have to say otherwise.

"Bai Mei Danzun made the shot personally, it is naturally foolproof."

"Yes, with Baimei Danzun's heat on the path of pill, unless it is an emperor-grade spirit pill, isn't it the right thing to catch?"

Someone would not give up this opportunity, and quietly sold a love to Bai Mei Danzun.

Emperor Duobao hesitated, how could he not see the purpose behind Bai Mei Danzun's eager shot?

"It's natural for Daoist Baimei to make a move, but the old man is also a little curious about this Dan, so it's better for the old man to come and get a kick."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the darkness, and at the same time an old man walked out of it.

Seeing this person, most of the people present were shocked!

Even after Bai Mei Danzun saw it, his complexion changed drastically!

"Old Wu!"

It is naturally not an ordinary person to make Bai Mei Danzun move such a character!

When Emperor Duobao saw the old man, he nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his face after all, "You old immortal, are you finally willing to crawl out of your doghouse?"

Everyone sweats!

But more people have heard the honorific title of Bai Mei Danzun!

Mr. Wu?

"Could it be one of the three elders in the rumor of Jubao Pavilion, Mr. Wu, who was known as the first person in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou?"

"God, I didn't expect him to be alive! He was a legend in the alchemy world back then!"

Everyone exclaimed, but Elder Wu picked up Li Ye's bottle of pill and looked at the young man Li Ye. He naturally knew the relationship between the young man in front of him and the Emperor Peacock and even Emperor Tian Yan.

"Sure enough, it is Shoudan who has never seen the old man."

He let out a slight whisper, and everyone raised their hearts.

Bai Mei Danzun was mad again, but at this time he couldn't get mad in front of Old Wu.


When he became famous and was well-known throughout the Xizhou alchemy world, he was even just an apprentice who had just stepped into the threshold of an alchemist! People call him a daoist friend for life, and he is already praised! Otherwise, even in the tone of an elder, he can only listen obediently.

"Unexpectedly, it shocked Senior Wu. You don't need to take care of this kind of little thing by the seniors. The juniors can come."

He accompanied the smiling face with a cold snort in his heart.

Wu Lao is one of the three elders of Jubao Pavilion, and now everyone can see that Li Ye, a young man, has a close relationship with Jubao Pavilion. Elder Wu, who didn't know how many years he had been in hiding, appeared. Is it just a coincidence?

However, he didn't dare to break, after all, Wu's position in the alchemy world was not comparable to him as a newly promoted alchemy.

"It's okay, the old man has been a little tired for so many years. Since I can see such a peculiar Shoudan, I can move my muscles and bones when I come out to see it."

This sentence directly blocked all thoughts of Bai Mei Danzun.

"What? Don't you trust the old man?"

Even several other alchemists who were initially a little moved, said in awe at this time, "With Elder Wu's hands, we can naturally trust it!"

Li Ye saw that from a distance, Yu Shan blinked at him, and naturally understood that it must be a coincidence that seniors like Mr. Wu would appear here!

The only explanation is that the Peacock King has come forward! Or Tianyan Emperor!

I am slightly grateful, but he is also more confident in his longevity pills!

"Little guy, the old man knows that you have a good relationship with the peacock boy, but you don't expect the old man to open a side to you because of the peacock boy. If your pill is not in the eyes of the old man, don't cry. "

Suddenly, Mr. Wu smiled at Li Ye, which made many people chuckle.

Bai Mei Danzun and the others were calm. Although Old Wu said this as if to calm their hearts, they didn't think it would be true.

"Senior don't worry, the younger generation is very confident in their pill!"

"Well, the young man is really full of vigor."

Elder Wu, a senior in the alchemy world, came forward, and the others naturally stepped aside.

Duobaohuang didn't say much either.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, when Mr. Wu received Li Ye's Longevity Pill, he obviously showed a touch of surprise.

"Old Wu's shot, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"Definitely no problem! Elder Wu is a legend in the Alchemy Realm. Although he is not the Alchemy Emperor, it is rumored that if it weren't for that incident, he would have a good chance to step into the Alchemy Realm!"

After only a long time, Wu Lao didn't say a word, instead he indulged in the medicine of Yue's opponent.

That kind of look and expression, like a womanizer facing a peerless beauty, completely immersed in it.

This kind of reaction, even Bai Mei Danzun would not think, that old Wu can pretend.

"Is there a problem with that pill?"

"Hey, that kid wanted to pass the blunder, but he didn't expect to alarm Elder Wu! It's going to be miserable!"

Regardless of the crowd, Li Ye always looked calm.

"Hey, are you not worried at all?"

Yu Shang didn't know when to approach, lowered his voice and asked.

"Why worry?"

"Grandpa Wu is a legend in the alchemy world. If your pill is a product of half-heartedness, it would be ashamed."

"Do you think I will?"

Yu Shang was taken aback for a moment, "Aren't you really an alchemist?"

It turned out that she hadn't believed it yet, Li Ye could only smile and shook his head, "Just treat me as if you weren't."

"You! You guy!"

At this time, someone finally couldn't help it.

"Old Wu, is this pill in the end?"

The one who spoke was also an alchemist, and it was an alchemist.

Old Wu closed his eyes and put the pill back. His reaction made everyone feel unbearable.

Even Emperor Duobao couldn't see it, "Old guy, what the **** is it? Don't sell it!"

Finally, Old Wu opened his eyes. He didn't answer anyone, but looked at Li Ye with piercing eyes!

"You refined this pill?"


"Where did Dan Fang come from?"

Dan Fang?

Everyone was strange, but Li Ye's heart moved and his eyes became subtle.

"It seems that it is rumored..."

Seeing Li Ye's expression, Mr. Wu suddenly took a long breath, with an expression of excitement on his face!

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