Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2586: There is only one person for hundreds of thousands of years of Danwu double repair!

Find someone to verify?

This reminded Emperor Duobao and everyone. 81 Chinese ┡ text network

Indeed, even if an ordinary life pill is not an alchemist, more or less people can recognize it. Not to mention that among the people present today, there are several powerful alchemists who are well-known in Xizhou.

"Sister Yu Shang’s proposal is not bad. Since it is a longevity pill, it naturally can withstand the test. And today, even the Baimei Danzun senior of Baishou Palace is here. Based on Baishou Palace's attainments in the field of elixir, is this pill It's consistent with what he said, and you will know it by first inspection!"

Ling Zixu smiled coldly, he was convinced that the pill that Li Ye took out was nothing but a fake!

"I also agree that longevity pill is the most special kind of pill. I also know a lot of alchemists, some of them are alchemists, and there are very few people who can refine longevity pill!"

Tyrant Sword said in a deep voice, he didn't specifically target Li Ye, after all, it was no secret that the Heavenly Sword Sect wanted to seek an alchemist who was good at refining longevity pills over the years.

It's just that the alchemists themselves are scarce, let alone those who are powerful and capable of refining longevity pills, that's amazing!

Although the Heavenly Sword Gate was ancient, it was not an emperor-level sect after all, and it was somewhat reluctant to recruit that kind of powerful alchemist.

As for the ordinary alchemists, Tiandaomen naturally look down on them.

"Indeed, if it is a longevity pill, naturally someone can tell it."

An old voice sounded, it was the old Qian who spoke before. Although Li Ye didn't know him, many people at the scene maintained a certain awe of him! Obviously Xizhou's famous powerhouse.

"Old Qian's words are reasonable, it is better to let a few powerful alchemists present to verify it personally, the truth is naturally known."

Many people agreed, and they also wanted to know if what Li Ye brought out was as good as what he said, so that the emperor's power could increase the life span of at least 50 years!

Although their hearts are more unbelief and ridicule, what if it is true?

You know, no one can resist that temptation! But Emperor Wu will die of old age!

For a time, almost everyone agreed to this condition.

The Emperor Duobao was also very excited, but looked towards Li Ye. After all, this pill was taken out by Li Ye, and he had to ask for his opinion.

"My little friend, how?"

In his opinion, even though he had a little hope, he still didn't think that a young man like Li Ye could actually refine the shoudan of Yue Baishou Palace, and even thought that Li Ye was a little arrogant.

Had it not been known that Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tianyan admired Li Ye very much, he would not even hesitate so much.

"Haha, real gold is not afraid of fire, if you really have real talents, why not try it?"

Ling Zixu laughed, and the others nodded.

In fact, even the Peacock Emperor was slightly curious at this time.

He also wanted to know whether Li Ye was really not only amazed by the powerhouses in martial arts, but also involved in alchemy?

If this is the case, then he doesn't know how to calm his mood! After all, although Danwu Shuangxiu hasn't been tried by no one, but it is truly possible to both cultivate and become the strongest. Throughout the countless years of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, how many people are there?

"Huh, pill and martial arts double cultivation? For countless years, the only person who has truly achieved pill and martial arts dual cultivation and has reached the peak at the same time is the only one! This kid has such a arrogant tone, he really does not know that the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

There was a strong sneer, and the Emperor Danwu in his mouth was even the most famous and invincible generation in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions!

It is even more terrifying than some ordinary emperors!

Because that is the only one in countless years, not only has proved the emperor's way in martial arts, but also has become a terrible evildoer of pill emperor's way in alchemy!

An invincible powerhouse with the dual identities of Great Emperor and Dan Emperor at the same time, in his time, even some emperor-level sects did not dare to offend such an invincible powerhouse easily.

"Emperor Danwu? There was only one person in countless thousands of years! If this kid had one ten thousandth of that of Emperor Danwu, he would be proud of the world!"

"Yes, the enchantment of Emperor Danwu may not appear in a million years, but if it is true that the dual cultivation of Danwu has reached a certain level, it is terrible! Back then, Emperor Danwu heard that it was a casual cultivator, but it happened by chance. With the dual inheritance of an ancient pill emperor and a great emperor, he has since embarked on the road of cultivation of pill and martial arts. This kind of opportunity is not something ordinary people can encounter."

The inheritance of the Great Emperor, the inheritance of the Dan Emperor, no matter what kind, is enough to make anyone ascend to the sky! Not to mention the inheritance of two invincible existences at the same time, that kind of opportunity is indeed not something anyone can expect.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Ye seemed a little unhurried.

Doubt his pill?

Indeed, if it was him, he would doubt it too!

"Senior, please."


Many people were a little surprised, especially Ling Zixu. He believed that Li Yenai was a fat man with a swollen face. If it was him, he would definitely refuse. No matter how ugly the face is, at least, it still retains a little face.

"Death!" He snorted coldly.

Ba Tian Dao and the others were also surprised, but they didn't say anything. They wanted to see how Li Ye would circumvent this lie.

Duobaohuang was even more surprised, but more happy!

He was different from the others. Everyone didn't know what the bottle of pill that Li Ye gave him before, but he recognized that it was the emperor rising pill that very few people in Shenshengzhou could refine!

And the color is very high! Although he is not an alchemist, he has been knowledgeable for tens of thousands of years!

"Is this son really as enchanting as Emperor Danwu back then?"

Keeping him looking forward is not all because of the appreciation of Emperor Peacock and Emperor Tian Yan to Li Ye, and the bottle of pill just now!

The person who can refine that kind of pill, in his opinion, whether or not the young man in front of him, the person who refines the pill must have terrifying attainments in the pill!

Bai Mei Danzun squinted his eyes, and there were also a few famous figures in the alchemy world, and his eyes moved at this time.

To be honest, they really want to be quiet, what kind of life pill can increase the life of Wu Huang at least 50 or even a hundred years! That kind of life pill is unheard of! I have never heard of it for thousands of years.

"Since the little friend agrees, then..."

Before Emperor Duobao finished speaking, a voice sounded.

"It's better to let the deity see it in person!"

Bai Mei Danzun! At this time, with a cold face, he took the initiative to recommend himself.

Hearing his suggestion, everyone was not surprised. After all, there are so many people here who are the most anxious. Except for Emperor Duobao, it is Baimei Danzun and the Baishou Palace behind him!

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