Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2588: Old Wu's decision

Mr. Wu's reaction confuses everyone. 81 Chinese』网

Especially some people who are familiar with Mr. Wu, such as Emperor Duobao, Emperor Peacock and others.

Their understanding of Mr. Wu is far from the average.

In their impression, as a legendary figure in the Dandao realm in Xizhou, Mr. Wu has not shown this expression for many years. Especially after seeing a certain kind of medicine.

That kind of look is like that of a passionate young man who has just set foot in the practice. When he first came into contact with the boundless world of martial arts, that kind of longing, that kind of yearning was even shocking!

"What's the matter? Why does Elder Wu feel a little excited?"

"With Elder Wu's concentration, even if someone from the Palace of Medicine King comes, it is impossible to make him so excited?"

However, Mr. Wu did not explain to anyone, he took a deep look at the young man Li Ye, then turned his head and smiled at Emperor Duobao, "Old man, you haven't given up for so many years. It seems that God is still Moved by your sincerity, I have taken care of you!"

No one understood this, including the Peacock King.

But when Emperor Dubao heard this, he was shocked like a bolt from the blue! Some can't believe it! The disappointments over countless years made him even subconsciously, a little suspicious.

"Don't doubt it, although this little guy's pill can not completely solve her root cause, at least, it can fight for you for a long time!"

As soon as this remark came out, Dubaohuang looked excited!

It's just other people, but it's unknown.

They realized that Emperor Duobao should be desperate for life pill, and they suspected that his own time was approaching, so he made this move in order to delay death.

But the Emperor Peacock and the others knew that although Emperor Duobao had lived for tens of thousands of years, he did not need Shoudan to survive!

The only reason he needs Shoudan!

"Old stuff, you didn't lie to me?"

"Why lie to you? Old man, I have limited abilities and can't help you. The conditions in the Medicine King Palace are harsh, but this little guy is..."

Halfway through, Old Wu seemed to pause deliberately.

But Emperor Duobao completely understood it!

Looking at the bottle of pill with scorching eyes!

At this moment, in his eyes, such a small bottle of pill is even more precious than all the treasures in his body combined!

In his eyes, the soul-locking gun and the ice-phoenix sword were not as important to him as one of the small pills.

At the next moment, without saying anything, he threw the Zijian from the pair of Bingfeng Zi and Mother Swords to Li Ye.

"Boy, this thing is yours now!"

Duobaohuang's personality is always the same. Now that he has made a decision, everyone else knows that he has finally approved Li Ye's pill.

Or, it was Mr. Wu, a legend in the world of alchemy, who recognized Li Ye, a young man's pill!

what does this mean?

Everyone took a deep breath!

Everyone at the Tiandaomen was silent, and the Batiandao breathed slightly.

Huang Tiandaozong, some powerful beings, all of them changed their expressions again and again!

Among them, the expressions of the people from the Baishou Palace and the Frozen Sect were the most shocked!

The former, taking Bai Mei Danzun as his own, is almost unbelievable, and even a little excited to the point of gaffe!

"and many more!"

Bai Mei Danzun also couldn't help but disregard his identity, and stopped aloud, "Elder Wu, can I see the pill?"

Since Mr. Wu recognized it, it meant that the pill that Li Ye took out really had the magical effect he had just said!

Increase the life span of the Wuhuang powerhouse by 50 or even a hundred years?

Don't mention this kind of life alchemy, Bai Mei Danzun and a group of alchemists have never heard of it!

Qian Lao even exclaimed, "Is there really such an incomparable life pill in this world? Unbelievable! Unbelievable! The old man originally thought that the medicine in the Palace of Medicine King is supreme in this world. If I can, I didn't expect that there would be someone who could refine the medicine better than the medicine king's medicine?"

The Palace of Medicine King, almost represents the highest holy place in the field of pill medicine in the human cultivation world today!

Even the sect of Baishou Palace who is good at refining longevity pills, in front of the Medicine King Palace, is like the gap between the light of fireflies and the sun and moon.

The other alchemists all had the same expression.

"Elder Wu, can you show us a few too?"

An elderly Dan Zun couldn't help but said, although he is also considered an old senior in the Dan Dao realm, he can only claim to be a younger generation compared to Wu Lao.

"What? You don't believe in the eyes of the old man?"

Old Wu's face sank, and everyone suddenly smiled bitterly.

Those Dan Zun shook their heads quickly, "Wu Laoyan is serious, how can we not believe Wu's eyes."

But Bai Mei Danzun did not give up. Even if he knew that this would definitely offend Mr. Wu, he couldn't care so much at this moment. "Old Wu, you are a senior in the alchemy world. We shouldn't doubt you, but we want to say Shou Dan. My Baishou Palace is a must in Xizhou. If this pill really has that kind of anti-natural medicinal effect, I would like to see it!"

At this point, it is tantamount to tore his face completely.

Old Wu had an ugly face and snorted slightly, "Baishu Palace? In the eyes of the old man, it is nothing more than that. If the people in the Medicine King Palace are here, maybe the old man will give some face to him. When will Baishou Palace dare to speak in front of the old man? Three things?"

These words are domineering, many people can only smile bitterly.

Because Baishou Palace is just a sect that has just emerged in the past ten thousand years, before the emergence of Baishou Palace, Wu Lao had been known throughout Xizhou as one of the leading figures in the alchemy world.

Others dare not say this, but he dare! More qualified!

Bai Mei Danzun's face was pale, he really didn't dare to behave with Old Wu, but if things were to be spread out today, it would be a major blow to his status in Baishou Palace!

He doesn't care what Ice Phoenix Sword and Mother Sword! But once someone refines a life pill that is more powerful than his Baishou Palace, he can't imagine the consequences!

You know, over the past ten thousand years, Baishou Palace has relied on the ability to refine Shou Dan with one hand, but it has been rampant and domineering, even the emperor-level sect has to give them a bit of face! Once this myth is broken...

At this moment, another voice came out lukewarm, "The emperor has always heard about the name of Xizhou Tiandi Baozhai, but today he is disappointed. The so-called treasure auction is just a trifle."

Ice King!

To say that Baimei Danzun is because the sect's interests cannot bear it, then the Ice Emperor is completely because of the Ice Phoenix Sword!

That thing is too important to the Frozen Sect!

"Bing emperor, what do you mean by this?"

Lao Wu's status is rarely matched by anyone in Xizhou. But the Ice Emperor is not afraid, the Frozen Qizong is a sect of the Northern Wilderness, he has no fear!

Furthermore, the child sword of the ice phoenix child sword was born, no matter what means he used, he would never give up easily!

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