Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2583: Because I am a pill cultivator

Duobaohuang’s vision is naturally recognized. A strong man who has spent his entire life on treasure hunting would have long been replaced in this industry if he had no vision. 81 Chinese Network

Even among the many people present, none of them dared to talk about their eyesight, which could compare with Duobaohuang!

"Can't even recognize Emperor Duobao?"

Some people showed a look of surprise, and some others couldn't help being curious, and asked directly, "Emperor Duobao, a pill that you have never seen before, this is really unexpected!"

Bai Mei Danzun couldn't help but sneered. Just now, seeing a young man of Li Ye take out a bottle of Shou Pill, it made him feel a little bit in his heart.

But now, he was relieved.

Naturally, he would not take the initiative to speak out, but a disciple in the Baishou Palace sneered, "I thought it was an ancient Qidan. It seems that it should be just some ordinary ordinary medicine. In the eyes of Senior Emperor Duobao, naturally It may be normal to recognize this secular world’s garbage pill, but not to recognize it!"

"Yes, when it comes to refining pills, our Baishou Palace is not the strongest in Xizhou, but in terms of longevity pills, my Baishou Palace has a ten-thousand-year reputation! Ordinary longevity pills are simply not enough. It's a longevity pill. Don't be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives, Senior Emperor Duobao!"

The disciple of the Baishou Palace sang and did not say it clearly, but it was clearly alluding that Li Ye used some common medicinal pills from the secular world to fool people.

Not to mention, some people showed suspicion.

After all, it is impossible for them to know all of the pill, let alone those so-called alchemists in the secular world that they simply look down on. The pill that is refined with their strength is simply not a good one. Pills!

To say who is the most nervous now is undoubtedly the Ice Emperor!

The moment he saw the Bingfeng Zimu Sword, he knew that no matter how high the price was, he had to get it! Even the next three innate treasures are no longer concerned at this moment.

Although the Congenital Treasure is good, to his Frozen Sect, the Frozen Phoenix Sword is even more meaningful!

His eyes flashed with terrible cold light!

"Master, that kid is weird, if he gets the Ice Phoenix Sword..."

As a disciple of the Frozen Frost Sect, Yu Guizi naturally knew the meaning of this magic weapon and looked nervous.

If it weren't for them, they were unwilling to turn their faces with a powerful emperor-level sect like Jubaoge in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, and even had the idea of ​​directly grabbing them.

"He can't get it!"

The Binghuang hummed, then closed his eyes.

However, Yu Guizi's whole body was shaken, and then he showed a sullen smile.

He knows what the Ice Emperor's words mean! Even if Li Ye got the Ice Phoenix Sword, whether he could leave alive is still unknown!

They can't do anything here, it doesn't mean that they will be restrained if they leave Tiandibaozhai.

Regardless of other people's thoughts, Li Yeke's origins of Longevity Pills are extremely ancient and can even be traced back to a long time ago. Although Emperor Duobao was very knowledgeable, it was purely natural that he did not recognize him.

After all, Emperor Duobao was not an alchemist after all, although he had hunted for treasure all his life. Even some giants in the alchemy world, how many people can really recognize the longevity pills?

The essential! His longevity pill has been improved! It was refined by him after blending a trace of the blood of the magic dragon!

If the former Longevity Pill was considered earth-shattering, then the current Longevity Pill is enough to shock the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

"Little friend, you, the pill, the old man has never seen it. I don't know it is He Dan?"

Emperor Duobao has always been indifferent, but at this time, facing Li Ye he was kind.

Even the Peacock Emperor and others who were familiar with him were a little surprised.

"Senior, this pill is a pill made by the kid himself, and no similar pill has been born outside!"

Refine yourself!

Everyone took a breath!

The emperor Duobao shone with light in his eyes!

"He refined it himself? Is this kid an alchemist?"

"Impossible! It is not rumored that this child has just captured the King of Yum from the stage of life and death, why suddenly he became an alchemist again?"

A group of people is a little unbelievable, especially in Shenshengzhou, but most of an alchemy master wants everyone to know the identity of his alchemist, and he always wears a pill robe.

Although there are also some low-key alchemy powerhouses, no matter how they look at it, they don't think Li Ye, a young man, will be.

At least, even as an alchemy master, not everyone can refine longevity pills!

"Are you an alchemist?"

Emperor Duobao's eyes lit up, and there was a touch of shock in his tone.

When he saw the pill that Li Ye took out just now, his heart moved, and even the remaining fire of Jiuqu Tianyan could give up because of that pill! He originally thought that Li Ye, a young junior, knew a certain alchemy giant, but he didn't expect that Li Ye himself was an alchemist.


"Now this pill and the one you gave to the old man just now are all made by yourself? Not the teacher who taught you the pill?"

In his opinion, or in the eyes of everyone, alchemy is not martial arts, no matter how talented it is, without countless years of precipitation and accumulation, it is impossible to become the kind of alchemy master that is sought after.

Even Baishou Palace, a school dominated by alchemy, most of the disciples under the school are much older than the disciples of other schools, because of alchemy, they need precipitation!

With this answer, the others didn't think so, they were just surprised.

But at this moment, Emperor Duobao felt like a monstrous wave in his heart!

No one knows better than him, how surprised he was by the bottle of Emperor Li Ye just now! With his eyesight, it can naturally be seen that the person who can refine that kind of perfect pill is at least a pill!

Dan Zun!

Can Emperor Duobao stay still?

A Dan Zun so young? Even if he has been horizontally and horizontally for tens of thousands of years, he has seen countless stunning talents, invincible evildoers, and has never seen anyone who can cultivate the alchemy to such good luck at such an age!

The point is, this young man, not long ago, won the second king of Yum in a thousand years on the stage of life and death?

The movement was moved, but Emperor Duobao quickly calmed down.

As for the others, they are still in a state of motion.

The Peacock Emperor changed his eyes even more. He admired Li Ye because he saw the shadow of that person in Li Ye. But now, he is a little uncertain.

Although that person was very enchanting, he was not good at alchemy.

"Your pill can be effective after Emperor Wu takes it?"

Although Emperor Duobao believed that Li Ye could not deceive this matter, it was unnecessary. But I couldn't help but asked! After all, he paid such a high price, even went to Death Valley, everything is for this!

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