Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2584: Let Emperor Wu live another fifty years!

This is what everyone wants to know most now!

Shoudan, although precious! But ordinary life pills, naturally cannot compare with the life pills taken by Emperor Wu. 81 Chinese『网

That kind of life pill, any one, is worth ten thousand gold!

Because any strong man will die in old age, and Emperor Wu is no exception! A pill that can increase the life of Emperor Wu, wherever it goes, is enough to make people salivate.

"Senior, this pill can naturally increase the life span of Emperor Wu after taking it. Junior can guarantee this."

Li Ye nodded.

But then I heard a cold snort, "There is nothing to say about it. You said it would be useful if it was useful? A big joke!"

The person who spoke was a disciple of Baishou Palace.

At this time, he looked contemptuous and contemptuous. Seeing everyone looking at him, he couldn't help showing a touch of color, "This life pill is not an ordinary person who can refine it, even if you are really an alchemist, a life pill. Medicine, unless it is a powerful person like my master Baimei Danzun, ordinary people, let alone refining, dare not even open the furnace!"

Although this was extremely arrogant, no one spoke to refute it.

Baishou Palace was able to gain a foothold in just ten thousand years because of this method of refining longevity pills.

Some strong people will naturally have friendship with some famous alchemists, and naturally know that even if they are also a Danzun, they may not really have the ability to refine longevity pills.

Bai Mei Danzun said nothing, he naturally had more confidence in the pill he refined.

To say who is the strongest person in Baishou Palace, he is naturally out of the wheel. But outside, he has full confidence!

"Yeah, even a strong person like Bai Mei Danzun is qualified to refine a longevity pill. This kid is young, even if he really learns the pill for a few days, how much heat can he get?"

"Haha, maybe people don't understand what Shou Dan means at all, thinking it's the same as ordinary pills!"

Some people showed ridicule, and they usually didn't have the chance to indulge in Baimei Danzun who was in the Baishou Palace. Now that the opportunity is in front of them, they will naturally not be stingy with their praise and ridicule.

For them, if they can establish a relationship with Bai Mei Danzun, it is better than anything!

Even some strong people who have only lived for thousands of years will not have a demand for Shoudan for the time being. But who can guarantee that there will be no demand for others in the future? Moreover, no matter how young you are, you will get old one day!

Emperor Wu can live for thousands of years! Even tens of thousands of years! But it will eventually die of old age!

"Young people, after a few years of studying alchemy, don't go too far."

Bai Mei Danzun said slightly, it was exactly the face of the elders teaching the younger ones, the key, in his capacity, was really qualified to say such things.

"Senior Baimei joked. At the level of the junior, naturally you can't compare with the senior. However, the junior is still a little confident in the pill he refines."

No one thought that Li Ye, a junior, would dare to openly challenge a Danzun who has been famous for thousands of years!

And it's still in what they do best.

"This kid!"

The Peacock Emperor shook his head and smiled bitterly, but the beautiful eyes of Yu Shan beside him flowed, as if he was more interested in Li Ye.

However, few others agreed, and some even snorted coldly, "The younger generation is overpowered, but the tone is very big. Didn't your teacher teach you to respect the teacher?"

In their opinion, even a genius of the alchemy realm, in front of old rivers and lakes like Danzun Baimei, he still needs to be cautious and dare not have any pride.

Jiang is still hot, how many years has Baimei Danzun been famous?

However, Li Ye glanced at the man after hearing the words, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Is it overthinking? Naturally, Senior Treasure Emperor decides."

The man was furious, but he could only give a cold snort on this occasion.

Seeing that Li Ye was so arrogant, some people who had conflicts with Li Ye all showed sneer expressions.

They really dare not say in other respects, especially the martial arts strength, Li Ye can win the king of Yum in the stage of life and death, no one will deny his talent in martial arts!

But in terms of alchemy, they couldn't help but look forward to a good show!

"The arrogance, Master, Senior Peacock Emperor doesn't know what he likes about this kid."

Ling Zixu lowered his voice, but now he saw Li Ye as a thorn in his eyes, and he couldn't help but hurry up.

"No hurry, this son is arrogant, and he is undoubtedly seeking death with Baimei Danzun and Baishou Palace! At that time, whether it is the Emperor Peacock or the Emperor Tianyan, naturally will not waste time on him, your chance , Of course it's still big."

Knowing his disciple's inner ambitions, Yu Ran Daozun smiled slightly. He has strong confidence. Emperor Tianyan and Emperor Peacock, as long as they are not crazy, will choose to form an alliance with Huang Tiandaozong behind him! Instead of choosing a hairy kid with no background.

"Emperor Duobao, since this kid is so confident, it's better to let everyone see if it's as magical as he said."

Someone couldn't help but speak.

"Yeah, even if it works for Emperor Wu, it will increase the life span of one year and two years, that would be tasteless!"

You should know that if you take too many pills of the same type, the effect will get worse and worse. Those who are supreme and strong are naturally more willing to take better ones instead of wasting time on ordinary life pills.

Duobaohuang had the same idea.

The reason why he didn't look down on Bai Mei Danzun's longevity pill was because it was far from what he wanted.

"My friend, forgive me for my clumsy eyes. I can't tell this old man. I don't know how many years of life can be improved in the realm of Wuhuang?"

Although his intuition made him think that Li Ye, a young man, should be confident, but there was still a hint of doubt in his heart.

For so many years, for that matter, he almost traveled all over Xizhou, and even went to the Central Continent Sanctuary several times, but each time he returned with disappointment.

"Yes, how many years of life can be improved?"

A disciple of Baishou Palace sneered.

They are waiting for a good show!

It's a pity that they want to see the panic on Li Ye's face, but they still want to fail.

Li Ye glanced at them, and then said the answer.

"Fifty years! Taking this pill martial emperor realm can increase your life expectancy by at least 50 years!"


In an instant, everyone fell silent.

Including the Baishou Palace disciple who mocked!

The smile on Baimei Danzun’s face was frozen over there, Yu Ran Dao Zun suddenly changed color, and the powerful eyes widened!

Fifty years?

It turned out to be fifty years? !

Fifty years is really not long, but you must know that it will allow a martial emperor to increase his life span by 50 years out of thin air before the end of the day!

What is that concept?

It is completely possible for a dying strong man to seal himself up in the dust and survive for thousands of years!

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