Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2582: No one else in Shoudan, he has!

It can be seen that the Ice Emperor has considerable persistence to the sub-sword of the Ice Phoenix Sub-Sword.

However, Emperor Duobao ignored it at all.

Ice Soul? It is indeed a rare treasure.

Unfortunately, for him, what he needs most urgently now is Shoudan!

Seeing the expression of Emperor Duobao, the Ice Emperor knew that his wishful thinking had failed! But he did not give up, but his eyes flashed!


It's a pity that this is the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, even if he has the intention, he is powerless.

"Emperor Duobao, I hope you think about it! Even if it's not a longevity pill, but with the ice soul value of my sect, it is enough for you to go to any alchemy sect to obtain the best life pill!"

Curve to save the country!

I have to say that the ice emperor's trick has hit what Duobaohuang cares about.

"Boy, if you have a longevity pill, you can get that thing!"

At this moment, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor came out again.

"Old ghost, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, boy, this emperor is thinking about it for you. Although the Frozen Phoenix Child-Mother Sword is good, but it still can't enter the eyes of the emperor, the reason why you are allowed to shoot is that there is something hidden behind this sword! If you get it , It is harmless to you! Even in the future you will thank the emperor!"

How did you listen, the tone of Emperor Tianjian was slightly subtle?

"What is the origin of this sword?"

Li Ye couldn't help being curious, but Heavenly Sword Great Emperor gave a weird smile and didn't explain, "This emperor has already told you. As for you can't do anything, that's your problem. Okay, if you don't feel the familiar breath , The emperor has no time to come out."

After speaking, there was no sound again.

Li Ye was also helpless for the style of a certain unscrupulous old undead, which was a dreadful one every time.

But the Great Emperor of Heaven Sword couldn't help but speak, obviously if he took it down, he shouldn't lose much.

"Well, if it is really useless, depending on the attitude of the Bingxue Qizong, it is willing to exchange it at any price. When the time comes, it should not be difficult to ask for their ice soul."

Thinking of this, Li Ye had an idea.

At this time, Emperor Duobao clearly sensed that the Ice and Snow Qizong couldn't take out the life pill that he was satisfied with, and finally decided to put it back into the burlap bag like the previous soul-locking gun.

"and many more!"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Emperor Duobao.

When everyone saw it, they showed strange expressions.

"That kid!"

"Does this kid also want to compete?"

Some people saw that the person who spoke was Li Ye, a young man who had previously been battling with the Heavenly Sword's Innate Emperor Body Dominator, and they showed expressions of interest.

The ice king looked cold!

"Without self-reliance, doesn't he think he has an imperial life pill?"

I don't know who made a cold snort, and after a closer look, it was Lingzixu!

He was already quite upset when he saw Li Ye overwhelm the Tyrant Saber before, but later when he saw that Yu Shang walked so close to him, he was even more jealous.

Now I will not give up the opportunity, and I can't help but sarcastically, "Li Ye, what the senior emperor Duobao wants is the emperor's life pill, can you still get it?"

Emperor Duobao said nothing, in fact, his impression of Li Ye was not too bad and not too good. The reason why he didn't choose the Yu Huo of Jiuqu Tianyan in Huolongzi's hands was precisely because he saw the pill in the hands of this young man, Li Ye.

"Emperor Pill Shou Pill, even if it is some powerful pill, you don't necessarily have many chances to refine it! He is a junior, can he still have it?"

A strong man smiled coldly.

But Li Ye ignored it, looked at Emperor Duobao, and said, "Senior, I have a bottle of Shoudan here. Please also look at it."

No matter how people ridicule, he has absolute confidence!

If it was the beginning, maybe he would not have such confidence, but since he learned about the situation of Shoudan in the whole Shenshengzhou, he has become completely confident.

Longevity Dan! But the pill that can increase the life span of Emperor Wu in 50 years!

Compared with the so-called life pill of Baimei Danzun just now, it is simply different!

Everyone wanted to know whether Li Ye really had a Pill of Life.

And he didn't disappoint everyone, the same unremarkable pill bottle, but this time, Duobaohuang took the initiative to grab it and fell into his hand.

"It seems that Emperor Duobao really needs Shoudan!"

Such an eager performance can only show that Emperor Duobao has a strong desire for Shoudan.

If not, is the end really coming? To delay death?

Those who have come to the highest peak naturally don't want to turn into loess, so even if it costs any price, they won't let them frown.

At this moment, Emperor Duobao is also holding a trace of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Shou Dan, he didn't know how many people he had begged over the years, and how much he had spent. But as time passed by, he couldn't sit still after all.

Can't help even come out in person.

The pill bottle was naturally the longevity pill that Li Ye had recently refined. Compared with the Longevity Pill that was refined in the Lower Nine Regions, Li Ye's current pill refining experience is one world at a time, especially when one of the ten great ancient gods such as Nine Dragon Cangding is used as the medicine cauldron to open the furnace for alchemy. Almost all his current level has been played to the extreme.

He is confident that the current Longevity Pill will not be a problem to increase the life span of Emperor Wu Huang by 50 years, and may even be more effective! Seventy years or even a hundred years!

Seeing Li Ye really take out the Shou Dan, many people changed their expressions.

Shou Dan is not an ordinary pill! Among alchemists, only a handful of people know how to refine!

Otherwise Baishou Palace will not have such a high status!

The status of an ordinary alchemist is completely different from that of an alchemist who knows how to make longevity pills.

The former may have a noble status, but the latter is a lot of forces vying to win, as ancestors worship!

Because no one can avoid the reincarnation of heaven, even those who really come to the peak will have a day when their life span is exhausted! At that time, a longevity pill can often get a chance to breathe!

"I don't believe it, he really has a better pill than the Shou Pill in Bai Mei Danzun's hands!"

Ling Zixu's eyes were cold.

The Tyrant Sword even narrowed his eyes. In fact, his Heavenly Sword Sect had been short of alchemists who could refine Shou Pill.

Everyone is waiting for Emperor Duobao to make a decision.

However, Emperor Duobao obviously hesitated after seeing the pill that Li Ye took out.

Everyone was strange, but Emperor Duobao suddenly showed a wry smile.

"This Shoudan, where did you come from?"

He looked at Li Ye with a hint of question in his eyes.

Then as if he knew the confusion of the people, he shook his head, "I have seen a lot of Shoudan for countless years, but this Dan...forgive me for being clumsy, it is really impossible to tell."

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