Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2581: Ice Treasure

Although it is not a congenital treasure, as soon as this sword appeared, it attracted almost everyone's attention. Δ81 Chinese Δwen net

"This sword!"

I don't know who exclaimed.

"Absolutely right, this breath!"

There was another old voice, even with a hint of weirdness in it.

Even Dao Zun Yuran suddenly changed his color, his expression seemed to see how he could not control the treasure, even the soul-locking gun just now did not show him such a moving side.

For a while, there was silence in the entire Tiandibaozhai.

Even everyone stopped breathing subconsciously!

"Ice Phoenix Child and Mother Sword!"

Suddenly, with a terrible sound that shocked people's hearts, everyone was awakened.

Ice Phoenix Child and Mother Sword!

The sound of inhalation came from the mouths of the terrifying powerhouses present, almost all the powerhouses of the older generation. On the contrary, it is the geniuses of the younger generation, all of which are a little unclear.

"Absolutely right, the Ice Phoenix Child and Mother Sword! This is the child sword among them! Is the legend true?"

"Such a terrifying coldness, even a 100,000-year-old Hanyu can't match it. In this world, only the Ice Phoenix Sword and Mother Sword has this possibility! This is definitely that Sword!"

The strong of the older generation are almost always difficult to control.

For many of them, at least for the strong in Xizhou, seeing this sword is definitely not much smaller than seeing the impact of the innate treasure.

Even for some people, the impact is even greater!

"I don't need to explain this stuff."

Emperor Duobao’s voice is a bit cold and cold, but compared to the random throwing away the most precious treasures in the eyes of everyone before, he now holds the dagger and gently strokes it, not knowing whether it is an illusion, as if on his face I saw a trace of remembrance and sigh.

"Duo Baohuang! Where did you get this sword?"

With a terrible roar, everyone looked at it, and they all changed color slightly.

The roaring person was full of strong evil spirits that made people unable to look directly at him. At the same time, like the incarnation of the ice sky, the suffocating cold air could not even be resisted by some Wuhuang strong.

"A person from the Frozen Sect!"

"Ice Emperor Jiahu!"

Seeing that it was him, some people slightly reduced their original doubts.

To say who has the greatest reaction to the birth of the Ice Phoenix Child and Mother Sword, the people of the Ice and Snow Qi Sect definitely bear the brunt!

"It seems that this time the Frozen Frost Sect is coming for this sword!"

Many people originally thought that the Ice and Snow Qi Sect came for the innate treasure. But when they saw the birth of the sub-sword of the Bingfeng Sword and Mother Sword, they suddenly realized it!

Compared with the innate treasure, the Ice Phoenix Child-Mother Sword is obviously more significant to the Frozen Sect!

"Death Valley."

Facing the Bing Emperor's questioning, Duo Bao Emperor just glanced at him coldly, but did not hide it.

In fact, there is no need to conceal it. This time, the things that Tiandi Baozhai brought out were all found in Death Valley. This was not a secret at all.

"Death Valley! Did she really go to Death Valley back then?!"

The Ice Emperor was also in a state of desperation just now, a little lost, and now he calmed down slightly, frowning and muttering to himself.

But soon, he said, "Emperor Duobao, my Frozen Sect is willing to take this sword back at any price! You make a price!"

When you speak, it is so overbearing!

However, others are not surprised, especially the older generation.

The Ice and Snow Qi Sect is also an emperor-level sect. Although it cannot be compared with those ancient emperor-level sects, it is also famous in the northern wilderness. The key is that this Ice Phoenix Sword and Mother Sword has a special meaning to the Frozen Sect!


Duobaohuang is not nonsense, but his offer made Binghuang look ugly.

Speaking of other treasures, Saint Crystal, his Ice and Snow Qi Sect can all come to it. But this Shoudan is a headache for him!

The key is that ordinary Shoudan obviously does not enter the eyes of the Emperor Duobao. Just now Bai Mei Danzun is a lesson from the past.

"Shoudan! This Duobaohuang, it seems that it is about to usher in the end! Such an urgent need for Shoudan to continue his life!"

"This is also normal. He has lived for many years, and his life span has been exhausted. It's just that at this time, the life pill that forced him to exchange for this occasion must have been exhausted!"

"Yeah, Jubao Pavilion is also the rich one. It is not a problem to find a few Shoudan for Emperor Duobao. But now that he is forced to open his mouth in exchange for Shoudan, naturally, he will be treated to ordinary Shoudan. To the point of no effect. It’s normal to think about it. He has lived ten thousand years ago. I don’t know how long he lived. Even if Emperor Wu lived a long life, he lived a little too long!"

Emperor Wu is not absolutely immortal, this is clear to the monks in Shen Shengzhou.

Just compared to ordinary people or even ordinary monks, the time the Emperor Wu lived was almost equivalent to the eternal life in the eyes of mortals.

But no matter how long you live, there will be a day of death.

"Ice and Snow Qi Sect, you are not good at refining longevity pills!"

"The Shoudan shot by Baimei Danzun of Baishou Palace cannot satisfy Emperor Duobao. It seems that it is not easy for the Frozen Qizong to get that sword!"

Some people who know the insider truth show subtle expressions.

They knew that the Frozen Frost Sect could even give up the innate treasure, but they would never give up the Ice Phoenix Child and Mother Sword!

As for why, perhaps few people in the younger generation know it, but those who have experienced that event 10,000 years ago, especially 7,000 years ago, know it well.

Sure enough, the expression on the ice emperor's face changed several times, "Emperor Duobao, the emperor Shoudan does not have it, but I still have a few ice souls in my Frozen Sect! If you are willing to cut love, the emperor is willing to exchange a piece of ice soul!"

Ice Soul!

Many people took a breath when they heard the Ice Emperor speak!

"Frozen Frost Sect, this is at all costs!"

"Ice Soul! That is the most precious treasure of the Ice Element next to the Congenital Most Treasure! The Ice and Snow Qi Sect has always been regarded as the treasure of the Zhenzong, let alone outsiders, even the disciples of the Ice and Snow Qi Sect have not seen it!"

In this world, the two hands that can be called the innate treasure can be counted, and those treasures that are second only to the innate treasure, although the degree of preciousness is not as good, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are almost the same as the innate treasure!

Especially Li Ye, his eyes lit up after hearing this!

Ice Soul!

If he can get a piece of ice soul, he is at least 40% sure that he can successfully condense the water spirit in his innate five elements! Once successful, it means that he is one step closer to the body of the five elements!

"Although the ice soul is not the innate treasure, it is also a transformation of the water spirit of the innate five elements. I didn't expect this ice and snow strange sect to have such a treasure!"

He came to Tiandi Baozhai, the biggest purpose is to find treasures that can complement his five elements. Although Ice Soul is not the best choice, it is definitely a next-level choice!

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